Want to look good and feel good!

Hi! I am new to MFP. I am tired of the way I look and I need help. I need motivation and of course some energy would be nice. Looking forward to using MFP and meeting new people and making friends.


  • Princessbrene
    Princessbrene Posts: 112 Member
    Hi! I'm pretty new to this site as well. I saw your pic and was thinking "Oh, have I got a man who would love you!" Then I read you were married. Oh well. LOL Welcome aboard.
  • ShelbyBeck414
    This site is great for motivation!!! Stay positive and you will be looking fabulous in no time!!! :D
  • tnoutdoorsman67
    I am new here too but I LOVE it so far!....Especially the way you can comment on peoples progress and add encouragement…Looking forward to meeting new people too and I love that buck in your pic! I wish we had Mule deer here in TN Lol