Decided To Do A Juice Fast

seal57 Posts: 1,259 Member
I'm watching Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead and have decided to do a juice fast...I have purchased a juicer and will be getting the Reboot Your Life Kit from my local Woolies.....I will probably do a 5 day fast and will take a break from work to make sure that I can do the fast correctly....That will hopefully be at the end of this month or early next month......


  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    That doesnt sound like much fun.
  • SteveTries
    SteveTries Posts: 723 Member
  • seal57
    seal57 Posts: 1,259 Member
    I feel that I need to get myself on the track to a healthy diet..Doing something like this will help be get on track to eat more fruit and veg...My diet now isn't totally healthy and I need to change it...I've just been counting my calories where I should also be eating healthy....
  • SteveTries
    SteveTries Posts: 723 Member
    Do you think it really will?

    If I understand you correctly you are looking for a way to switch you current habits to a new set of habits that are heathier. The Juice Fast isn't part of those new habits though. It's a completely different thing.

    In my opinion, it's going to be a brutal week of self deprivation and runs the risk of you not being able to stick to it as it's so extreme, but even if you do you still need to make that long term switch.

    How about this.......

    Plan out a 1 month set of goals for yourself. Maybe you want to to achieve:
    15 cardio workouts during february (30 minutes fast walking around the block would count).
    5lbs fat loss
    24 days of clean eating

    Draw up a chart for each goal and stick it on the fridge. Every time you do a workout, cross off a mark. Every time you eat a day without junk cross off a mark on that chart etc

    I do this and it's very effective. I set realistic, achieveable goals which then are there as a constant visual reminder of success. It spurs me on to keep going and achieve more and it's a wonderful feeling when you cross the half way mark of your targets and know you have less to do than you've overcome already.
  • Yanicka1
    Yanicka1 Posts: 4,564 Member
    first...why do you want to do that to youself? Why not chew your food? Just the sugar intake is insane. You do what ever you want but your weight loss will not be durable.
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    Truthfully, the best way to start eating more fruit and vegetables is to gradually incorporate them into your diet. If you have your heart set on doing this, I wish you the best and I hope it accomplishes what you are hoping for, but it certainly wouldn't work for me.
  • onedayillbamilf
    onedayillbamilf Posts: 662 Member
    I wish we had a store named Woolies. That sounds like such a nice, cozy little store.
  • anulle2009
    anulle2009 Posts: 580 Member
    I wish we had a store named Woolies. That sounds like such a nice, cozy little store.

    I was thinking the same thing!. I could never just drink my food! I give you props for wanting to try this out!
  • I agree! You are just going to set yourself up for a crash if you do it this way!

    Start by making a conscious effort to incorporate more fruits and veg into your diet! It takes at least 30 days for something to be habit. The juicer is a wonderful purchase but don't think of it as a quick fix. There are no quick fixes. It takes time.
  • UponThisRock
    UponThisRock Posts: 4,519 Member
    I also believe everything I see on TV. Good job.
  • Don't be discouraged by these guys here. I bought a juicer and do 1-3 green juices a day now. Do the fast, then add in lean proteins and whole fruits / vegetables. You will feel a ton better. Your liver will thank you for the detox. When I started I thought I wouldn't have enough energy, but you certainly DO get enough. Lower calories yes, but each is packed full of nutrition. I think I had MORE energy.
  • samand25
    samand25 Posts: 30 Member
    Yeah good luck with it. After I saw FSaND I really wanted to try it also, Im normally very skeptical, but this one I believed. I would really like to try it but am unable to take a week off ( I also believe you would need to.) Let us know how it goes!
  • ice99706
    ice99706 Posts: 155 Member
    Do you think it really will?

    If I understand you correctly you are looking for a way to switch you current habits to a new set of habits that are heathier. The Juice Fast isn't part of those new habits though. It's a completely different thing.

    In my opinion, it's going to be a brutal week of self deprivation and runs the risk of you not being able to stick to it as it's so extreme, but even if you do you still need to make that long term switch.

    How about this.......

    Plan out a 1 month set of goals for yourself. Maybe you want to to achieve:
    15 cardio workouts during february (30 minutes fast walking around the block would count).
    5lbs fat loss
    24 days of clean eating

    Draw up a chart for each goal and stick it on the fridge. Every time you do a workout, cross off a mark. Every time you eat a day without junk cross off a mark on that chart etc

    I do this and it's very effective. I set realistic, achieveable goals which then are there as a constant visual reminder of success. It spurs me on to keep going and achieve more and it's a wonderful feeling when you cross the half way mark of your targets and know you have less to do than you've overcome already.

