Exercise is so boring.



  • There are some great exercise videos on youtube.com I looked some up and tried them out.. some are 5 mins, 10 mins, 20 mins... theyre fun and like the ladies said... pace yourself, with something you like to watch on tv. I like to workout while "People's court" is on the box... Thats an hour and I don't even realize the time goes so fast.

    GOod Luck :happy: :happy: :flowerforyou:
  • HauteP1nk
    HauteP1nk Posts: 2,139 Member
    I know you like working out alone but you might find that group fitness is more fun...plus when you are in a group setting you might push yourself more. Sports are another option...

    Either that or mix it up with different routines...do something different each day. One day go for a long hike, next day a bike ride, next day go swimming, next day a run, next day weight training, etc. Also, create different playlists with different music...that really motivates me.
  • I go for challenging. I love to push myself and see how hard I can go and how sweaty I can get. I try to do better than I did the last time. I love biggest loser stuff and Jillian and Bob workouts. You can also workout during your favorite TV shows. Then you don't have to feel guilty about watching tv because you are exercising too.
  • Twins2007
    Twins2007 Posts: 236 Member
    I want to exercise and get more fit but i find exercising extremely boring. I prefer exercising alone but i need some ideas on how to make exercising more fun. If anyone has any tips on how to make it more fun i'd really appreciate it.

    One word: Zumba!
  • weight2go
    weight2go Posts: 92 Member
    I love to walk and take my over active dog with me. We go into weathy neighborhoods and look at how the upperclass lives. Gives me something to look at to pass the time. If I havent been a certain way in awhile makes more interesting to see if this or that house is finally finished or not.
  • Smuterella
    Smuterella Posts: 1,623 Member
    What a ridiculously defeatist thing to say, just grit your teeth and get on with finding something you do enjoy.
  • I am like you I like to work out alone. I felt the same way too. But boring doesn't get you healthy or loosing weight if that is your goal. I do the Wii fit for 30 minutes then I move on to Zumba for Wii. I crank up the volumn and get moving. Some days I do go walking no music just me and my pup and we walk 2 miles. I will mix it up and throw in core training a couple of times a week. Again I do all this at home so if my feet go one way and arms another no one is laughing and thank goodness the cat doesn't talk! Its all about what you want it to be. You have to get the mind set I am GOING TO DO THIS and it will not be easy but I will DO THIS. I am not seeing pounds drop- that is fustrating but I started measuring myself every Wed same time and I have lost 1 inch in my waist 1/2 in in rib area a whole 1/8 inch in my hips so it is working. Now get off the sofa and get moving. Jam to the music and good luck!
  • Zumba is fun and doesn't feel like your exercising. If you can't afford a gym membership or to pay for classes crank up the music and dance around the house like no one is watching for 30 minutes a day!
  • Like others, I find a great playlist on my iPod the difference.

    Also, walking/jogging/running using "mapmyrun" if you have an iPhone, Droid or Blackberry is fun. You can see how far you've gone and it logs the speed each session. Then try to either beat your distance and/or time. Also for goals, trying signing up for a 5k. You run at your own pace... but enjoy the being cheered for at the end. If you do with friends, you can celebrate after as well as keep each other training.
    OSC_ESD Posts: 752 Member
    Get out there and get started ... Take a Zumba class ... try TRX ... start biking ! You have to find what you enjoy doing ... if you love water .. find a gym with a pool and take aqua aerobics ! The ideas are unlimited ... the important thing is to find what you LOVE doing and get moving ! :happy:
  • kimiec
    kimiec Posts: 62
    I am with you exercise is sooooo boring, but I guess I am not like most people I find zumba or the 30 day shred just about as much fun as watching paint dry. Why I don't know but jumping around like a bunny or listening to JM tell me what to do and do it now is not my idea of fun. I have owned more exercise video then you can imagine on top of so many different exercise machines I could have started my own gym. I think alot of people find their own nitch of what they like to do but for some of us we just don't. For me could be the fact I beleive I have ADD and I get bored of anything that last for more them 15 mins. I am now down to a treadmill because I have stopped buying every video/dvd and exercise machine know to man. I now just know exercise is just a matter of fact if you want to lose weight. Doesn't make it any easier knowing this and there are days my treadmill just sits, but I also know if I want to lose weight at a better rate I need to get it up and running. So if at somepoint you do find something you like then just think you will be able to join the other rank that find there exerciseing nitch. For now I am just going to have to put up with being me. Oh and still finding exercise boring.
  • kimclaws
    kimclaws Posts: 101 Member
    buy a pole!!! i love exercising!!!!!
  • Join a class like Zumba, or start running. Don't walk unless it's something important to you.
  • jenlarz
    jenlarz Posts: 813 Member
    I like Wii things and got a new xbox game called ufc trainer, it is hard work but time goes fast. These are good if you have gaming systems
  • sherrybaby81
    sherrybaby81 Posts: 257 Member
    My thing is kinda silly. I work out on the elliptical at my apartment gym. I listen to my iPod and since I am losing weight so I can squeeze into my wedding dress for June (bought it wayyy too early!), I play songs that I would like to hear at my wedding. Then I imagine that I am dancing to those songs with my friends. Most of the songs trigger memories I had with certain friends and that makes it even more fun to me. See? Silly :) But for me it works!

    I used to go to classes with some friends. Simple aerobics classes. I also prefer to workout alone, but I enjoyed doing the classes with friends.
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    I want to exercise and get more fit but i find exercising extremely boring.

    I am about to hit you with some tough love...this is just an excuse. If you really want to exercise and get more fit you will find a way to do it. I am only saying this because a year ago when I joined MFP I had every excuse in the book for how I couldn't possibly fit in exercise with my crazy schedule. I had a friend tell me she didn't think I was ready. Boy did I want to prove her wrong! So bit by bit I started finding ways to fit it in. I mixed it up with some treadmill intervals of walking and running, DVD workouts like Biggest Loser and Tae Bo. Once the warm weather hit I continued running and walking outdoors. You'll find something you like. You need to find the true reason you want to do this for yourself before you'll really be able to commit. I wish you the best of luck! Hope to see you posting your success story here in a year!
  • CalJur
    CalJur Posts: 627 Member
    Being out of shape and unhealthy is even more boring. Seriously exercising is not easy nor always fun. Vary the routines. Try different types of music at different times of the day. Join a gym. Do some classes. Get a workout partner. Try a DVD with numerous titles out there. I don't enjoy it every day but I do enjoy the results and how it makes me feel when it is completed. Meditate while working out. There are just so many things you can try to spice it up if necessary. Don't give up.
  • I watch tv or a movie while I'm on the treadmill. For me it passes the time much faster than listening to music :)
  • ReinventingLisa
    ReinventingLisa Posts: 104 Member
    When I'm bored, I just bike and read a magazine for a half hour. I read two fitness magazines that also motivate me while I'm biking, so I usually end up running on the treadmill and doing the elliptical after. You won't burn a lot of calories on a bike but I've found reading some magazines helps get me going! Maybe because I read all the articles or see where I want to be physically?

    Also, if you can join a workout class.. I've found that to be a good way to vary things up! Even if I don't like the class, I will stay there until I'm finished. Over time, it becomes routine and then I start enjoying my classes.
  • tim_fitbuilt4life
    tim_fitbuilt4life Posts: 301 Member
    Try exercising on a timer like Tabata protocols then it becomes game of beating each score.