LOVING my oh-so-sore muscles after 30 day SHRED!



  • kittzle
    kittzle Posts: 190 Member
    Day Three of Level one complete...
    Was a wimp through most of it, but I finished it! Feet up and relaxing now, lol
  • I just started too! I'm doing it every other day because until I start getting into better shape I know I can't make myself do it every day. Plus working full time in retail makes it virtually impossible to keep a regular schedule of anything. Today was my 2nd day and man! My legs are still hurting from Monday. I'm hoping to see some results soon.

    For those who have done it before, or are further into the levels.. how soon did you start noticing changes?
  • mauigyrl
    mauigyrl Posts: 86 Member
    Just completed 30DS L2 D16 and feelin really good. I usually incorporate 60 to 120 minutes of cardio on my Elliptical. Right now I am doing 60 minutes on a borrowed stationary bicycle because my E is out of commission and waiting on some ordered parts. I accidently did Level 3 on my Level 2 Day 1. I think I like Level 3 better then the Level 2. I was doing 10lb weights with it and decided when I started Level 2 I had to drop the weight down a little. I also do Fat Boost Metabolism and I think the first time I did it I thought I was going to pass out. When I did it again a few days ago after shying away from it for a few month I noticed that I got way better and only needed a few quick minute water breaks.
  • ladybug2000
    ladybug2000 Posts: 8 Member
    Just got the DVD in the mail. I will be starting this tomorrow.
  • kittzle
    kittzle Posts: 190 Member
    This is my first time through the DVD, and I'm not in the greatest of shape, I have a hard time doing the full set of jumping jacks, hehe. I plan on doing it every day despite my wimpiness, although I'm going to take a day off every 5 days as some have suggested just to rest!
  • kittzle
    kittzle Posts: 190 Member
    Keep at it, you're inspiring me!
  • lodicox7
    lodicox7 Posts: 101 Member
    I'm on D7L1. The first three days were tough. Day 1 I was very tired and had to put my five pound weights down halfway through some of the exercises. My calves in particular were really sore from the cardio exercises. But after a couple days it got significantly easier, and I can now do the entire workout right along with them, no problem. So stick with it, it gets easier fast!

    Looking forward to wrapping up level one and moving onto level two. Also, if you get frustrated with Jillian, it helps to aim your punches at her face. ;)

    5 pounds???? Sheesh, I'm whining to Jillian about chest fly's with only a one pound weight!
    ok, ok, so truthfully I couldn't FIND my 1 pound weights, and I'm substituting 15 oz cans of pumpkin *grins*
    Points for creativity, right???

    haha I like it! Bonus points for sure. :P
  • lodicox7
    lodicox7 Posts: 101 Member
    D8L1 for me today. I'm getting through the entire level 1 workout now without really having too much difficulty, and I haven't really been sore the past couple days. Still feeling like it's a great workout, but I'm looking forward to moving onto level 2. I'll definitely be ready for it! Gotta keep on trucking! :)

    For those who asked when people first saw results, I noticed last night for the first time that I'm starting to see some difference in my biceps and shoulders. The only downside to this is I really want to work on my triceps more than anything but level 1 doesn't do much to address them, beyond pushups.

    Do levels 2 and 3 have more tricep-aimed exercises?