Tall Ladies??

I am 6'0 and trying to lose 50 lbs. I'm just curious what other tall ladies weigh and what pant size do you wear? I'm not sure if my goals are realistic.....I would like to weigh 150, but I have set my goal for 160 and I would love to fit into at least a size 8. What are your goals?


  • wwww1199
    wwww1199 Posts: 228 Member
    Hi - I'm 5'10. I currently weigh 190 and would LOVE to weigh 150 again. I don't think it's unreasonable. I went from a size 16 to a size 14 in the past month. Let's stick together and do this! You can friend me.
  • lindalee0315
    lindalee0315 Posts: 527 Member
    I'm 6' tall and currently weigh 138. I was always 125 (prebaby). I wanted to get back there, but doubt it's possible. I currently wear a size 4.
  • meg7399
    meg7399 Posts: 672 Member
    Well I am 5'10" and my goal is 150...but I have had trouble breaking below 158. I am at a size 8 right now. Its doable, for sure...I jsut got so happy with my major results thus far that I backed off for a while and keep having trouble getting back into it completely!
  • cdub78
    cdub78 Posts: 88 Member
    I am 5' 9" and am currently at 180 pant size 12 to 14 (depends what brand and what country they came from), I would like to get down to around 160 and a size 10. For as tall as you are I think 150 would be too thin...you don't want to look like a twig! Love your curves girl :)
  • I'm 5'10", start weight :245, current weight: 233. I would love to get down to about 180-170ish.

    Feel free to friend me if you like.
  • 5'9 size currently 18 would love to be a 13/14
  • Anu_mee13
    Anu_mee13 Posts: 69 Member
    I'm 5'8. I'm currently in a size 16, some 14's. I would live to be in the size 7/8 range. I'm guessing I'd have to be somewhere in the 150-160's to achieve that goal. Right now, just starting out it seems as if it's going to take a long time to make it there though.
  • evansproudmama
    evansproudmama Posts: 493 Member
    Im 5'7 and a 1/2 lol and currently I weigh 170, I wear a size 11/12 pants and a large shirt. I to am going back and forth with my weight goal because I hold my weight well so Im not sure if I will make it down to 135 I may stop at 150-145 once Im in a healthy range. I would recommend setting a goal and than if you feel you need to change or adjust as you go than you can. My goal is set at 135 but I dont know If I really will look good and healthy at that weight once I tone up so Im waiting to see.. Good luck!!
  • mrsrobinsonlauraj
    mrsrobinsonlauraj Posts: 74 Member
    I am 5'9" and weigh 144 which is good for me. I started at 151 and really only wanted to get rid of my belly fat. Because I didn't have much to loose it took me at least 4 months to loose the 7 lbs. I wear a size 10 Tall in jeans and can't seem to fit my hips in to a size 8 anymore. However, If you saw me you might think I wear a size 6. Women's clothes sizes are rediculously sized!
  • Lrt4uk
    Lrt4uk Posts: 174
    I'm 5'11" 248, currently size 20/22 pants. I'm shooting for 170, I want to be in the healthy range.
  • Specialkayrina
    Specialkayrina Posts: 242 Member
    I'm 5"7 and currently weight is 184.00lb - size 12/13 right now. My goal is 150 as well.
  • I'm 5' 10 1/2" and when I was talking with my dietician she said a good weight for me to get to would be 220, see how that looks on me and then go from there. I have NEVER had a small figure. Always curvier.
  • acole5690
    acole5690 Posts: 17 Member
    I'm 5'9 and i started off weighing 190 but after the birth of my son I am at a steady 205. I am aiming on losing 30 lbs which would put me at 175. But i just want to be a healthy weight. So your goals are not unrealistic and i believe you can do it. I want to be a size 10 :-)
  • Jessica2Skinny
    Jessica2Skinny Posts: 118 Member
    5' 8'' size 4 in pants, I weigh about 132 lbs.
  • rugbyphreak
    rugbyphreak Posts: 509 Member
    i'm 5'9, so i guess i'm only tall-ish... but i started at 215 and now i'm 174. my goal is around 150. i was a size 16, but now i'm a 12, i'd love to get down to a 6 or 8. i'm not sure if my frame will allow that though. we can hope!
  • miseryhead75
    miseryhead75 Posts: 40 Member
    I'm 5'11 3/4" , and currently at 172. I started at 260, and a size 20. I'm now an 8/10 depending on brand. I'm shooting for 155-160. Hopefully I will be a 6/8 at that point.
  • I am 5'11.5 :tongue: I started this at 210 and thought I NEVER would get out of the 200's! I currently weigh 185 and wear a size 12 at most stores but moving to a 10 :) jeans are a loose 31! I feel great and I am at the top of the "healthy zone" of the BMI...just! I am headed to the 170s (goal of 175) but I don't feel like I need to lose as much as I want to tone right now.
  • cowgirlslikeus86
    cowgirlslikeus86 Posts: 597 Member
    I am 5'10" and started at 194. My goal is 150 and a size 8 pant. I look like a 6 at that weight and wear size 6 dresses as long as they are not tight in the hips. I have gotten down to 145 for a day but that doesnt seem to be where my body wants to stay. I have alot of natural muscle so I do not think I could get any smaller then that and look healthy. IDK though.

    I was inbetween a 12/14 at 194. I have to loose 20 lbs to drop an initial size then it flys down from there.
  • RuthRW
    RuthRW Posts: 247 Member
    I am 5'11, currently weigh 190 and wear a 14 or 16 depending on manufacturer. I also carry most of my weight in my stomach/chest area. My goal weight is 150 but once I get below 160 I am going to concentrate on toning more than the scale so we'll see where I end up!