
Who has a horse?


  • summertime_girl
    summertime_girl Posts: 3,945 Member
    I do.
  • Me too
  • DuckDuckDuck
    DuckDuckDuck Posts: 49 Member
    how often do you get to ride?
  • 1horsetown
    1horsetown Posts: 247 Member
    Me, three.

    Not so much this time of year, but 2-3 times a week most of the year.
  • MrsCon40
    MrsCon40 Posts: 2,351 Member
    I have three that I get paid to ride. Since I have a full-time job in an office that means I ride about 3-4 hours on Saturday and Sunday. When it's lighter longer I'll be riding 4 days a week.
  • I am lucky to have a few! One owned by my barn owner, one half-owned by my coach, and one wholly owned by me (Ms. I-Have-An-Opinion, who is not broke yet).

    I try to ride the two geldings 5-6 times a week, each. Again, very lucky to be able to ride at an indoor.
  • baypathgradLyns
    baypathgradLyns Posts: 639 Member
    wish I had one :/ I love horses!

    my dream when I was a kid was to own a horse farm lol (I live on a farm with my family, we used to have horses when I was little, and I was in 4H through elementary school (and I think part of middle school)

    I got thrown off a horse while doing trail riding @ this horse farm (horse got spooked or something) and I have had a fear ever since then (this was back in highschool I think, so about 12 or so years ago)...I want to go horseback riding on my honeymoon (this Oct) and am considering taking lessons to get over the anxiety...because it used to be something I loved to do...
  • DuckDuckDuck
    DuckDuckDuck Posts: 49 Member
    I live in East Texas and know of a great place. I got married in Oct too :} That was 21 years ago.
  • javamonster
    javamonster Posts: 272 Member
    I have two. :smile: RIght now I don't get to ride at all. One is recovering from surgery (at least I try to tell her that), but the real excuse is we've had a crummy winter and I have nowhere to ride, and my other horse isn't the most enjoyable hack mount. Add to that a bit of a time challenge (thanks to the other eight I take care of, layup board so I do everything....).....yeah, I know. Not much of an excuse. I'm working on it. :wink:
  • countrydarling1
    countrydarling1 Posts: 386 Member
    I am a horse lover, but have never been able to ow one. We always lived in the city & my parents didnt understand loving Stable life. So i surounded myself with horses as much as i could. Started learning how to barrel race my freshman year of high school, but it didnt take long before my mom was tired of driving me 25 minutes 2x a week for practice. :0( then in high school for Ag co-op ( work release) my sophmore yr i worked at an Arabian race horse stable & loved every minute of it! I was involved in all areas, Was in the best shape of my life to boot! My dream would be to one day run a nonprofit for children with disabilities.
  • summertime_girl
    summertime_girl Posts: 3,945 Member
    I ride at least 3/4 times a week. I board at a facility with an indoor arena, so winter riding isn't an issue.
  • PegasusDeb
    PegasusDeb Posts: 665 Member
    Used to, but had to sell her when the recession hit. Some day I'd like another. I miss the chores too!
  • lynne_p
    lynne_p Posts: 173 Member
    I do.
  • I used to but I had to sell her for university. She was sweet though, and a pair of little girls bought her so I know she's in good hands :)
  • I have one :) I have been riding for 23 years. I ride english to work in the arena, jump and trail ride. I ride western to do volunteer mounted search and rescue and ride mountian trails.
  • I do as well! I have been competing in show jumping (A circut in North America Amateur/Pro divisions) for years. Unfortunately I showed a little tooooo much with my guy and ran up a hefty debt that I am now trying to pay off by leasing him out for a year. I still ride from time to time but I miss the consistency of several times a week and showing and really hope to get my act together financially in the next year or so so I can get back into it!!!
  • joyharvey04
    joyharvey04 Posts: 22 Member
    Nope dont own any horses, but I am a photographer and my favorite thing to photograph is equine. I LOVE horse shows, the animals, the kids, the sun, the dust, the smells, the trucks etc. I can not wait until summer again here in Michigan because I know where I will be every weekend. :smile:
  • Kimipeli808
    Kimipeli808 Posts: 9 Member
    I do. I ride about twice a week and wish it were everyday!
  • Ryan_Marie_
    Ryan_Marie_ Posts: 51 Member
    I have five horses and I give horseback riding lessons! ADD ME! I want more equestrian friends! I will be competing ISHA starting august on my college team.
  • jbosey
    jbosey Posts: 119 Member
    We have 3 Tennessee Walking horses. We used to ride every weekend but now we are riding our motorcycles and giving the horses a break. They are well fed and are a part of the family.