    LIKE, LIKE, LIKE. I wish there was a like button on here. Slow and steady is best. I did a 3 day Juice Fast while I was at a health spa doing a major detox, it was monitored by a nutrionist there. It isn't any fun. I did like how I felt after the 3 week detox and lost 20#, but, it wasn't something that I could maintain when I got home.
  • clocklady
    clocklady Posts: 111 Member
    Good luck! My parent's are almost done with a 30 day juice fast. My mother has no more arthritis pain and they both feel better, less aches and pains.

    Don't mind what naysayers say. Make an educated decision for YOURSELF.

    What kind of juicer did you get? I have a Breville and love it.
  • I watched Fat Sick and Nearly Dead, and it will change your mind on what you eat. I am drinking the juice daily, I didnt go on just the juice fast, but after 3 weeks of including the juice into my daily diet, I feel so much better. I have now gone to a whole plant based diet. I am on day 13 and I feel stronger and healthier than I ever have. I also watched the documentaries online "Food Matters and Forks over Knives. If you get Netflix they are on there also. Good luck
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    IMO if its a fad diet...turn around and run like hell!!!!

    Drink water! Its great!!!!
  • adijanni
    adijanni Posts: 1 Member
    I understand those who say "this is a fad" and "run the other way" - the truth is, if you only do the juice fast and then return to your same, old habits it won't do you any good. I do think though if you do the fast and then continue with a healthy lifestyle afterwards it can be a great jumpstart. We watched Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead around Christmas and my husband decided to do the juice fast. He started Jan 1 and told me this morning (Feb 1) that he's lost 20 pounds. He did strictly juice the first few days but he also works out (weights and cardio) and felt like he needed something more - so he started doing the juice for breakfast, lunch and dinner and added lean meat to dinner. He doesn't have any health conditions, but he has said his energy level has increased tremendously.

    Credibility: B.S. in Health and Exercise Science, B.S.N. ICU Registered Nurse
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    This is a fantastic example of how much fat and lean mass you can lose in 1 month.
    No thanks!

    Eat right and sleep well.
    The fat will fall off!

    You take the average man or woman 5'5" and have them working out only 3 times a week in the gym or at home for 20-40 mins and give them both 1600-2k calories daily with proper macros and it will blow away any juice fast you bring to the table.
    Lean mass in my opinion is more precious that the extra few pounds a month lost due to fat and lean mass sacrifice.
    Not worth it!
  • lipglossjunky73
    lipglossjunky73 Posts: 497 Member
    My husband and I have both fine juice fasts, and we already were leading healthy lifestyles.

    It is HARD! Especially when you have other responsibilities. I don't recommend it yet.

    Why not just ADD juices to your current diet, and start eliminating refined and processed food? That way, you are still nourishing yourself, and getting the juices in ( btw, vegetable juices are not high in sugar!)

    Or, replace one meal with a juice and see how you feel. I usually do that for breakfast.

    Extremes are not only dangerous but counterproductive. You want to incorporate a healthy diet, not beat it not you so you are miserable and bound to fail.

    I am not against juicing. I personally love it, but it has to be done right.
  • seal57
    seal57 Posts: 1,259 Member
    Good luck! My parent's are almost done with a 30 day juice fast. My mother has no more arthritis pain and they both feel better, less aches and pains.

    Don't mind what naysayers say. Make an educated decision for YOURSELF.

    What kind of juicer did you get? I have a Breville and love it.

    Thanks..I got a Breville one...Should be here early next week...

    To all the ones who are bashing me for doing this could you just bugger off.....I didn't put it here to be told NOT to do it......When I saw the responses I thought,"Oh no, no more people picking on me and treating me like crap"....I get enough of the here without you lot giving it to me..

    I live alone so there is no-one to hinder my effort....At present I'm planing to do the fast early next month...

    Also, when you are telling people NOT to do stuff and explaining that it's no good for them, you do not know what is going on in their life....Something you say might just be all that is needed to push them over the edge........I know cause it happened to be just before Christmas and I went over the edge and O/D........FYI, it wasn't anyone from here......

    So, please try and be nice to others....If you can't say anything nice then just keep your trap shut....

    Regarding Woolies: That is what us Aussies call Woolworths......