Body By Vi



  • ViSabbi
    ViSabbi Posts: 120 Member
    I love the shake. I've been on it twice a day since january 4th, lost 12 pounds since, and 14.5 inches in 3 weeks. It tastes like cake mix and isn't expensive at all when you consider that 1- you can have it for free 2- is better nutrition-wise than the competition. I love my shake and wouldn't change it for anything.
  • jennmartin82
    I love the shake. I've been on it twice a day since january 4th, lost 12 pounds since, and 14.5 inches in 3 weeks. It tastes like cake mix and isn't expensive at all when you consider that 1- you can have it for free 2- is better nutrition-wise than the competition. I love my shake and wouldn't change it for anything.

    Great Job fellow body by vi member!!!! :):wink: 14 inches...that's amazing!!!
  • JGT2004
    JGT2004 Posts: 231 Member
    I haven't tried any of these shakes y'all are mentioning because I gave up on the fad diets several years ago. They only seem to work for a little while and once you go off them you gain it back. Do you really want to have to buy their supplements for the rest of your life so the weight stays off?

    Why not make your own shakes? I used to think it was a pain to mix it all together but bought a ninja blender (one of the cheaper ones with the motor on top instead of the base) and found a good base recipe and have been drinking a protein shake every morning.

    I found the recipe on Pinterest and have seen it on here. The base to the shakes are:

    1/2 c. non-fat vanilla greek yogurt
    3/4 c. unsweetened vanilla almond milk
    2 c. of spinach (am also in the process of trying it by replacing this with kale or fresh collard greens)
    1-2 med or large bananas

    and then to keep from getting bored I mix it up. These are the "extras" I have added and alternate between so far:

    1 scoop vanilla protein powder + an extra banana (so making it 2 large bananas)
    1 scoop vanilla protein powder + 1 c. strawberries (for a strawberry banana version)
    1 scoop chocolate protein powder + 2 tbs. peanut butter (super good with the banana kick)

    They usually are some version of green and take a little bit to get used to but I find it a very filling breakfast with tons of nutrients. I have a hard time getting fruits and veggies in and this helps. I add a ton of ice to mine to make it thicker so it usually comes to nearly 32 oz. (which I sometimes split into 2 separate meals so the calories aren't to heavy).

    Play around and try to make your own. Then you know they don't have preservatives, added sugars, or other chemical crap added to them. It's all about changing your lifestyle not a quick fix.

    Good luck! And congrats to every one's success, I wish you the best!
  • Nelski
    Nelski Posts: 1,607 Member
    Try Shakeology! I lost 20 pounds in 5 months with the Chocolate shake and working out 4 times a week. I'm down to s size 8 now!

    lol. Beachbody coach?

    Not everyone that drinks Shakeology is a BB coach. I'm not a coach and like it a lot. I don't think it's necessarily for weight loss, just a tasty meal replacement shake for when you need something fast and easy.
  • miamigirll
    I am currently on the 90 Day Challenge...two weeks in and I'm down 7 lbs! Double thumbs up!!! My son (who needed to lose a lot 50 lbs...lost 7 in the first week). I'm glad I'm doing this the healthy way instead of cutting out meals, etc. I have tons of energy and so thankful I was introduced to it. Plus, it's has a money back guarantee, so if it doesn't work, you get your money back. That was my catch.
  • pg1girl
    pg1girl Posts: 268 Member
    I have tried a few of those different things. Isagenix in particular. I did it for about a year. Once I stopped with the shakes...because lets be realistic here....nobody will continue to have two shakes a day for the rest of their lives, I put weight back on. I have found that eating healthy and within my calorie limits is the best way for me to lose or maintain. I just eat the way I would normally eat...just a little less. I still enjoy an Isagenix shake sometimes as a meal replacement but it isn't realistic to expect to be able to do that for the rest of your life.
  • Scorpioangel
    Scorpioangel Posts: 951 Member
    Try Shakeology! I lost 20 pounds in 5 months with the Chocolate shake and working out 4 times a week. I'm down to s size 8 now!

    lol. Beachbody coach?

    Not everyone that drinks Shakeology is a BB coach. I'm not a coach and like it a lot. I don't think it's necessarily for weight loss, just a tasty meal replacement shake for when you need something fast and easy.

    Agreed! I have several friends who are not coaches who drink it as a meal replacement and add fat free milk, peanut butter, etc. I have never once pushed that drink on anyone.
  • LadyLoriAnn
    i have just started the 90 day challenge, 2 friends have done awesome with it and it taste great!
  • HannahMarieMcDougald
    YOU DO NOT GAIN TH WEIGHT BACK IF YOU EAT PROPERLY! That's the same as any diet you follow! I love it! OMG yes people I am on it.... And my shakes are awesome and please don't argue with me..I wont listen........................Body By Vi!!! :drinker:
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    Why not just get a protein powder? Can get one for 3g of carbs or less, double the protein, and a lot cheaper.
  • r1ghtpath
    r1ghtpath Posts: 701 Member
    i love shakeology and body by vi shape shakes! they're very different from one another, but they're both good in their own ways. i am not a coach or a distributor. i have issues with food, and these products help me get enough calories and protein each day.

    i do 2 body by vi shakes a day usually. sometimes i'll do one of each. i do add protein powder to my shakes to get my protein up there. i eat my snacks ( just started doing this though) and i log all of my intake here on MFP. i don't get crazy with mine. i add almond milk and ice cubes, and usually just some vanilla and cinnamon to mask the taste of the whey protein i add. i actually like the body by vi flavor without adding ANYTHING at all. and there is NO NEED to buy the mix ins. they include small samples, but you can add whatever you'd like. sometimes i add frozen fruit instead of ice.

