
  • SteveTries
    SteveTries Posts: 723 Member
    Your caloric intake is higher than mine. I am a 6 foot 2 male of large build. I workout less than you but still do 2 intense classes of Thai Boxing a week and run 3 times for 30 mins.

    Try reducing your calories and see what happens. You can always increase after a week if it doesn't help
  • I would take measurements to see where you body is at, but looking through your food diary I would also say it looks like you are not eating enough (as ironic as that is). Since you are using your HRM and logging all your food, it looks like you are starving your body with all the workouts you get in. But what is your activity setting that is giving you your recommended calorie intake?
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Personally, I think the 1000 calorie deficit is way way way too high. You don't have enough body fat to support a 2# a week loss. Generally, only people with 75# or more to lose can handle a 1000 calorie deficit.

    I did best with a 200-250 calorie deficit. Weight came off slower - about a half pound a week on average - but it was pretty much all from fat so it looked like more. Check the photos here: I'm close to the same weight in both photos. I've been eating at maintenance level for the past four months.
  • mojomarie
    mojomarie Posts: 43 Member
    Hey! First of all, I am in awe of your physical activities!!:) BUMP!:) Second of all, (no disrespect to anyone, please:)) But MUSCLE DOES NOT, nor will it EVER weigh more than FAT!:)) A POUND IS A POUND IS A POUND:)) Fat just may take up more room:)

    That being said, I've been told that muscles WILL hold WATER. How often do you take a few days off in a row? I'm not as fit as you so this is just a shot in the dark but I DO work out 50 minutes cardio and alternating upper/ lower body weights. (high reps). I've found that if I slack off for a day or two and focus on my caloric intake, then the numbers go down. Just a thought. Not sure why your clothes are snug, though. Washing in hot water?:happy:

    Best to you!
  • keiraev
    keiraev Posts: 695 Member
    maybe you need to adjust your lifestyle listing on MFP to more active?

    That's what I was thinking- change your activity levels to "Very Active" and eat those calories regardless of exercise, and use that as your deficit rather than eating back calories. If you are already doing this & I've misunderstood then I apologize!
  • jenniebean1680
    jenniebean1680 Posts: 350 Member
    Are your settings to maintain or lose? If it is lose, then you already have a calorie deficit built in. Putting another 1,000 "green" deficit on top of that might be causing your body to hang on to weight?
    I think you are not eating enough. Don't listen to anyone telling you to eat LESS. MFP puts you at a deficit already, even if your 'green' number is 0. You will lose if you hold it there. That's why they give us the net.

    I am a spinning instructor, too, and I don't doubt that you are burning what you are.

    I'm working w/ a nutritionist because I was eating 1400 cals and not losing the 10lbs I had gained since my mom passed away in June. Turns out, I stalled my metabolism by eating at too much of a deficit for a long time. She told me that if I'm not netting AT LEAST 1350 cals/day, then I'm creating too much of a deficit and my body will continue holding onto the fat. I cried, I argued, and finally gave up and did what she told me to do. I gradually increased, and after an initial gain (of course my body will at first see the healthy increase as a surplus and hoard it), I finally started losing again. It was a leap of faith, and it worked.

    After years of restriction my body just wasn't letting me lose anymore, mostly because of my activity level being so high.

    Think about it, and at the very least, ignore ANYone who tells you to eat less than you're already eating. That will be counterproductive at best and dangerous at worst.
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    Are your settings to maintain or lose? If it is lose, then you already have a calorie deficit built in. Putting another 1,000 "green" deficit on top of that might be causing your body to hang on to weight?
    I think you are not eating enough. Don't listen to anyone telling you to eat LESS. MFP puts you at a deficit already, even if your 'green' number is 0. You will lose if you hold it there. That's why they give us the net.

    I am a spinning instructor, too, and I don't doubt that you are burning what you are.

    I'm working w/ a nutritionist because I was eating 1400 cals and not losing the 10lbs I had gained since my mom passed away in June. Turns out, I stalled my metabolism by eating at too much of a deficit for a long time. She told me that if I'm not netting AT LEAST 1350 cals/day, then I'm creating too much of a deficit and my body will continue holding onto the fat. I cried, I argued, and finally gave up and did what she told me to do. I gradually increased, and after an initial gain (of course my body will at first see the healthy increase as a surplus and hoard it), I finally started losing again. It was a leap of faith, and it worked.

    After years of restriction my body just wasn't letting me lose anymore, mostly because of my activity level being so high.

    Think about it, and at the very least, ignore ANYone who tells you to eat less than you're already eating. That will be counterproductive at best and dangerous at worst.

    This sounds like some great info! :)
  • badgerbadger1
    badgerbadger1 Posts: 954 Member
    Are your settings to maintain or lose? If it is lose, then you already have a calorie deficit built in. Putting another 1,000 "green" deficit on top of that might be causing your body to hang on to weight?
    I think you are not eating enough. Don't listen to anyone telling you to eat LESS. MFP puts you at a deficit already, even if your 'green' number is 0. You will lose if you hold it there. That's why they give us the net.

    I am a spinning instructor, too, and I don't doubt that you are burning what you are.

    I'm working w/ a nutritionist because I was eating 1400 cals and not losing the 10lbs I had gained since my mom passed away in June. Turns out, I stalled my metabolism by eating at too much of a deficit for a long time. She told me that if I'm not netting AT LEAST 1350 cals/day, then I'm creating too much of a deficit and my body will continue holding onto the fat. I cried, I argued, and finally gave up and did what she told me to do. I gradually increased, and after an initial gain (of course my body will at first see the healthy increase as a surplus and hoard it), I finally started losing again. It was a leap of faith, and it worked.

