Do you have to feel staved to loss weight?

I'm kinda freaking out! I am re checking my food log over and over again, I feel like there is something I am missing, I feel soo FULL, how can this be, I think it's because of the ensure, now I feel like if I don't feel like I'm starving I won't loss weight, THAT'S JUST SILLY RIGHT? RIGHT??


  • LizzyH2009
    Not really its not point to starving yourself to lose weight. its all about the exercsis and eat. it depend on how active you are thru the day and meals should help you to feel safisated. if you excersis more and you would need to eat more. its help to keep up with metabolism to burn more faster than halt your metabolism from work right by skipping meals or cut the calories down. body can go in the storing mode than just burning it off as regularly.
  • KareninCanada
    KareninCanada Posts: 834 Member
    You absolutely do NOT have to feel starved to lose weight. If you do, you're most likely not feeding yourself enough and your weight loss is going to be slowed down. You should feel satisfied and healthy, eating lots of fruits, veggies, lean protein....

    Just wondering, why are you drinking Ensure?
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    Yup, it's just silly!
    I know we all think that dieting is about deprivation and missing out, but really it should be about making new and healthier habits that you can keep up for the long term. I've had days where I've felt hungry, but it's usually because I've made bad food choices or just because of the time of the month. In general, if you are always hungry you aren't doing it right!
  • LizzyH2009
    You absolutely do NOT have to feel starved to lose weight. If you do, you're most likely not feeding yourself enough and your weight loss is going to be slowed down. You should feel satisfied and healthy, eating lots of fruits, veggies, lean protein....

    Just wondering, why are you drinking Ensure?

    I agree that I am not sure why Ensure was in the order to be included in the meal plan. My friend use ensure to gain weight. maybe you are looking for multvamins drink or a kind of protein drink to help building muscles if you are do ing weightlifting?
  • 1Timothy4v8
    1Timothy4v8 Posts: 503 Member
    You absolutely do NOT have to feel starved to lose weight. If you do, you're most likely not feeding yourself enough and your weight loss is going to be slowed down. You should feel satisfied and healthy, eating lots of fruits, veggies, lean protein....

    Just wondering, why are you drinking Ensure?

    Sense I started dieting I have not been thinking clearly and so too make sure my body is getting enough good stuff, that and I am trying to up my fiber, today I had 25g
  • KareninCanada
    KareninCanada Posts: 834 Member
    Just a tip for you... It would be better for your body and brain if you made a smoothie with some juice or milk, a banana, a bunch of frozen berries and some flaxseed or oatmeal for good measure... at least then it would be made of real food and not loaded with sugar... Probably cheaper, too!

    Ensure Plus Creamy Milk Chocolate contains 22 g sugar per 8 oz. can. Each can also contains 350 calories, 11 g total fat, 50 g carbohydrate and 13 g protein.
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    If you are after fibre, you can't go past fresh fruit - grab an apple, much better for you!
  • mestacy010
    mestacy010 Posts: 577 Member
    every morning I make a smoothie called the green monster! Pineapple, apple, banana, spinach, and a little orange juice, gives me the energy for a morning work out!
  • 1Timothy4v8
    1Timothy4v8 Posts: 503 Member
    Just a tip for you... It would be better for your body and brain if you made a smoothie with some juice or milk, a banana, a bunch of frozen berries and some flaxseed or oatmeal for good measure... at least then it would be made of real food and not loaded with sugar... Probably cheaper, too!

    Ensure Plus Creamy Milk Chocolate contains 22 g sugar per 8 oz. can. Each can also contains 350 calories, 11 g total fat, 50 g carbohydrate and 13 g protein.

    yea I eat a lot of fruit and veggies, when I can that is, its really expensive,

    normally I am of the get the vitamins from the food souce too, but one thing that caused me to try this is this is what they use to heal folks in the hospital, like my Granny, and all I know is it didnt seem to harm her, soo I don't know I kinda trust this, I am also making this as simple as I can, so I am only counting my cals and fiber, but this ensure that I have I got a whole case for free and it's loaded with tons of vitamins, and it filled me up, the odd thing is fruit always makes me feel really hungry, so IDK as long as I keep it under my cal goal it will be fine right, as far as losing weight that is
  • 1Timothy4v8
    1Timothy4v8 Posts: 503 Member
    I just realized I miss spelled starved oppsy
  • annabellio
    annabellio Posts: 127 Member
    You do not have to starve to lose weight. Period.
  • ingies2011
    ingies2011 Posts: 127 Member
    When I lost about 24 pounds last year I regularly felt hungry when i went to bed, but always woke up feeling not hungry. I used to exercise, did cardio but not any real strength training, ate plenty of protein and had a protein shake daily to add extra protein. Generally I would eat around 1600-1750 cals daily. Unfortunately I have gained back around half of that weight and am now incorporating strength training and have finished C25K, hope I won't be as hungry as last year.