Gaining Weight??

Do you know anything about pilates?? I have been excersizing, eating healthy and at my cals and some how have managed to gain 2 lbs n look puffy in the belly, :( LAME lol do you think I am excerisizing to much?? 10 mins pilates morn, 30 mins at night, and 20 min quick paced walk daily, and stayig at like 1300 cals, I would think that I would be losing lol thanks so much jus thought I would ask! :) I rly wanna get this getting fit thing going, two c sections and dropping weight w only cal restrictions has left my body with issues lol THANKS FOR ANY FEEDBACK!!


  • Styx113
    What are your sodium levels at? If you're taking in too much sodium you might be retaining water, which will make you heavier and bloated. :(
  • KatrineJohansen
    KatrineJohansen Posts: 24 Member
    I sort of need more information to help you, really. :)
    How long have you been doing pilates? Have you been drinking more water than usual / eating more salty things than usual before your weigh in?
    Also, make sure to do at least one rest day a week, where you just stick to the walk and some stretching or something, I'd say. :)
  • morgansmom02
    morgansmom02 Posts: 1,139 Member
    What are your sodium levels at? If you're taking in too much sodium you might be retaining water, which will make you heavier and bloated. :(

    Sodium gets me every day
  • Wrigleymom
    Have you checked your salt intake?
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  • Cassiet
    Cassiet Posts: 80 Member
    Im not really sure, probably to high...How can I check?? Im thinking about ruling out all sodas, I just need caffeine in order to keep up with my lack of sleep! lol
  • Cassiet
    Cassiet Posts: 80 Member
    I sort of need more information to help you, really. :)
    How long have you been doing pilates? Have you been drinking more water than usual / eating more salty things than usual before your weigh in?
    Also, make sure to do at least one rest day a week, where you just stick to the walk and some stretching or something, I'd say. :)

    Okay I NEED help lol I actually don't drink any water, hate the stuff rly need to just start drinking it tho, how much cardio should I do and does pilates qualify?? I have been doing good with my excersizes and Im sore jus no results :/
  • Katie3784
    Being constipated can cause weight gain, and if you're not drinking water, it's very possible that that is your problem.
  • Cassiet
    Cassiet Posts: 80 Member
    Im just going to keep at it and hope things change! Thanks for all the feedback, vry much so appreciated!