Really dumb question...



  • myak623
    myak623 Posts: 616 Member
    what Myak623 said! i am just curious about blood sugar dipping and insulin spiking during the morning 'fast' or absense of brekkie. your thoughts....

    I also agree with Myak623. I don't really understand your questions though. if blood sugar dips, insulin does not spike. In fact intermittent fasting helps with insulin sensitivity so there are some postives to it. FTR, the OP is not talking intermittent fasting. They are talking about skipping breakfast everyday. My bigger concern would be what you eat first when you finally do eat. Complex carbs and some protein would be best so as not to spike blood sugar and get the insulin flowing. Other than that, listen to your body.

    BTW, there is some correlation with caffiene and increased insulin so if you are keeping to a cup or 2 you should be ok but 3 or 4 cups does trigger some insulin response.

    I do realize the she was not talking Intermittent Fasting. I only bring that up because of the success people have with IF which does not necessarily include eating a morning meal. I'm not saying that is what OP should try, though.
  • 4thehardman
    4thehardman Posts: 731 Member
    I don't know if it helps with weight loss or not. I don't have the knowledge to tell you about insulin levels and spike. All I know is one plain and simple fact.

    I'm a ***** til I've had my oatmeal!
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    If I eat dinner at 8:30 and I'm not hungry by 8:30am I know darn well I over indulged the night before. If you eat clean you can bet your bottom you're hungry 12 FRICKIN' HOURS later at 8:30am. If not, well, you're doing it wrong.
    You need to understand that your experience is not representative of everyone else. Some people are able to go a long time without getting hungry, even if they ate a normal amount the day before. I understand that you would be hungry, but it doesn't work that way for everyone.
  • _SusieQ_
    _SusieQ_ Posts: 2,964 Member
    Since I am a random person on the internet and no expert on anything, I would tell you to do what feels right to you. If you aren't hungry, don't eat. Also, when reading the responses take a look at the person's success and numbers of posts. That should give you a better indication of whose advice you might want to take.
  • Reignfyre
    Reignfyre Posts: 22 Member
    YES!!! Not eating breakfast will totally screw with your metabolism. If you are not hungry when you wake up it is because you are eating too late in the day & too much at night and you are doing that because you aren't eating breakfast!!! Study after study shows those who skip breakfast eat more total calories in a day then those who do. Also fasting causes your metabolism to slowwwwwwww down which means you burn less calories overall. Eating causes your metabolism to speed up. First thing you should do in the morning (after going to the bathroom) is to eat SOMETHING! This "breaking the fast" will speed up your metabolism. This is the number one rule of weight loss my friend!!! Always eat breakfast.
  • Reignfyre
    Reignfyre Posts: 22 Member
    All eating increases your metabolism, period. It absolutely does jump start your metabolism. You are breaking a several hour fast where your bodies metabolism has slowed down. Don't eat = slowed metabolism. The fastest way to gain weight is to slow your metabolism down. A large part of the calories you use everyday is used in your metabolism and breaking down the food you ate.
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    YES!!! Not eating breakfast will totally screw with your metabolism. If you are not hungry when you wake up it is because you are eating too late in the day & too much at night and you are doing that because you aren't eating breakfast!!! Study after study shows those who skip breakfast eat more total calories in a day then those who do. Also fasting causes your metabolism to slowwwwwwww down which means you burn less calories overall. Eating causes your metabolism to speed up. First thing you should do in the morning (after going to the bathroom) is to eat SOMETHING! This "breaking the fast" will speed up your metabolism. This is the number one rule of weight loss my friend!!! Always eat breakfast.

    Please link studies.
    Meal frequency does not affect metabolism. One huge meal a day or 6 small meals, makes no difference.
  • Sublog
    Sublog Posts: 1,296 Member
    Is not eating breakfast (drinking coffee only) hurting my weight loss?
    Nope. Assuming everything else is the same.
  • kbmnurse
    kbmnurse Posts: 2,484 Member
    Yes it is. Breakfast is a must.
  • AvsFreak
    AvsFreak Posts: 152 Member
    No, skipping breakfast won't hurt. I never eat breakfast. It's calories in VS calories burned.

