20lbs & 14 inches gone {pics}

I'm working hard within my means right now, but hitting a plateau. I was really excited when I measured this morning and realized that even though my weight hasn't budged, I'd lost almost 6 inches since the last time I measured. Hooray!

My starting weight off MFP was 249lbs. When I started a blog with my friends, I was 238lbs, and so this progress is from when I was actually tracking my weight and measurements. The first picture is from June 2011, the middle one from October 2011 and the right one from today, February 1st, 2012. My current weight is 218lbs.


Now I've just got to work harder and bust through this plateau and keep losing!

I'm totally open to adding anyone here. Seeing other people succeed makes me want to succeed more too! Motivational :happy:


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