Why?? Why are YOU trying to lose the weight?!



  • kreat
    kreat Posts: 136
    1. My Kids
    2. My Fiance
    3. I want to look and feel great about myself
    4. to be healthier and live longer
    5. To be a role model for my children and anyone else that think they can't do it. I want to be that statistic to show that I can and did it.
  • CloneSN
    CloneSN Posts: 42 Member
    1. Zombie Apocalypse.
    2. Cuter clothes!

    LOL! LOVE #1!
  • Nefertiti31
    Nefertiti31 Posts: 30 Member
    1. To get back in shape
    2.To have my high school body again (After 2 kids)
    3. To be healthier for my family.
    4. Be cause it was time.
  • CloneSN
    CloneSN Posts: 42 Member
    1. I want to be healthier.
    2. I haven't been thin in 24 years... about 18 years late on this by the way. I'll give myself a pass through 6th grade.
    3. I'm tired of the ridicule for being fat. I already have the short thing (can't do anything about that) going against me.
  • alpha1029
    1. I want to live a longer life than my family history indicates I will
    2. I don't want my weight and lack of fitness to keep me from the job I dream about getting
    3. I want to keep up with my husband and make him proud
    4. I just want to feel better about myself
    5. If I can master self-control in my weight loss, I can begin to exercise it more in other parts of my life
  • ShelbyBeck414
    1. I want to live a longer life than my family history indicates I will
    2. I don't want my weight and lack of fitness to keep me from the job I dream about getting
    3. I want to keep up with my husband and make him proud
    4. I just want to feel better about myself
    5. If I can master self-control in my weight loss, I can begin to exercise it more in other parts of my life
    LOVE your reasons!! Stay positive, we can do this!!
    ps, your dog in your picture is A-DOR-A-BLE!!! I have 2 'babies' that look very similar!!!
  • Mom0fTwo
    Mom0fTwo Posts: 326 Member
    1. Want to do more with my kids with out feeling like an old lady
    2. Want to wear a bathing suit and not feel embarrassed (5 years and no bathing suit )
    3. Makes me a happier person
    4. The more weight I put on the more my CP causes my joints to hurt so less is better
    5. My asthma sucks when I am not in good shape
  • brandyosu
    brandyosu Posts: 257 Member
    1. Zombie Apocalypse.
    2. Cuter clothes!

    Ha! :drinker: I'll drink to that!

    I could probably write novels about the reasons I'm trying to lose weight. I want to feel pretty again. I want to be a good role model for my kids. I want to live to be a granny that kicks total a** and leaves youngsters in my dust. And on and on and on...
  • ShelbyBeck414
    1. Zombie Apocalypse.
    2. Cuter clothes!

    Ha! :drinker: I'll drink to that!

    I could probably write novels about the reasons I'm trying to lose weight. I want to feel pretty again. I want to be a good role model for my kids. I want to live to be a granny that kicks total a** and leaves youngsters in my dust. And on and on and on...
    Love it!! I totally want to be one of those grannys too!!!!
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    In order

    1. To remain healthy as I age.
    2. Energy. I have none when I'm chubby and not exercising.
    3. To be thin. I've been thin most of my life and I just don't feel like me when I gain weight.
    4. Compliments. I admit it. I like when people think I look good.
  • jonnyhart13
    My first kid is due in a few months and i DO NOT want to be the dad that keeps getting bigger as his kids get older. I need to control it now!
  • ShelbyBeck414
    still loving your replies everyone!!! I too would like to add that when I workout/each healthy, I don't feel like such a BEAST....when I eat junky and slack on my workouts, I feel happy, positive, etc....