    Weight loss is not linear and can be masked by water retention, food in the GI tract, etc. The scale lies! Use it only as a guideline. Go by how you look in the mirror and how your clothes are fitting to give you a better idea of progress. A tape measure can be a good investment too and show progress that the scale won't.

    I'd give it another week and see where you are at. If you still aren't losing, drop your calories by 200 or add a little more cardio. If you are in a calorie deficit, you will lose weight eventually.
  • natalieg0307
    natalieg0307 Posts: 237 Member
    I guess I'm the exception to the rule that "you MUST eat breakfast to lose weight."
  • missikay1970
    missikay1970 Posts: 588 Member
    i don't think it's a dumb question at all. personally, i have to eat breakfast or i'll pass out. if you haven't lost in a while, mix it up a bit. eat breakfast and no coffee for the next couple of weeks to see if that change sparks a loss.
  • adamsilva
    adamsilva Posts: 261 Member
    Yeah thats what i meant as well. i kinda lead it towards IF because i was more curious about that. lol oops. but thanks on the blood sugar and insulin info do you know any links or good refs i can read up on????
  • adamsilva
    adamsilva Posts: 261 Member
    what Myak623 said! i am just curious about blood sugar dipping and insulin spiking during the morning 'fast' or absense of brekkie. your thoughts....

    I also agree with Myak623. I don't really understand your questions though. if blood sugar dips, insulin does not spike. In fact intermittent fasting helps with insulin sensitivity so there are some postives to it. FTR, the OP is not talking intermittent fasting. They are talking about skipping breakfast everyday. My bigger concern would be what you eat first when you finally do eat. Complex carbs and some protein would be best so as not to spike blood sugar and get the insulin flowing. Other than that, listen to your body.

    BTW, there is some correlation with caffiene and increased insulin so if you are keeping to a cup or 2 you should be ok but 3 or 4 cups does trigger some insulin response.

    I do realize the she was not talking Intermittent Fasting. I only bring that up because of the success people have with IF which does not necessarily include eating a morning meal. I'm not saying that is what OP should try, though.

    Yeah thats what i meant as well. i kinda lead it towards IF because i was more curious about that. lol oops. but thanks on the blood sugar and insulin info do you know any links or good refs i can read up on????
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    I put away 800 - 900 calories for breakfast every morning then head to the gym for my morning workout. There is no way I wake up at 6 and am not hungry but to each their own... I know what works for me....
  • RonSwanson66
    RonSwanson66 Posts: 1,150 Member
    Yes. And it's not dumb. The experts (trainer Bob and Jillian Michaels)


    Stop getting your information from those two dumbasses.

    OP: Skipping breakfast will not break your metabolism It all boils down to personal preference.

    For SOME people, eating a healthy breakfast will help them regulate their appetite and/or make better choices. (ie those that skip breakfast and then get so hungry by lunchtime that they overeat and/or get junk out of a vending machine)

    For OTHERS, skipping breakfast allows them to stay within their caloric goals.
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    Yeah thats what i meant as well. i kinda lead it towards IF because i was more curious about that. lol oops. but thanks on the blood sugar and insulin info do you know any links or good refs i can read up on????

    No links but 2 books. One is The Metabolic Typing Diet which is not really a diet book at all but all about how our bodies differ in balancing nutritional elements. He spend a lot of time on the role of insulin and insulin resistance/ sensitivity. The other is the Primal Blue Print where he is very detailed about the role of insulin and how to keep it working for us and not against us. FTR, insulin in and of intself is not evil. When we overindulge in too many simple carbs and processed carb we get a high level of glucose in our blodstream. Our body can only absorb so much at once so when our body senses that we have more than we can utilize, the pancreas secretes insulin to convert and store all excess glucose and fat to adipose tissue. In other words, fat stores for when we might need it for survival later. Problem is, when this is how we eat consistently, there never is a later that we used this stored energy and we just keep adding to it because we are out of balance with our macronutrients.

