starting over

Ive been a member on here for a while, im starting all over again because i ended up gaining a wonderful 20 lbs since the summer. boo!
i was down to about 135-140. im up to 155-160 now.
i workout about 5-6 days a week. i just need to get my diet down right.
im trying to swap out most things for a cleaner diet. those damn poptarts and cereal always get the best of me though!!! ive done a good job today though. I NEED MOTIVATION AND SELF CONTROL when it comes to eating i guess!
anyway gym tonight!


  • chanstriste13
    chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
    you sound like me - i can work out til kingdom come, but i have a heck of a sweet tooth! best of luck to you - you've got this.
  • briocktj
    briocktj Posts: 128
    Good luck to you! I need to exercise.... and clean up my food intake. I stay under my calories most days, but the things I eat are not the greatest!
  • inkedshears
    inkedshears Posts: 27 Member
    its soo hard. especially during and after the holidays to get back on track
  • casschasity1
    i know what you mean... i am at 163 now and was 167 biggest i have ever been my im just like wow i need to do something about this now...add me :) maybe we can inspire one another
  • stewhitu
    Hi all I was just reading through the comments, I needed to lose 15kgs and so far managed to move 4kgs, my biggest problem sweet tooth and after dinner, my trainer suggested making a smoothie half a banana couple of spoons of yogart and half a cup of milk .... its working! So thought I'd share ... hope this helps :-)
  • fultzjaf
    fultzjaf Posts: 141 Member
    I know what you mean! I weighed about 176 in July or August, and now I am up to 186 and can't get myself under control. But, we went shopping tonight and got np junk! All fruits,veggies,chicken, and turkey burgers. I pray that I can lose this weight!
  • vero516
    I started two years ago at 185; gave up wheat, potatoes, corn most of the time, and alcohol. The first two years I lost 10 lbs. In January, I started using myfitnesspal and bought a scale. I'm sticking to 1200 calories a day, which forces me to exercise so I can eat more than that. In one month, I've lost 10 lbs already!!!

    My treats are Activia lite yogurts with 10 dark chocolate chips in them; diet fudge ice cream bars; and peanuts/mixed nuts either with or w/out choco chips.

    Mostly I eat veggies, fruit, beef, chicken and fish, and yogurt. I use almond milk for my latte and keep lots of herbal teas on hand. Healthy snacks are key. Get rice crackers and smear them with hummus, tomato bruschetta, whatever you love.