How many days a week do you workout?

I have been doing pretty good going 6 or 7 days a week! What about you guys??


  • kjuncoonazz
    kjuncoonazz Posts: 8 Member
    I at least go 4 days a week to the gym but try to do some home workouts as well.
  • xdaysbingefree
    xdaysbingefree Posts: 98 Member
    I run 5 days per week and do unofficial exercise (mostly walking) on the other two days
  • walkdmc
    walkdmc Posts: 529 Member
    In my 3rd week of 3x/week bootcamp workout + 2x/week personal training + 4 days/week running. I take Wednesdays off to rest.
  • bahacca
    bahacca Posts: 878 Member
    3 is what I'm committed to 100%. If an opportunity arises and my husband can watch the kids, as many as 5 days a week. During the summer, I'll probably go more and take my kids to the childcare there. But, for now, my youngest is only in preschool 3x a week, so I deal with it.
  • sherrywtrmn
    sherrywtrmn Posts: 26 Member
    4-6 days at the gym. Maybe a hike here and there if the weather is nice.
  • tboothgenthe
    4-5 at the gym and weekend walks.
  • trelm249
    trelm249 Posts: 777 Member

    3 resistance (45 minutes) with a little cardio for warmup (12 minutes)
    2 cardio only (45 minutes cardio)
  • ahinescapron
    ahinescapron Posts: 351 Member
    Usually 6, but at least 5.
  • skinnnybride
    Usually 5-6 days a week
  • mtretter
    mtretter Posts: 12 Member
    Shooting for 2 hours a day, 1 hour in morning, 1 hour in afternoon, 7 days a week walking 3 mph.
    TONYAGOOCH Posts: 470 Member
    Usually 5 or 6. I have to miss tomorrow and Friday in order to get my house in order for my hubby's birthday party on Saturday night. I'm already feeling guilty about missing it. But I will be doing a lot of leaning and stuff so at least I'll be active. I do pan on tilting in at least an hour Saturday morning prior to te party. Gonna need thse exercise calories that night. Lol
    TONYAGOOCH Posts: 470 Member
    Lol.....fitting not tilting
  • thejen75
    7 days a week right now. i just don't feel right if I'm not actively working out.
  • sc1572
    sc1572 Posts: 2,309 Member
    7 :)
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    In general I do 90 minutes of cardio with 30 minutes of resistance 6 days a week.
    I rest resistance Tuesday and cardio every 10 days or so.
    My resistance is lower weights but high reps, then heavy every 3rd workout.
    And I split my body into 3 muscle groups:
    1. Legs
    2. Chest- triceps - shoulders
    3. Arms - back
    I do a lot of weird things for cardio like military march, boxing type training,
    dancing, floor rolls, squat thrust intervals and the good ole jumping jack.
    And I jog, swim, play tennis, fast walk and bike.

    Lost 70lbs and nearly 20% body fat - it works for me.
  • Sassys4538
    Sassys4538 Posts: 10 Member
    4 - 5 days, with at least two days of strength training and the rest cardio.
  • FlTGlRL
    FlTGlRL Posts: 239
    2-3 lately if I'm lucky but everyone else on here makes me feel like I need to step it up some, even if I am busy!
  • Joe74
    Joe74 Posts: 35 Member
    6 days a week!
  • Macrocarpa
    Macrocarpa Posts: 121 Member
    I alternate days, so running one day, walking the next. That makes week 1 have 4 'workout' days / 3 'maintenance' days and vice versa for week 2.
  • sweetie89207