Want friends that eat their calories!

I am on here to lose weight and get healthier. I would love to meet people who share that goal. Let's do this together... BUT I want a support team that actually eats. I keep meeting people that consume under 1000 calories of junk all day and want to be rewarded (hope that doesn't sad too hateful). For me this to be a lifestype change, not a "quick" fix... starvation doesn't work. I want to surround myself with those that share this view. Please add me if you are in this for real! I want to have support and offer support... but let's do it RIGHT.


  • ColleenMichele
    Friend Request sent!
  • kit8kat
    kit8kat Posts: 48 Member
    Hi there,

    I am with you all the way! I have had no success doing it the wrong way so now I'm doing it the healthy way and am starting to enjoy it. I sometimes go over my goal weight and sometimes I'm a little under (have a look at my diary). I'm just getting used to my calorie markers but I'm getting there.

    Please feel free to add me if you'd like some support :flowerforyou:
  • kd_mazur
    kd_mazur Posts: 569 Member
    I hear you:) This needs to be a lifestyle choice not a diet.
  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,383 Member
    My goal is 1370 per day, I normally eat that plus my exercise calories so I usually eat around 1800-2000 total per day. Sometimes I will net lower if I know I have a 'cheat day' coming up that will put me over the top, but other than that I'm normally pretty darn close to that 1370 net. I do eat some junk though. What can I say, it's delicious. LOL
  • polonightmare
    I eat at least 1200 calories a day (and try to make sure it's healthy) I am over quick fixes. anyone is free to add me :)
  • bearcatmatt
    I have been at this for about a month and I have had to cut a lot of junk out of my diet and life. I am trying to stay on the healthy eating pace and using exercise to do it as well. In 30 days I have lost 15 pounds and looking for 25 more to go away. I look forward to giving and getting encouragement!
  • tatertotfishstick
    tatertotfishstick Posts: 91 Member
    wow... the response was great.. I thought something was wrong with my MFP because of all the messages! lol. I eat. Somedays I eat really well, other days I eat one or 2 bad things, but I count those calories and try better the next day. I just hate all the diaries that fill up 700 calories for the entire day on ice cream or rice cakes and no nutrition. Come on...
  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,383 Member
    If you like protein you'll like my diary (over 100g per day). If you don't like 'snacks' just don't scroll down that far. B/c I eat a lot of snacks. LOL :-)

    edit: Just checked, yep, 1000 calories worth of 'snacks' today, about 900 for my meals. LOL
  • PinkEarthMama
    PinkEarthMama Posts: 987 Member
    Me me me!

    I " aim " for 1200 a day and then I eat every single one of my exercise calories! THIS BODY NEEDS FUEL!
  • SaSSyhasCurls
    I don't judge people's diaries because I know mines aren't prefer everyday. The only thing that irritates me is when I see males eating 1200 calories a day, everyday. Even I can't eat that low amount of food and survive.
  • sixxfan4ever
    sixxfan4ever Posts: 103 Member
    Right now I am pre diabetic and really need to watch how many calories I consume and watch my carb intake. If anyone were to feel I am not eating as much as they may think I should, well that is my reasoning behind it all. Good luck everyone!
  • Pandorian
    Pandorian Posts: 2,055 MFP Moderator
    my breakfast today was 1000 calories, just finished 150 grams of snap peas talk about filling for a low calorie hit. Much better since I had breakfast to start the day instead of not eating until later and then wanting everything I could reach.
  • TNoire
    TNoire Posts: 642 Member
    As a female no less than 1200 and as a male no less than 1800 or your body can go into starvation mode and cause massive weight gain, I been fighting this with quite a few of MFP buddies and when there scale goes up they cry WHY ME and I tell them I been trying to explain to you exp since too the daily limit of sodium is 2400/2500mg a day

    Ive lost 156lbs before in 19 months ive been there done that, then came the stress of buying selling houses I put some back on, I gained 195lbs when I quit smoking 12yrs ago

    I tell people like it is exp when they are eating junk and ill hold you accountable mainly because I write a msg like this and say hey just warning im honest you want a friend like me add me

    most do then I get 4 or so that drop like flies cause they can't handle my input after they ask for it

    I have my cheat days I wont lie, feel like crap after but hey cheat days are good my doc says cause it keeps you on ur toes and your body guessing to avoid a plateau

    so if you want a honest friend, look me up, I try my best to get to everyone but reason I put a msg out there daily saying if you want me to look and u want feed back msg me ill be happy to try my best to help ...... can you handle the honesty and tough love?

    if so add me =P
  • lauehorn
    lauehorn Posts: 183
    I am on here to lose weight and get healthier. I would love to meet people who share that goal. Let's do this together... BUT I want a support team that actually eats. I keep meeting people that consume under 1000 calories of junk all day and want to be rewarded (hope that doesn't sad too hateful). For me this to be a lifestype change, not a "quick" fix... starvation doesn't work. I want to surround myself with those that share this view. Please add me if you are in this for real! I want to have support and offer support... but let's do it RIGHT.

    Request sent!
  • ahinescapron
    ahinescapron Posts: 351 Member
    Add me! I eat all my cals and my exercise cals (and lose about a pound a week :))!
  • regions02
    regions02 Posts: 154 Member
    Add me - I eat 1300 cals per day - but do not eat my exercise calories back!
  • kodibear123
    kodibear123 Posts: 185 Member
    I eat between 1500-1800 calories per day! I believe in eating. I live to eat, not eat to live! :):bigsmile:
  • Jaffacake05
    I eat most of my calories and sometimes more. Sometimes i have off days and some days i'm extremely good. I have been going for 3 weeks and have lost 3 pounds. I believe this steady loss to be a good thing (although who wouldn't like more). I've changed my life lot and this is my next big hurdle - being healthy rather than being on a diet. I hope that makes sense anyway feel feel to add me if you want some company on your journey x
  • ChristineDiet
    ChristineDiet Posts: 719 Member
    If you sound awful for saying that, then I am too!!

    I had a huge debate just a few days ago, about people under eaten and also people wanting advice but won't actually open their food diary. I just don't get how you can say to someone "well done, great job etc" because they are under their calorie goal, if you don't know what they've eaten or how many calories they've had.

    I've had 'friends' who eat 1000 calories a day but it's all from McDonalds! I had other 'friends' who were eating very little and exercising too.

    I've actually going through my friends list tomorrow and deleting anyone who doesn't have their diary open. That's where I will start.

    I'm in this to eat a 'normal' diet, just less of it! I'm going to be 40 very soon and need things to change. I'm not going to deprive myself of anything, but will make cuts; for example I don't drink alcohol during the week at all, only Friday and Saturday, but when i do, instead of wine I have bacardi and diet coke (less calories).

    If you want to add me as a friend then feel free. But I am honest and want to see your diary. In return I would like your honesty too. My diary is open to the public. It may not be perfect, but it's definitely better than it was 4 weeks ago when i started this.

    Good luck to everyone. x
  • vacherin
    vacherin Posts: 192
    Add me - I eat all my calories, and my exercise ones, and sometimes (well, ok, usually) i go over my limit and have my green bar turn naughty red. I know what you mean about eating very few calories but all of them being junk - unfortunately one of the pitfalls of this site is that it tells you if you go over your limit, but not if you stay within your limit by eating utter crap. Sometimes it's HARDER to stay within your limit through eating proper home-cooked food!