Sugar Withdrawal

Well, over the past two years, I have ballooned and added 50 pounds to my 5'4" body. My BMI is now at the obese range and I have finally decided to do something about this. I work mostly at a computer, sometimes as many as 12 hours a day. I used to get zero exercise and simply got into the habit of sucking down 4-6 Mt Dew (not diet) cans a day. I've been down this road before so I know I can get there, but I hadn't counted on all my very bad habits catching up with me.

I've been exercising everyday for the past two weeks., mostly just walking, nothing too strenuous to require a day off, I've just made a promise to myself to be moving. Everyday. For an hour. My goal is to be ready to start 'running' again by Feb. 8th.

Last week, I made the move to incorporate a diet. I am around 1200 good, balanced calories a day and have given up the Mt. Dew completely along with all the other sugary snacks I had become used to eating. I have lost 4 pounds. Everything was going fine until 2 days ago.

I think I am going thru withdrawal! I crave sugar and caffeine, so I satisfy myself for some of that with unsweet Tea. But I get headaches and am uber cranky. Really, I could chomp the head right off of a bat.

I am also depressed. Until two days ago, I was motivated and doing things I hadn't done in quite a while and now, I don't want to do crap. I even missed my first workout last night because I just didn't feel like moving.

Anyone been thru this? any advice?

ps. I am hoping my monthly cycle is just off a bit and it is hormones ( my PMS is a bear) but my calendar says no...


  • Sl1ghtly
    Sl1ghtly Posts: 855 Member
    It'll pass.
  • beancurdie
    beancurdie Posts: 85 Member
    Take a pain reliever for your headache and keep up the good work!
  • I was actually just about to post a topic on this, and then I saw you already had one. I have always consumed A LOT of sugar, to the point that one might even consider me a sugar addict (I have 47 of the 50 symptoms). I've been trying to eat a lot of fruits with natural sugars to beat my cravings while I completely eliminate the cookies, snack cakes, and candy. It's been hard, but I've pushed through my first week.

    I am now one week and a day into cutting out the vast majority of my sugar, and I just feel sick. Up to this point I've had high energy, motivation to work out every single day, and completely focused on doing the best I can at eating right. Today...not so much. I have a migraine, I'm lethargic, and the thought of having to go to work in half an hour is making me nauseous. I've tried studying for an exam I have tomorrow, and my concentration is nonexistent. I almost just want to eat a zebra cake to rid the pain long enough for me to do what I need to do, but I know I'll regret it later anyway. I've heard this "withdrawal" stage can last up to a week, and I'm really hoping that isn't true.
  • Kksd605
    Kksd605 Posts: 74 Member
    I am doing a diet called Ideal Protein which is a lower carb (50-75g) and high protein diet. You also have to cut out sugar. And my typical calories are around 1200 - 1300 per day.

    I had headaches the first week and was lethargic for a couple. The dietician said to try some water with a little (1/2 tsp) of sea salt if you have a headache. Your problem may be lack of sodium. Also, I have several pills with vitamins, potasium, magnesium, and calcium.

    Mostly, the symptoms will pass in a couple of weeks. Find something "sweet" to substitute like crystal light.
  • MamaWannaRun
    MamaWannaRun Posts: 273 Member
    Thanks for your posts. I certainly hope I will get thru it and I am taking Advil for the headaches. I am just hoping my poor, sweet husband makes it out of this alive. I don't know why he gets the brunt of it... I'm should try to focus and make it a point to take it all out on the gym.

    Kdravesky - hang in there. THIS STINKS! But I guess we can get thru. I just had a baked potato with a 1/4 cup of low fat chili for lunch and it is helping. I am thinking, it is not just the sugar withdrawal but anytime I let myself get hungry, I'm hurting. I feel a little better right now. So, I think I will try that old eat 6 times a day idea... keep my blood sugar a bit more regulated. It can at least not hurt any more right? So, maybe you can close your eyes and pretend the carrots are zebra cakes? I do wish you luck!
  • I have a sugar problem as well! I love my sweets and feel like I need to eat a dessert after each meal! My husband said that he never ate dessert until we lived together! This is probably why I ballooned up to 256 lbs! lol And I drank dr pepper. So I cut out the dr pepper and switched to unsweet tea which has helped alot. And when doing WW Skinny Cow treats were my best friend! I have switched back to getting my skinny cow sweets in after some meals. I keep it within my calorie budget for the day and it is delicious and helpful! I have lost a total of 80lbs with 20-30 left to go.

