Confused! Too skinny? Slim? Room for improvement?

Okay so I have lost about 10 kilos in total since calorie counting with MFP. WOO!

What is really frustrating me at the moment are the mixed opinions I am getting from people.

Some people are saying that I look too skinny (Most of these people are coworkers) and should put weight on.

Some others are saying that I am looking really good and athletic and should maintain what I have.

My PT and some others are saying that I shouldn't lose too much more but should begin focusing on some more tone.

I am 180cms and weighed in this morning at 60.6kg.

With all of these mixed opinions, it has me wondering if I am sick in the head? Like I am looking in the mirror and seeing room for improvement yet other people see this anorexic stick!?

I stand from the side and look at myself in the mirror and see a slight pudge in the tummy. I see my thighs and see that they could slim down slightly more.

I see SO much improvement in my body and I'm so happy with it :) but one thing I never thought I would have to deal with is the paranoia of looking 'too skinny'. I just can't bloody win!

I only intend on getting to 60kgs. Underweight for my height is below 57. I want to build more muscle and look 'sculpted'

I am just thoroughly confused at the moment :( I'm happy with my weight loss but I'm depressed at the thought of looking skinny. Sometimes I think to myself that I can have a few more treats here and there and exceed my BMR to put on weight but then I am scared that I will regret it and want to lose it. Ugh!! Help!!


  • jfluchere
    jfluchere Posts: 346 Member
    I think you look fine in your pictures. Other people are weird when normal weight people want to drop a few. I'm sure they are carrying around a few extra pounds and people will always say you look fine the way you are / don't loose any more weight. Level off and maintain now...
  • splucy
    splucy Posts: 353
    Just uploaded a new photo of me from last Saturday incase anyone was wondering what I did look like. I don't think I am 'too skinny'?
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    Your pic looks great. 60kg sounds low to me (I'm 164 cm and 70kg) but as long as its in the healthy range, then that sounds ok.
    At this stage it's probably going to be more about building stronger muscles (which will make you look leaner and flatter) rather than losing more kg.
  • splucy
    splucy Posts: 353
    I think you look fine in your pictures. Other people are weird when normal weight people want to drop a few. I'm sure they are carrying around a few extra pounds and people will always say you look fine the way you are / don't loose any more weight. Level off and maintain now...

    Yeah I'm only planning on a tiny bit more but that's only so I can round it off at 60. I'll probably gain more weight as I aim to gain muscle. Blegh!!!
  • lisakyle_11
    lisakyle_11 Posts: 420 Member
    you look fabulous!! seriously. if i were you, i'd focus on maintaining and keeping your muscle (so not losing!).
  • DOElston
    DOElston Posts: 102
    If you look like your photo, you look wonderful! Sad to say, negative comments of being "too skinny" likely come from those who are a wee bit jealous. If those you truly love and truly trust to be honest see what you see, go with that. Ultimately, you have to be comfortable in your own skin. As long as your physician isn't the one worried about you being "too skinny", don't give it another thought! All the best to you!
  • _CiaoParis
    You look amazing!! People tell me I'm too skinny also, it's annoying!
  • Animaniac87
    First and foremost, based on your current photo you look AWE-mazing!

    Based on that and that alone, I would tend to agree with your PT. I wouldn't drop too many more lbs/kilos, then you might start looking a little too thin for my taste.

    As for the coworkers, they are probably just being hateful because they are jealous. I'm no where near looking too skinny and a few of my coworkers are telling me that I'm losing too much weight too fast, etc. Women (especially coworkers) can be so hateful when another women loses weight and they haven't lost any and/or hate the way they look.

    WE didn't lose weight for them, we did/doing it for ourselves. So I say go until you're happy with the person you see in the mirror. Everyone deserves to like what they look like, find what that is for you, and then maintain/
  • oliviaseward
    oliviaseward Posts: 66 Member
    personally i think you look absolutely wonderful and im quite jealous hahaha youve done so good. you should need to do what makes you happy. personally i think you look perfect right now and should just maintain/tone if you want.
  • swillis21
    swillis21 Posts: 251 Member
    You look great :) And I kinda know where u are coming from. I think it helps to pick a healthy person you look up to. Like I love Rachel McAdams and she has what I think of as healthy weight w/o looking like Angelina. And when I feel like my tummy area arching out looks fat I realize that's just the curve/shape of my build, and that once my stomach flattens out some I will be at a healthy weight and look good too, which you are. So, don't focus on "improvement" just focus on continuing to be healthy, which includes challenging your body, but for the challenge, not to make this or that little bit of skin/fat look different. cuz w/no fat, ppl don't look good. So, don't fret, just focus on good health I'd suggest :)
  • JAllen32
    JAllen32 Posts: 991 Member
    You look amazing!!! That pic of you in your bikini really shows your stomach and thighs, and you don't look at all like you need to lose anything. So at this point, if I were you I'd worry about maintaining and toning. I know its hard to look at yourself and say "Yep, no more fat." lol But you really don't look like you have any left to lose. Don't stress and just work out for fitness and health now, not weight loss. Good luck and GREAT JOB!!!!!
  • Ms_Lassie
    You sound like you are preparing for maintenance with tummy toning or muscle definition in your thighs as something you want to happen... I'm only 1cm shorter & am aiming for the even 60kg too!

    I've lost about 4kgs so far and will be happy with anything under 65kgs as my first goal as I haven't been near 60kgs in 10 years (a couple kids later, knee reco, life(!) etc. getting in the way). But even now I'm feeling fitter & believing I am looking better in clothes and all those good things. Sorry, rambling now!

    If you are able to do all the activity/exercise/living life that you need to at that weight then be happy! I would guess that if you got too skinny you might lose some strength or endurance and your body would tell you to take it a bit easier on yourself.
  • Rayman79
    Rayman79 Posts: 2,009 Member
    fwiw I think you look hot. I certainly dont think you need to lose any more weight but what you do now is entirely up to you (whethert you want to stay as-is or hit the weights).

    Haters gonna hate, just take it as a compliment that they want you to put on weight so you dont look better than them :tongue:
  • Juliette320
    Juliette320 Posts: 144 Member
    How do YOU feel? Are you comfortable where YOU are? EF the other people (: this should be all about YOU !
  • Juliette320
    Juliette320 Posts: 144 Member

    Haters gonna hate, just take it as a compliment that they want you to put on weight so you dont look better than them :tongue:

    ^^ true (:
  • Werglum
    Werglum Posts: 378 Member
    You are in the healthy weight range, but only by a whisker! I'd focus on toning up - I've seen pictures on here of people who look like they've lost 5kg but haven't actually lost anything and have just shrunken everything in by doing weights!
    In saying that I think you look amazing just as you are!
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    How tall are you?
    How much do you weigh?
    Whats your body fat %?
  • Rayman79
    Rayman79 Posts: 2,009 Member
    How tall are you?
    How much do you weigh?
    Whats your body fat %?

    In any other context, this would be totally creepy!!! :laugh:
  • brandonrdn
    I would definitely say you're fine where you are. If anything I would do what your PT said and start hitting the weights to tone up a bit. But as of now you look absolutely amazing.
  • splucy
    splucy Posts: 353
    How tall are you?
    How much do you weigh?
    Whats your body fat %?

    14.5% body fat
    24 years old