Doctor advice conflicts with MFP



  • ashmitatua
    ashmitatua Posts: 35 Member
    See if taking a week off from your exercise regimn helps, or just try and burn 100-200 cals not more for a week, see if you see any change. I was exercising regurlary and eatting about 1200 cals a day, did not lose a single pound for over 3 weeks. Then I stopped going to the gym and just go the mall and walk for an hour or two (it was stressful not to spend any money) and I see some change not that much in weight, but definitely in size. Oh yes one more thing, find a new doctor, someone with a positive attitude.

  • veganbaum
    veganbaum Posts: 1,865 Member
    See a dietition for a second opinion, not an internist.
  • junyr
    junyr Posts: 416 Member
    When I told her I used a heart rate monitor, she informed me those aren’t a reliable measure of caloric burn.

    Without a shadow of a doubt she is correct about that point.

    Those monitors use algorithms to estimate caloric burn. There are many algorithms and they are all based on theoretical models and maybe statistical averages. They don't actually measure your caloric burn.

    However, they're likely more accurate than MFP's estimates that measured absolutely nothing on your workout aside from time and perceived intensity of the person entering the data.
  • skmolove
    skmolove Posts: 191 Member
    sorry to hear about your frustration... i am 40 yrs/o, want to loose 50lbs & want to shed 1lb/week; i'm eating more than 1200cals/day. i see a medical doc who specializes in weightloss management; his advice to me was-
    #1 join MFP.
    #2 stay within my calorie goal.
    #3 eat 5 fruits & veggies /day
    #4 exercise 15 minutes at a time at least 4 times a week &
    #5 exercise is ONLY 10% of weight loss. (i hate exercise so this 1 i remembered)

    with that being said -i belive what matters the most in our journey to be fit & healthy is all about our diet (what & how much we eat). i've been a mfp member for about 8 weeks & have lost 12lbs. I do my 60minutes of exercise/week & try really hard to stay within my caloric intake.

    keep at it you WILL be successful.
  • aprilshowers262
    aprilshowers262 Posts: 96 Member
    wow, she sounds like she'd have an awesome bedside manner.

    good luck finding a new, more empathetic and encouraging doctor.
  • ummommyme
    ummommyme Posts: 362 Member
    When I told her I used a heart rate monitor, she informed me those aren’t a reliable measure of caloric burn.

    Without a shadow of a doubt she is correct about that point.

    Those monitors use algorithms to estimate caloric burn. There are many algorithms and they are all based on theoretical models and maybe statistical averages. They don't actually measure your caloric burn.
    I'm curious to know what does do this accurately then? If something doesn't actually measure your caloric burn but uses averages and models then what else would be better? Just because it doesn't say this is how many you burn for a fact doesn't mean it's unreliable, suggesting it is just completely wrong is not correct i don't think.
  • kateroot
    kateroot Posts: 435
    So basically, because your doctor didn't tell you what you wanted to hear, and her advice conflicts with the advice you get on a message board full of mostly people who have very little actual knowledge of metabolic processes, aging, and nutrition science, you think she sucks and you should find a new doctor? Her job isn't to "encourage" you. I'm sorry to disagree with just about everyone, but I think you're writing your doc off a little too quickly. Why not actually try what she advised you to do, and see what happens?

    Doctors don't have a strong background in nutrition or exercise science. They are trained in pathology. It's why we have a nutritionist round with us every morning on my unit. 1200 is below BMR, and not eating exercise calories on top of that puts you at a severe deficit for your body to function appropriately.

    Just as you are railing against what other people are saying here, I'm not really interested in what your mother is doing because it is no indicator of a healthy routine.

    A "healthy routine" can vary greatly from person to person. My mother is the picture of good health. But of course, what works for her is not going to work for everyone. I completely acknowledge that.
  • nitepagan
    nitepagan Posts: 205 Member
    I don't know your current weight or your caloric intake, so can't say much about the doctor. I was in my best shape ever bicycle riding when I was in my 40's, so your doctor doesn't know what she is talking about. I was riding 20+ miles a day. To help you with the plateau your stuck on, look at your fat and carb intake. can you make some more cuts there and still eat healthy. I have also noticed MFP tends to give you more calories than you really need. They are erring of the side of safety. Why don't your try to cut another 100 or 200 off your daily caloric intake. There a spot on the board where you can make that change and let MFP determine what the proper carbs, fats and proteins should be.

    My other thought is that not everyone is or should be skinny skinny skinny. You might be one of those people where it is better for them to not be skinny.

    Today's doctors don't really know what they are doing, you have to be in charge of your medical health and not just trusting that your doctor has your best interest in mind. Many doctors are controlled by or do the bidding of the pharmaceutical industry, pushing drugs whether you need them or not. Most of today's drugs damage your liver and you need a healthy liver in order to be alive. Dying of liver failure is not a pretty sight. I now have a naturopathic NP as my health practitioner. I only go to her when I think I need her help. Cholesterol drugs destroy your liver, I will take my chances without the use of those drugs. I am now 67 and am looking to live another 25 to 30 years. There is a herbal alternative for cholesterol therapy that is safe and effective.
  • QueenJayJay
    QueenJayJay Posts: 1,139
    'Doctor' doesn't mean high priest of truth. Just as with mechanics, there are skilled docs and there are idiots...

  • Whodatgirl77
    Whodatgirl77 Posts: 238 Member
    Most physician's no little to nothing about nutrition. I think its our jobs to do our own homework about what will improve our health as the experts are not always experts.
  • keeponkickin
    keeponkickin Posts: 1,520 Member
    There's a reason they say "practice medicine." UGH! Doctor be fired! Run to a new doctor as fast as possible.