    Different topic with the PMS symptons I have been told to get your vitamin d in and it will help. And to also take your vitamins at or after supper and they will absorb 80% better than taking them in the morning thus getting in way more nutrients from them! Calcium is also necessary since we are depleted 30% of our calcium every time of the month. :( Flo is a b*tch!
  • Substitute OJ (at least it has some nutritional value) and then slowly decrease the amount of OJ you drink. It will help with the "withdrawal" (saw this on Dr. Oz)
  • MamaWannaRun
    MamaWannaRun Posts: 273 Member
    Yes, my monthly calendar was wrong... geesh! well, that explains a lot!
  • bademasi
    bademasi Posts: 180 Member
    It will get better. Once a month I get that sugar rush still.... I found ways around it. Diet Hot Chocolate helps me. Take something for the headache and time will take care of you. Just dont give in!!

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • ALH1981
    ALH1981 Posts: 538 Member
    this is absolutely sugar withdrawal - i have just done a detoxmyself and have gone through the same thing - i try to detox everyone in a while and the first week is HARD - once you get through it you will be ok - you just have to hang in there and not give up... every time you think about giving in change up your pattern and create a new habit!!

    hang in there!
  • I too have a major sugar addiction. I've always liked sweets but it got much worse in the past year and half. I'm not sure if it's due to menopause or depression from getting old, but I want sugary food first thing in the morning and last thing at night. The longer I stay up, the more sweets I eat. I have maintained a pretty steady weight over the past 20 years but now weigh the same amount I did in my 8th month of pregnancy. So of course this is the year my daughter decides to get married! This weekend I decided I needed to do something to get back into a more respectable weight. Downloaded this app and have restricted myself to 1200 calories. I'm kind of watching fat and sugars too, but mostly just focusing on calories for now. For myself, I can cut out a meal easier than cut out sugar, so thats what I did on the days I had to have a Little Debbie. The other days I stayed under and had a 90 calorie fudge bar at the end of the day. Just doing that and upping water intake has already helped me to drop 3 pounds. I have planned on exercising all week but haven't quite gotten around to it. Hopefully I can get motivated for that real soon. That way I won't ever have to give up my sugar. I know myself well enough to know that a no sugar in any way, shape or form diet will not work for me. Heck, I'm 50, I already have a husband, and I don't make a living off my looks ~ as long as I look "okay" with the spanx on, I'll be happy :)
  • Usually the reason we crave sugar is because our bodies are drained and need energy--- to combat this, eat A LOT of veggies and complex carbs with lots of fiber. I've also looked into the low GI diet because I eat waaayyy too much bread/pasta. I suggest you do the same!
  • desirae500
    desirae500 Posts: 142 Member
    Don't forget "sugar" = carbohydrate. So eating your potato helps because it gives carbohydrates! My husband and I set out to eliminate a lot of sugar from our diet a couple years ago. It took awhile but now we're pretty good.
  • MamaWannaRun
    MamaWannaRun Posts: 273 Member
    Thank you all so much. Yes it is very hard. I have replaced my Mt. Dew with unsweetened tea and so far it seems to be working. The good news about starting my cycle is that I ALWAYS lose a few pounds the next day or so because of the water I hold and viola, they are again gone! That has helped to motivate me a bit (I know I am tricking myself) and if I keep the salt down (not a problem), I might actually be able to keep this off.

    And i am sticking to my goal of 'moving' everyday. I 'moved' so much yesterday on the elliptical (480 calories!) that I splurged for dinner and had a whole grain bread sandwich with 1tsp of Peanut butter and 1 tsp of jelly. It totally out for about 300 calories but it was soooo good... AND I had a 1/2 glass of red wine... which always makes me feel better. I know I can' t do that everyday, but it was just what I needed yesterday!
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,363 Member
    If you are more than a few days out from quitting the Mt Dew, then the caffeine and sugar withdrawals should be over. If you just quit in the last couple days, there's your problem.

    It's also possible you aren't eating enough.

    Be realistic in setting up your goals here. If you have less than 30 pounds to lose, set it to lose "1/2 pound per week" - or at the very most, "1 pound."

    If you are working or going to school or caring for children, you are NOT "Sedentary".

    You will feel depressed and tired if you aren't eating enough.
  • caroldot
    caroldot Posts: 388 Member
    That happened to me as well about 3 weeks in. I used to drink 1 Diet Coke a day and have a sweet chocolate snack in afternoon, plus chips at lunch. I replaced everything with healthier versions - apple/pnut butter for snack, carrots instead of chips. So I think I went thru withdrawal of lacking sugar and carbs. I felt like I hit a wall. But it will pass! It lasted for a couple days and I got threw it.
    But that many Mt. Dews was a serious addiction so you may have to stick it out a little longer. Also make sure you're eating enough to fuel your body. Working out helps too!!