    After years of restriction my body just wasn't letting me lose anymore, mostly because of my activity level being so high.

    Think about it, and at the very least, ignore ANYone who tells you to eat less than you're already eating. That will be counterproductive at best and dangerous at worst.

    She's using Olivia's method for tracking calories which does not have a calorie deficit built in. Calories are set to maintenance and you have to eat at a deficit between 250-1000 depending on how much you aim to lose in a week.
  • QueenJayJay
    QueenJayJay Posts: 1,079 Member
    Please don't hurt your pretty little head.

  • mhotch
    mhotch Posts: 901 Member
    The only criticism that I have that has not been stated in above posts, is your water intake. I only went back 2 days {yes I am lazy!}, but your water was at 0 both days. if you just forgot to track then ignore this post.

    When your body is in a dehydrated state, the metabolism drops to preserve the fluid in the vital organs. So you are battling against a lower metabolism. Make sure you get adequate hydration every day.
  • SteveTries
    SteveTries Posts: 723 Member
    Think about it, and at the very least, ignore ANYone who tells you to eat less than you're already eating. That will be counterproductive at best and dangerous at worst.

    Despite the popular opinion on these forums I've seen no science whatsoever to support this assertion. Only third hand anecdotal reports. It's like a religion now where people get very offended if you dare suggest it isn't so........

    Consider all suggestions and go with what feels right to you. If it doesn't work try something else.
  • Articeluvsmemphis
    Articeluvsmemphis Posts: 1,987 Member
    IS your body toning? Maybe your just gaining more muscle then fat now. :smile:

    Agree. Muscle weighs more than fat. :wink: Just don't give up! It's fustrating but keep your chin up :flowerforyou:

    Muscle weighs the same as fat. that's the which weighs more, 10pounds of feathers or a 10pound book. Muscle is denser which means it takes up less space. You cannot gain muscle on a calorie deficit, and if you hold onto anything after a strength session it is water retention usually with soreness and will go away.
  • cydonian
    cydonian Posts: 361 Member
    Everyone puts on a bit of weight over the winter time... I'm currently trying to maintain as I always gain 5 lbs in November and it comes off on it's own in March/April. Keep at it and you'll swing back around!
  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    Hey! First of all, I am in awe of your physical activities!!:) BUMP!:) Second of all, (no disrespect to anyone, please:)) But MUSCLE DOES NOT, nor will it EVER weigh more than FAT!:)) A POUND IS A POUND IS A POUND:)) Fat just may take up more room:)

    That being said, I've been told that muscles WILL hold WATER. How often do you take a few days off in a row? I'm not as fit as you so this is just a shot in the dark but I DO work out 50 minutes cardio and alternating upper/ lower body weights. (high reps). I've found that if I slack off for a day or two and focus on my caloric intake, then the numbers go down. Just a thought. Not sure why your clothes are snug, though. Washing in hot water?:happy:

    Best to you!
    It's a big downfall. I only have one day off a week from working out, so I'm basically always sore. LOL. The things like the pretzels are super rare. I wish I could take people back a couple of weeks to my usual food routine....but usually lunch is always a massive salad with lean protein and dinner is an entire bag of steamed veggies and a lean protein.
  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    The only criticism that I have that has not been stated in above posts, is your water intake. I only went back 2 days {yes I am lazy!}, but your water was at 0 both days. if you just forgot to track then ignore this post.

    When your body is in a dehydrated state, the metabolism drops to preserve the fluid in the vital organs. So you are battling against a lower metabolism. Make sure you get adequate hydration every day.
    Hey! It's ok! I don't write my water down, but I drink probably at least 4 32oz bottles of water every day...if not more. :-)
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    Personally, I think the 1000 calorie deficit is way way way too high. You don't have enough body fat to support a 2# a week loss. Generally, only people with 75# or more to lose can handle a 1000 calorie deficit.

    I did best with a 200-250 calorie deficit. Weight came off slower - about a half pound a week on average - but it was pretty much all from fat so it looked like more. Check the photos here: I'm close to the same weight in both photos. I've been eating at maintenance level for the past four months.

    I agree with this. And like others said maybe up your protein. I'd consider tracking your sugar intake as well. You do still have a lot of processed foods and things like the PB, skinny cow, puddings, etc, even though they fit in your calories, might be partially to blame. :flowerforyou:
  • MyaPapaya75
    MyaPapaya75 Posts: 3,143 Member
    after looking at a few days on your diary ....i personally think your sodium is high and you probably have tendency to retain fluids....your sodium number is usually above or right around recomended daily...perhaps thats just to much sodium for you....also dont increase sodium intake just because u earn more calories per working out...
  • I'm with the people that say you may want to trust your heart rate monitor less. Mine WAY overestimates the amount of calories I burn.....
  • I have the same issue, I rarely loose weight and I will inexplicably gain 5 lbs overnight. I solved this problem by just not weighing myself; it's not a very elegant solution. There could be a few issues, maybe don't weigh in daily, it sounds like it's frustrating you. Try maybe like at the end of the week or something (I usu behave better during the week so I NEVER weighed in on Sundays or Mondays). It might be a water weight thing. If you decide to keep weighing in daily I'd suggest maybe trying the same time (roughly) every day for like a week then the next week try a totally different slot but the same time; track your numbers and see if anything pops out. Again I typically weigh more when I wake up then when I get home from work. Third is the inelegant solution I mentioned above, just don't worry about the numbers. I'm about to sound like a gross hippy but just diet and work out because it makes you feel good, not to loose lbs.