TDEE Question! please help!

I went on this site: to find out my TDEE (2410) and set my calorie goal on MFP 500 less than that to lose 1 pound a week (1910 is now my calorie goal)

Do I still do the same thing on MFP of eating my burned calories with this goal set by my TDEE? or does it differ after using a TDEE calc which takes into consideration your activity?

Thanks! I'm not too sure if what I'm doing is right and could really use some help!


  • charlesb22
    charlesb22 Posts: 110 Member
    Set your MFP goal to 1910 and eat to that net cals, so if you burn 200 cals then you'll eat 2110 but be 1910 net.
  • shayamador
    whew- okay so I am doing something right. Thanks again!