how many cal

How many calories are people eating who are participating in such things as p90x and intensity. I just want to make sure I dont go to far under. If I am going to be working that hard doing p90x I dont want to go into starvation mode


  • junyr
    junyr Posts: 416 Member
    P90x fitness guides that come with the disks have guidelines on how many calories you should be taking in....
  • mallory3411
    mallory3411 Posts: 839 Member
    Eat at your BMR which you can find on this site and eat your exercise calories. For workouts like P90X and Insanity make sure you have enough protein in your diet.
  • JBorg039
    First off 1200 calories is the bare minimum everyone should eat so don't ever go below that number. Second of all I was in the same exact situation you were before & have done the impossible. All I did was learn the basics of how our bodies work & implemented on myself. What I found really useful is a calorie calculator(I use the one on since I didn't have to calculate how many calories I should be eating every time my stats changed.