Week 4 and I am struggling

Melloney1 Posts: 9 Member
edited September 19 in Motivation and Support
I guess I should be happy with 10 pounds in 4 weeks but 2 weeks have gone by with no real gain and I am losing motivation. Will take any suggestions.


  • Faithopeloves
    Faithopeloves Posts: 26 Member
    How long did it take you to put on the weight? Think about that! Now be patient, and keep giving your body good food and exercise!
  • Wow, I think that your progress is really awesome! Everyone hits a wall from time to time, even on the Biggest Loser they will have weeks with no weight loss at all. I'm just starting out and I wish I could say that I was down 10 pounds. I know that if you can stay on the right path and fight through this you'll be so happy that you did! Maybe you should try looking up some advice on the net about what to do when you hit these walls.
    JDHINAZ Posts: 641 Member
    I guess I should be happy with 10 pounds in 4 weeks but 2 weeks have gone by with no real gain and I am losing motivation. Will take any suggestions.

    This isn't a race to the finish line. Try to make your goal to permanently change your eating and exercising behaviours. Permanent change takes time. Instead of worrying about the scale, focus on making sure your eating nutritionally sound food, eating the calories you're allowed and pushing yourself in your exercise (not excessively). By focusing on these things, the pounds will come off as they're meant to. Trust me, I wish I could drop these 60 lbs of mine in a few months, but having yo-yo'd too many times, I've finally learned I need to change my behaviour so I can get and stay healthy. I'm sure this isn't quite the response you wanted, but ultimately, we're here to get healthy. You can do it. I read somewhere that the 4th -8th weeks can be the hardest because the "new" has worn off and now it's real work. Push past that and stay on track. You can do it....I know you can because you took the first step and joined us here. Let us keep hearing from you! And do whatever you can to distract yourself from the scale. It WILL pay off! :flowerforyou:
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Just keep swimming-- don't give up.

    Do or do not-- there is no try.

    You can do this!:flowerforyou:
  • Hi, I'm in a similar position to you, I started at the end of March and after a pleasing start I've settled into this dieting lark and it's not shiny and new any more. I lost well for the first few weeks and then slipped a bit. Probably by slipping an unnoticed bite here and a wee snack there. I've lost 10 pounds too - but a couple of weeks ago I had lost 12! :cry:

    I'm looking at what I eat, trying to write it all down and measuring properly. Hopefully that will have an impact.

    Maybe try bringing a bit more variety into what you eat? I know my mother gets into an egg mayonnaise rut when she diets. Treat yourself with something a bit special, a new recipe, a different selection of vegetables. A non-food related treat perhaps (if I can avoid chocolate entirely today, I can get a new lipstick tomorrow)

    I seem to spend a lot of time trying to fool myself!

    Good luck, I hope things start moving again for you.
  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    If you have been doing the same kind of exercise, maybe you need to change things up a bit. Try something new that interests you to get you moving. It could be just what your body, mind and spirit needs to get back on track. Ive found that a lack of motivation is usually a result of either over training or just plain boredom with my current routine. Try to change things up in the exercise department every every 4-6 weeks to keep your body confused and working for you.

    Remember, its not about how fast you reach your goal. Its about staying on track and not giving up that will get you there!

    :flowerforyou: Good luck!!
  • Melloney1
    Melloney1 Posts: 9 Member
    Thanks for the great advice. I know I can do this and my health and my children are counting on me to be all I can be.
  • tennetubbie
    tennetubbie Posts: 312 Member
    I think most of us had that early quick loss---be it fluid or fat I looked at it as being ahead---so at TWO pounds a week you are still AHEAD of schedule. I have ahd THREE weeks of losing 1/2 pound a week and my "lead" is dwindling but I am still ahead of where I planned to be by end of May---8 pounds a month 40 pounds by end of May and I hit 42 this morning!!!


    Also I do not now consider this a "diet". this is the way it is going to be FOREVER---I still have treats--maybe a chocolate bar a week but I don't buy the family size cadbury Dairy Milk and eat the WHOLE thing like I used to. It is not a diet---it is learning how NOT to overeat that will do it for you.

  • Kidvicious28
    Kidvicious28 Posts: 1,613 Member
    i completely understand how you feel. :ohwell: I'm on my 4th week too. I lost about 20 lbs last year and then randomly stopped losing. I found MFP in the beginning of may and lost 6lbs the first week. Now I'm at a stand still with both the scale and with my measurements.
    Yesterday I just about had it...3 weeks and nothing happening?! yea right, not dealing with it lol. So i researched weight loss plateaus and found this:

    and one of the girls on here gave me this link to a really good thread:

    hope that helps you. :flowerforyou:
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member

    Wow this article confirms everything I have been thinking over the past month or so.

    It makes perfect sense that if, as I did, you go into a 1200 calorie diet ( + exercerse cals) to lose 2 pounds a week when you are 170, that when you are 137 you have really nowhere to go!

    If I could give advise to beginners it would be to lower your calorie intake only to allow 1/2 pound a week to start. Just by reducing your sodium intake with healthy fresh foods and eliminating the carry out food, plus drinking plenty of water to flush it out, you are going to lose 2-5 pounds in the 1st week no matter what.

    But then when you start on a steady weight loss of 1/2-1 pound a week, you will have somewhere to go with your calories AND likely avoid a plateau.

    Tamtastic said she had 1 week plateaus, but no more. She lost 135 pounds with no substantial plateaus. I think the reason why (from speaking with her) is she started out with higher cals, went slow with the workouts, until she was stronger.........building up up up to a heavier workout with lots of protien and fiber.

    So now I will rethink my calorie intake for sure. Start from scratch and work my way down again.

    Thanks for all the good info !!
  • Kidvicious28
    Kidvicious28 Posts: 1,613 Member
    Hey no prob! :smile:
    I thought the same exact thing. I'm def going to rethink my calorie intake and start from scratch as well. Hopefully things go as smoothly for me as they did for Tamtastic. She did a great job! :flowerforyou:
  • RAQUEL45
    RAQUEL45 Posts: 8
    I just joined trying to find motivation in a slump started a month ago and lost 13.5 pds
  • Melloney1
    Melloney1 Posts: 9 Member
    As you read I was discouraged a few weeks ago. My friends on myfitnesspal reminded me its not about the scale its about lowering your portions, eating healthy, and exercise. A change in lifestyle. I am happy to say since then I have lost 6 more pounds even after cheating 1 entire weekend. Pray and drink water. Set a goal. My current goal is to get to 180 and when I do I am having General Tso's chicken with fried rice and eggroll. My treat for a job well done. At 170 Ben and Jerrys is the plan. I hope you make it you can do it......Melloney
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