    as for shakeology. when i want a chocolate fix, this is the first thing i grab. it's THICK and chocolatey!!! and it totally curbs that craving and fills you up

    i highly recommend body by vi. but, if you're doing it as an easy quick fix to lose weight, it probably won't have the affect you're looking for. you still need to be conscious of what you're putting in your body, and you still need to burn off more calories than you consume in order to lose weight. i eat low fat, low carb, and high protein now. i have a beach body coach, and we are doing a body by vi 90 day challenge. i am doing a P90X/ TurboFire hybrid work out program. i work out 7 days a week. in 5 days i dropped 8 inches ( and this was 4 weeks into the program!!!) so, yeah. it all works as long as YOU work too!

    good luck!
  • jennmartin82
    YOU DO NOT GAIN TH WEIGHT BACK IF YOU EAT PROPERLY! That's the same as any diet you follow! I love it! OMG yes people I am on it.... And my shakes are awesome and please don't argue with me..I wont listen........................Body By Vi!!! :drinker:

    ^ Hahaha!! Exactly!! Living the Vi-Life!
  • Rielyn
    Rielyn Posts: 150 Member
    I started on Body By Vi at the beginning of January. I was looking for something that would help me start eating properly again, This is my third time losing weight on MFP, I have a really hard time getting past a certain weight. I always seem to give up for some reason. Anyway, I really like the shakes they taste great and there are tons of different recipes floating around that you can use. I have lost 13 pounds and 11.5 inches since the beginning of January. I have also been doing a 30 day exercise program and healthy meals too. I'm not sure how much weight loss I can attribute to the shakes.

    For me they are a great way to get in some more nutrition. I run a daycare and get about 2 minutes a day for lunch/breakfast. Someday's I will have 2 shakes a day, someday;s only 1. I like the convenience and they do taste good. I don't see it as a quick fix, I know how to eat healthy meals, sometimes it's just too much work so these shakes really help. Hopefully I didn't ramble too much there! LOL
  • maddiebabe
    maddiebabe Posts: 193 Member
    hey guys :)

    i have been doing it for a month now too and I LOVE IT!!!! there are soooo many delicious ways to make it taste different every day so you dont get sick of it! Id love to swap recipies with anyone who wants too :)
  • DTatum
    DTatum Posts: 15
    I love my Body by Vi! I was one that didn't believe in it at first as I was on a different program and didn't buy into it at first. Then I did my own research and finally signed up. I have lost 16 pounds and weigh less now that I did over 10 years ago. I have so much energy, which is phenomenal considering I have 4 kids my own and run a home daycare. For those of you that are concerned that you will gain weight back, with our 3 for free program, you can eat healthy and nutritiously for FREE so why would you ever go back to eating poorly? it is a lifestyle change, it is not a yo-yo diet where you lose the weight then stop. If you are dieting to that degree, you will always fail. Body by Vi is amazing!
  • DTatum
    DTatum Posts: 15
    Just getting a protein powder is not necessarily the best for you. The Body by Vi shakes are formulated with a tri-sorb protein blend. Sadly many protein shakes may have 24g of protein in them, but it is not a healthy protein. Not to mention the fact that the BBV shakes are packed with more nutrition than we ever consume in one sitting and our bodies need it.
  • DTatum
    DTatum Posts: 15
    Why not just get a protein powder? Can get one for 3g of carbs or less, double the protein, and a lot cheaper.

    Just getting a protein powder is not necessarily the best for you. The Body by Vi shakes are formulated with a tri-sorb protein blend. Sadly many protein shakes may have 24g of protein in them, but it is not a healthy protein. Not to mention the fact that the BBV shakes are packed with more nutrition than we ever consume in one sitting and our bodies need it.
  • kvsmith59
    kvsmith59 Posts: 26 Member
    Questions :)

    My wife is actually starting this in the morning. I'm going to sample a few shakes....

    If you use this as a replacement meal, at only 90 calories a serving, won't you end up way below your MFP goals and won't that put your body into starvation mode? I'm new here so a tad clueless about everything, so any thoughts on this would be appreciated.
  • Nelski
    Nelski Posts: 1,607 Member
    Questions :)

    My wife is actually starting this in the morning. I'm going to sample a few shakes....

    If you use this as a replacement meal, at only 90 calories a serving, won't you end up way below your MFP goals and won't that put your body into starvation mode? I'm new here so a tad clueless about everything, so any thoughts on this would be appreciated.

    Don't you mix them with milk or something to give it extra calories? Is it meant to replace 3 meals and thats all you have for the day? If so then it does sound like it wouldn't be enough calories in a day.
  • jennmartin82
    Questions :)

    My wife is actually starting this in the morning. I'm going to sample a few shakes....

    If you use this as a replacement meal, at only 90 calories a serving, won't you end up way below your MFP goals and won't that put your body into starvation mode? I'm new here so a tad clueless about everything, so any thoughts on this would be appreciated.

    it's 90 calories unmixed. after I mix mine with milk & frozen fruit etc....It's about 200 or more.

    Mix with Skim or Almond milk, add fresh fruit, frozen fruit, no-fat yogurt etc.

    Replace 2 meals with a Vi-Shake, and eat a sensible 3rd meal.

    If you need any other advise etc, feel free to add me :)

    Good luck to you!