bigger measurements

So I've been on "the right track" for a month now. I've been working out and trying to eat right which is of course hard some days, but I have completely stopped drinking pop and have significantly cut back on my sugar intake. I was never really a salt person so I know that's not an issue. My issue is this: After a month, my measurements have gone up. I am doing weights and have gone down a total of 8 lbs (my weigh in days are fridays so my tracker won't be updated until tomorrow) But my measurements on my arms and thighs and bust went up. I did lose an inch in my belly and my neck, but I feel like it just migrated to my other limbs! So I was just wondering if anybody else has had this issue. I just never thought the measurements would go up since I'm already pretty large, I thought any movement would help me SLIM down. I'm not opposed to getting buff but it just seems odd. Help?


  • dhkeys
    muscles weigh more then fat. You're doing great! Keep doing what you're doing and in know time you'll see major changes. Gook luck.
  • blissfuldrake
    blissfuldrake Posts: 128 Member
    I've lost nine pounds and my bust measurement has INCREASED a half inch! I refused to put that down, though...figured it was operator error with the tape measure...