    BTW, I'm 44 and I've lost 111 pounds in exactly one year. I use a heart rate monitor and I eat more than 1200 a day.
  • missikay1970
    missikay1970 Posts: 588 Member
    So basically, because your doctor didn't tell you what you wanted to hear, and her advice conflicts with the advice you get on a message board full of mostly people who have very little actual knowledge of metabolic processes, aging, and nutrition science, you think she sucks and you should find a new doctor? Her job isn't to "encourage" you. I'm sorry to disagree with just about everyone, but I think you're writing your doc off a little too quickly. Why not actually try what she advised you to do, and see what happens?

    ^^ i agree with this. maybe go back in and show her your work-out schedule, take your HRM in, show her sample meal plans that you've had, and compare to what you did before. it's hard to get a good picture of you with one single visit since your health changes. i don't think dr's know everything, but they sure as heck better know more than we do on here! LOL (no offense!)
  • vigyal75
    vigyal75 Posts: 3 Member
    If you doctor suggests you only consume 1200 calories a day, how many calories are consuming now in comparison?

    Your doctor isn't there to encourage you, unfortunately. And a doctor who cares about their own health will definitely be more opt to help you find a solution instead of issuing a warning.
  • mhotch
    mhotch Posts: 901 Member
    First and foremost, You do not trust , nor value the judgement of your MD. Obviously, the chemistry is not there. So whether she is right or wrong, you need to find some one else where you will be more comfortable with.

    She is not entirely wrong with the calorie burn from HRM's. They are not 100% accurate. I never eat more than 80% of the calorie count. But it is a good tool for an exercise routine.

    Healthy eating does not need a medical degree. Do our own research, there is more than enough of it out there. Find what works for you.
  • recriger
    recriger Posts: 245 Member
    One thing that can't be pointed out enough. "There is a huge difference between education and intelligence."!!
  • SteveTries
    SteveTries Posts: 723 Member
    When I told her I used a heart rate monitor, she informed me those aren’t a reliable measure of caloric burn.

    Without a shadow of a doubt she is correct about that point.

    Those monitors use algorithms to estimate caloric burn. There are many algorithms and they are all based on theoretical models and maybe statistical averages. They don't actually measure your caloric burn.
    I'm curious to know what does do this accurately then? If something doesn't actually measure your caloric burn but uses averages and models then what else would be better? Just because it doesn't say this is how many you burn for a fact doesn't mean it's unreliable, suggesting it is just completely wrong is not correct i don't think.

    Well hold on now, I didn't say that the product is wrong full stop. I agreed with the Dr. in that it isn't reliable. For some people it may be spot on, for many others way out. My point is that it does NOT and cannot measure caloric burn. It measures heart rate and then 'guesses' caloric burn.
  • Birdmyrna
    Birdmyrna Posts: 21 Member
    So I went to my Internist last week for my 6-month checkup, and just about everything she told me was against what I’ve learned and what I’ve read on MFP. I think I need to find a new doctor!

    I was frustrated because I hadn’t lost any weight in over 3 weeks, but I’d started eating healthy (from eating whatever I wanted) and had added a 2nd round of exercising several days/week. When I mentioned I burn between 400 - 900 calories in a day through exercise, she said there is no way I could burn that many unless I was a younger, very athletic person. When I told her I used a heart rate monitor, she informed me those aren’t a reliable measure of caloric burn.

    She also said the only way for me to lose weight is to eat 1200 calories per day, regardless of how much I exercise. And that if I don’t lose the weight now, I will really balloon up once I hit menopause (I’m 45). How’s that for encouragement?

    So I think I’ll find a new doctor before my next checkup!

    Wow...That's what I call NO BEDSIDE MANNERS....that's like a doctor my husband went to about 15 years ago when he developed malignat melanoma and he said "well, there is nothing out there that can help you..sorry" Ha! My husband went to National Institute of Health and MD Anderson over the years and he has been cancer free for over 3 years !!! So...yes by all means get a new doctor and good luck !
  • SteveTries
    SteveTries Posts: 723 Member

    Well hold on now, I didn't say that the product is wrong full stop. I agreed with the Dr. in that it isn't reliable. For some people it may be spot on, for many others way out. My point is that it does NOT and cannot measure caloric burn. It measures heart rate and then 'guesses' caloric burn.

    You know what, I'm just gonna say it - actually I DO think they are wrong full stop. I think they overestimate the caloric burn because we as consumers want to hear that message and that drives more sales.

    It's just like all the cardio machines in the gym advocating their lower heart rate "fat burn zone" despite that research being discredited years ago (actually the interpretation and application of the research, not the research itself).

    they dont call the diet business the most profitable failing business for no reason :)
  • H_Factor
    H_Factor Posts: 1,722 Member
    I haven't read all of the replies to your OP, but your doctor is an idiot. If you are using a HRM to measure calories burned, then you are burning those calories...plain and simple.

    I will say that adding more exercise to your routine isn't always the way to knock the scale down. Our muscles need time to rest and recover...and if you don't give your body enough down time, things will not work out the way you want. Instead of adding more workout time to your routine, I prefer working out more intensely during the time you already spend. This is the way I went about my journey....increased the intensity of my exercise over time, without increasing the amount of exercise time too much. Take a look at my plateau blog for other ideas.

    ...and get a new doctor ;)
  • chulie
    chulie Posts: 282
    regarding the heart rate monitor:...this machine requires human if you happen to accidentally be off on something. It COULD mess up your I think all he's saying is, it's not the voice of God. It could be off a bit here or there but it is definitely the most accurate machine we have available at our fingertips(that we can afford!hahaha)