Planet Fitness



  • I really like the Planet Fitness I go to. I hate doing classes, so this is perfect for me. They have tons of machines and two different circuits. :) Plus it's the only gym I could find in my area.
  • Jessica2Skinny
    Jessica2Skinny Posts: 118 Member
    i go, i hate it, everyone stares.
  • I know its cheap in my area only $10/month, but another gym in my area is the same price and they offer classes and personal trainers. Its just my opinion but the one here I wouldn't join because of the pizza and donuts they offer when you walk in can't really trust myself so I do not even want to be put in that situation. Plus not to sound like a snob or hypocrit when I go to a gym I want to see people that work there are in shape or at least working towards that goal. When I walked into my local Planet Fitness all the employees I saw except for one was overweight or obese. I want to know that if I work out at your gym I will see results.

    I feel this way about 'fat' doctors and nutritionists. If you can't help yourself, how the heck are you gonna help me? LOL
  • I DO & I LUV IT!!!!!!!!!!:love::heart: :love:
  • lilchicksta94
    lilchicksta94 Posts: 118 Member
    I know its cheap in my area only $10/month, but another gym in my area is the same price and they offer classes and personal trainers. Its just my opinion but the one here I wouldn't join because of the pizza and donuts they offer when you walk in can't really trust myself so I do not even want to be put in that situation. Plus not to sound like a snob or hypocrit when I go to a gym I want to see people that work there are in shape or at least working towards that goal. When I walked into my local Planet Fitness all the employees I saw except for one was overweight or obese. I want to know that if I work out at your gym I will see results.

    I feel this way about 'fat' doctors and nutritionists. If you can't help yourself, how the heck are you gonna help me? LOL

    What gym serves pizza and donuts?? wtf hahaha that's the last thing I need to see when I go to the gym!
  • I joined the end of November and I love it. Can't beat the price. Very clean and the people that work there are very helpful.
  • live4turns
    live4turns Posts: 314 Member
    some1 just expained the "lunk alarm" to me.

    my reaction: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    it's like the gestapo!
  • lilchicksta94
    lilchicksta94 Posts: 118 Member
    I go to planet fitness but the one on my area is G H E T T O !!!! I HATE IT! People just hog up machines, talk on their phones, and just stand around and talk! I rather join a different gym & pay more to avoid all that! Since when was it "cool" to hang out at gym just to be there?! :mad: :explode:

    That's another reason why I hate it.. not all gyms are like that. Hate to sound like a snood but you gotta pay more to have a nicer quality place to work out... I hate ppl hanging all around the machines laughing like it's a night club while I'm trying to work out...
  • It seems like an excellent "first gym". It is inexpensive and they have the basic equipment. It could be a great place to start for someone who is new to exercising in a gym. You can get in some cardio and hit a weight circuit. Then as you start to see results and want to go up a notch, shop around. It is all relative to where you are at in the lifestyle change.

    ^This. I figure I will go somewhere cheap to get some cardio and resistance in, then when I'm in better shape, switch to someplace that offers classes and whatnot. It works for me right now at this point.
  • rjmwx81
    rjmwx81 Posts: 259 Member
    I could never work out there. I lift heavy weights when I work out, and I grunt a little. (I don't scream like a maniac or anything). They'll set off their "Lunk Alarm" and kick you out if you do that.

    what?? "lunk alarm"? explain

    They literally have a light and siren that they trigger if you grunt, or slam the weights, or "judge." (How they define that one, I'll never know.) I'll try to find a youtube link for you.

    Edit: Ah, here we are:
  • I go to planet fitness but the one on my area is G H E T T O !!!! I HATE IT! People just hog up machines, talk on their phones, and just stand around and talk! I rather join a different gym & pay more to avoid all that! Since when was it "cool" to hang out at gym just to be there?! :mad: :explode:

    That's another reason why I hate it.. not all gyms are like that. Hate to sound like a snood but you gotta pay more to have a nicer quality place to work out... I hate ppl hanging all around the machines laughing like it's a night club while I'm trying to work out...

    They must be independently owned. LOL You are only allowed cell phone use in the lobby (which is enclosed) at mine. I've never seen anyone using one thank god!
  • BetterWithAge
    BetterWithAge Posts: 691 Member
    I haven't been to a PF... the closest to my house is Gold's. It costs a bit more, but there are a TON of fitness options... Plenty of weights, grunting, crashing, swimming, classes, movies, cardio, and I can lift things up and put them down without an 'alarm' going off.. :)
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member

    The whole "judgement free zone" crap really bothers me though. They are placing judgement on the type of people they don't want in their gym and it's super annoying. Some of the best gyms I've ever been in were "meat head gyms." I think they need to chill out with that campaign a little bit....

    I totally agree with this. For touting themselves as a "judgement free zone" they sure are judgmental in their commercials.

    I wouldn't go there if you paid me to go. I just dislike everything about them. Lunk alarms because you were grunting? Really? In the nearly 2 years I've been going to a gym, I've NEVER been intimidated by someone grunting because they are lifting weights. Lifting heavy = grunting.

    And really... pizza night? and tootsie rolls on the counter?

    IT IS A GYM!
  • jenng38
    jenng38 Posts: 105
    I think I'm gonna join. It's close to my house and I don't usually do classes anyways.
  • live4turns
    live4turns Posts: 314 Member
    I could never work out there. I lift heavy weights when I work out, and I grunt a little. (I don't scream like a maniac or anything). They'll set off their "Lunk Alarm" and kick you out if you do that.

    what?? "lunk alarm"? explain

    They literally have a light and siren that they trigger if you grunt, or slam the weights, or "judge." (How they define that one, I'll never know.) I'll try to find a youtube link for you.

    Edit: Ah, here we are:

    wow...just watched a couple videos...seeing it in action actually made me feel worse. what the hell kind of gym is this. freaking wackjobs.
  • lilchicksta94
    lilchicksta94 Posts: 118 Member
    I lift things up.... and I put them down.... LOL
  • live4turns
    live4turns Posts: 314 Member
    look how mad this guy got from the "lunk" alarm!!!!
  • lilchicksta94
    lilchicksta94 Posts: 118 Member
    look how mad this guy got from the "lunk" alarm!!!!

    lmao I just watched this and almost peed my pants! What a psycho.... just like what I said... "I lift things up... and I put them down" or in this case I should say... "I lift things up... and I throw them..." lolol
  • lilchicksta94
    lilchicksta94 Posts: 118 Member

    This one actually made the news! lol