New user looking for support/fitness buddies!

Hey! I'm Ell! I just started college and I'm a bit heavier than I want to be <: ( (about 150 lbs. at 5'7). I really want to take some weight off, but buying my own groceries is a little difficult since I spend all day at school and don't have a lot of time or money for home cooked meals. I'm willing to try anything, though! Hopefully this site will help; I LOVE the iphone app so far!
Is there anybody out there who'd like to be friends? I could TOTALLY use the motivation and support!!
Thanks a lot! :)


  • vha2
    vha2 Posts: 64 Member
    Hi Ell. i assume you're in the States somewhere and you're talking in pounds? If that's the case I don't think I'd worry about my weight so much if I were you.. Provided I've done my conversions correctly you're an inch or 2 taller than I am but 5kg lighter, which is about the weight that I'd be comfortable at. Are you sure you should be losing weight?
  • Oh, yeah, I meant pounds, sorry! It's more about how I look than the actual weight. I guess I just put it there for reference. I have some flab and extra fat I'd like to eliminate.
  • Hi Ell, I am Amy and just getting started with this site too. I love the phone app as well. I am a busy Mom of 4 year old twins, work 25-30 hrs a week and just making time for myself again. I am 5'6 1/2 and weigh 178. I want to be 150 by summer with and end goal of 135-140.
  • courtneymal17
    courtneymal17 Posts: 672 Member
    Heyas! Welocme to MFP! I know what you can be so rough on eating healthy...I know I put on a ton of weight in college...defo start eating healthy now! It's always hard to get groceries and such at school, especially if yours has a 'no cars for freshman' rule like mine did lol...My advice would be to use the weekends (maybe like sat or sun mornings?) to go to the grocery store....and if you dont have a car maybe see if an older student would be willing to take you? I used to get rides from friends in class or organizations I was in. If you can't though, just try to make healthy choices when you go out to eat...skip the mayo and get grilled stuff instead of baked, etc. Anyways, good luck! Feel free to add me if you'd like, getting motivation from people here has been completely invaluable!
  • Hey! I am new too and looking for a motivation buddy! :)
  • Hi! I am also 5'7'' and 150! I'd love someone to lose weight with! I am still a senior in HS but I'm goin to college next year and really want to start over with a clean slate. Also, I'd like to maintain a new (and lower) weight without gaining the freshman ten! Like you, it's about how I look. I basically want to slim up a little and tone up.
  • flutestmelody
    flutestmelody Posts: 15 Member
    Hi Ell, It sounds like you more want to tone up and maybe get a little more physically fit. That is awesome. Instead of focusing on lbs you may want to focus more on just building a healthy life style that you can live with and avoid packing on the 50+ some of us have. Naturally you would want to begin with a healthy diet. There are a lot of tips for how people like your self can fix quick low cost meals. There are also tips for those that are stuck with eating out more than they might want to. What foods do you usually eat and what is easily available to you? Also, something you really need to think about is finding time to be active. There are all kinds of ways to fit in exercise. It just takes a little commitment.

    I am a stay at home mom, with two boys that I home school, and a husband who is in the army. I am also supper active in my children's cub and boy scouts, involved in a local women's group, and volunteer where I am needed. So I am super busy and don't really have tons of extra time on my plate. I do however exercise 5-6days a week, (including walking, spinning, wii active sports, and various other things that I like to try). I also work hard to keep my family fed with healthy, wholesome meals that everyone enjoys. We actually save money by eating at home instead of eating out. Most of my meals take about 30 minutes to prepare. My goal weight is 150 (I am 5'8"). Right now I am in the 190s so I have a ways to go.
  • Wow, you seem to do really well with so much on your plate! That's awesome! Thank you for the words of advice. I work out intensively 3-4 days a week (around 60-90 minutes) and take long walks on the other days, though I'm not sure that's the best idea for cutting flab and looking trimmer? My go-to foods are bananas and if I'm in a pinch for lunch around school, I'll have a grilled chicken sandwich and take off the bread (no condiments). Eating more vegetables and drinking more water will definitely help, I think. I'd love to know your opinions on good low cost recipes, though! Feel free to add me!
  • sr823204
    sr823204 Posts: 53 Member
    Welcome to MFP!! Feel free to add me as a friend.

    This is a great site. Good luck!!