    If we eat in a more balanced way with proteins, fats and complex carbs, the production of insulin is more level and does not have us unnesessarily storing energy we are never going to use from the excess glucose in our bloodstream. BTW, the overproduction of insulin is what leads to cravings, sepecially for sweets and that leads to overeating. The whole death spiral thing.

    Hope that help you Bro!
  • chulie
    chulie Posts: 282
    YES!!! Not eating breakfast will totally screw with your metabolism. If you are not hungry when you wake up it is because you are eating too late in the day & too much at night and you are doing that because you aren't eating breakfast!!! Study after study shows those who skip breakfast eat more total calories in a day then those who do. Also fasting causes your metabolism to slowwwwwwww down which means you burn less calories overall. Eating causes your metabolism to speed up. First thing you should do in the morning (after going to the bathroom) is to eat SOMETHING! This "breaking the fast" will speed up your metabolism. This is the number one rule of weight loss my friend!!! Always eat breakfast.

    Please link studies.
    Meal frequency does not affect metabolism. One huge meal a day or 6 small meals, makes no difference.
    Very cuirious about what other's will say about this....I mean...I am by NO means an expert on ANYTHING...hahaha...but, i can't imagine how this would NOT affect your metabolism...and everything else. Your body would be starving all day and then you overload it and then give it nothing else? I just don't get how this wouldnt make a difference????? Isn't the whole point of eating to keep your metabolism running high all day long, that's why eating small meals constantly is good? because your constantly burning fuel? itsn't it sorta like comparing your body to a train fueled with charcoal? You can't just dump a giant thing of coals and expect the train to run all have to give it little bits over the entire I wrong to believe that????
  • kateroot
    kateroot Posts: 435
    The short answer is, nope. Meal frequency or the time of day you eat doesn't affect your metabolism, at least not measurably. If you're not hungry in the morning or don't like breakfast, skipping it will not hurt you. If you find yourself binging later in the day, or if you ARE hungry in the morning, then you should eat breakfast.
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    YES!!! Not eating breakfast will totally screw with your metabolism. If you are not hungry when you wake up it is because you are eating too late in the day & too much at night and you are doing that because you aren't eating breakfast!!! Study after study shows those who skip breakfast eat more total calories in a day then those who do. Also fasting causes your metabolism to slowwwwwwww down which means you burn less calories overall. Eating causes your metabolism to speed up. First thing you should do in the morning (after going to the bathroom) is to eat SOMETHING! This "breaking the fast" will speed up your metabolism. This is the number one rule of weight loss my friend!!! Always eat breakfast.

    Please link studies.
    Meal frequency does not affect metabolism. One huge meal a day or 6 small meals, makes no difference.

    This is correct. Recent research says that there is no correlation to meal frequency and weight gain. There is some indicator that some who skip breakfast overeat during the rest of the day. Some, not all. Skipping one meal has absolutely no effect on metabolism in the macro nor does intermittent fasting. it takes reducing your intake over a much longer period to cause your metabolism to go into "starvation mode" and slow down. This assumes you are getting sufficint calories on average. If you are flitring with 1200 per day and then intermittent fast, it may or may not have an effect. An intermittent fast varies from one meal to 24 hours with out food. Eg. I skip dinner once a week. Or I don't eat from dinner today until dinner tommorow. Not enough time to effect metabloism and it actually has some postive detoxifying and insulin sensitivity effects. In the Primal Blueprint Mark Sisson says to eat when you are hungry and don't when you are not. Just eat right when you do.

    There is good information on both of these issues in the 2 books I referenced in my post above as well as at This is Mark Sisson's daily blog and website. He may have some of the research links there. Both books contain extensive research references. The Metabolic Typing Diet is a littel drier than the Primal BluePrint but I found both to be very helpful from people with excellent credentials.