Fitbit friends

Hi Everyone. I have 98 pounds to lose so I need friends for encouragement! I am already active, I personal train 3x week and do cardio at least one additional time and more but would like to every day! If you have a fit bit we can do friendly "competition". Exercise really isn't my problem I love to exercise. It is the eating! Motivation and Encouragement would be helpful! Anyways, the more friends the merrier!

Me: 37, swf with one kid (5). Lets Encourage one another !! NO negative stuff.



  • Tried to order not one, but two on the FB website. Something went wrong all 3 times I tried. I prolly ended up buying 6 of them but I dunno.

    Anyway, when I get my ordering poop-in-a-group, you're on.

    On a side topic, I've lost 4 lbs but my ticker still says ZERO. What's that all about?

  • beatnik236
    beatnik236 Posts: 120 Member
    Forgot: this is my email address to add me on : )
  • you need to go into your ticker and change your weight in there. and then it will show you have lost the 4pounds.congrats on your lost. also you can get your fitbit at your best buy store. that is where i got mine with no problem. =0)
  • I just started a group for fitbitters : come join and let's get moving. two challenges at this time. one for 10k daily and the other one for 15k daily. come and be motivated.
  • abhiforlife
    abhiforlife Posts: 75 Member
    I just started a group for fitbitters : come join and let's get moving. two challenges at this time. one for 10k daily and the other one for 15k daily. come and be motivated.

    There's already a group for Fitbit users :0)
  • danipals
    danipals Posts: 143 Member
    Tried to order not one, but two on the FB website. Something went wrong all 3 times I tried. I prolly ended up buying 6 of them but I dunno.

    Anyway, when I get my ordering poop-in-a-group, you're on.

    On a side topic, I've lost 4 lbs but my ticker still says ZERO. What's that all about?


    I just found out that you can buy the Fitbit at Best Buy for the same price as online. $99 and ours at least has both color options as well! Then you don't have to wait for yours to ship!
  • beatnik236
    beatnik236 Posts: 120 Member
    I got my fit bit at Target. $99.00
  • abhiforlife
    abhiforlife Posts: 75 Member
    For anyone who wants to add me on Fitbit: