How often do you weight your self?

Hi I only joined her a week ago. So very new to this all.

I tent to weight my self every day some told me this is to often is that right? is there an amount of time you should leave between weightings to get a correct amount.

I have been eating less and doing a little more than normal and the scales say I have lost 6 pounds in a week I feel this may be inaccurate I don't feel any different of like I have done enough to lose this amount of weight.

Any one here had the same thing? Any one help?

Thanks Sophie

Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods


  • TisMee76
    TisMee76 Posts: 67 Member
    I'm slightly addicted ATM, so I weight myself about 7 times a day. Really is a pointless and disappointing exercise.
  • I don't advise weighing any more often than once per week. Personally, I can fluctuate 3-4 lbs per day due to water retention, and especially on days I work out and my muscles retain extra water. I was driving myself crazy weighing daily for this reason. Weighing once a week reflects true results.
  • puzuk
    puzuk Posts: 4 Member
    I try to keep it to once a week as some days you can just go up and down in lbs. First thing Monday morning when you get out of bed :)
  • ShaneWinston58
    ShaneWinston58 Posts: 156 Member
    Most people, I think, weigh themselves about once per week. I have to weigh in at the doctors office, of which, I go to every two weeks., because I don't have a scale at the moment. It kills me to have to wait that long before I can weigh-in, but I usually have lost between 2 and 3 pounds, so I get a "high" from seeing some results. Others weigh in every day or two. I think this is rather compulsive. I guess they just have to step on their scales.:happy:
  • smudger_24
    smudger_24 Posts: 107 Member
    I dont have scales at home so weigh every 7-10 days roughly, I personally think every day is a little too much as weight fluctuates day - day to water etc...
  • fxst78
    fxst78 Posts: 221 Member
    Once per week, same time, same clothes, same scale.

    Saturday, 0500, gym gear, at the gym!
  • SteveTries
    SteveTries Posts: 723 Member
    It's always correct :smile:

    Of course what people mean is that your weight various constantly due to many factors more than your fat loss By far the biggest of these is the volume of water you are carrying under the skin, in your gut and in your muscles.

    This varies based on physical activity (sweating), sodium intake, carbohydrate intake and of course water consumption.

    So it's very common that you might vary your weight by 2, 3 or 4 pounds one day to the next. This is most easily seen when you embark on a reduced carb diet. You'll drop 4lbs of weight in a couple of days, but gain that back when the carbs go back up.

    What you are trying to get from the scales is a view as to fat loss I assume. So for that you want to try and measure yourself under the same circumstances. If you have a weekly routine of say reduced calories Sunday thru Friday where you eat generally the same things and exercise on the same days then probably all other conditions will be equal and your weight difference from one Friday to the next will be genuine.

    There's nothing wrong with watching the scales every day, just be aware that 2lb increase from yesterday doesn't mean you gained a bunch of fat (you'd have to have eaten about 9000 calories to achieve that!).

    hope that is useful.
  • kenlad64
    kenlad64 Posts: 377 Member
    Officially, ... once a week, but I step on it everyday to keep myself in check
  • I weigh myself every Friday:smile:
  • I haven't been weighing myself recently because I've been ill, but I tend to do it once a week (on the same day - Sunday in my case), or sometimes twice a week if I feel a week didn't go particularly well. If you weigh yourself too much, it does start to consume you a little.
  • I weigh myself once a week, except for around T.O.M. then I skip a couple weeks because it will just discourage me to see a weight gain whether it is temporary or not.
  • Miss_dannii
    Miss_dannii Posts: 1,351 Member
    I'm slightly addicted ATM, so I weight myself about 7 times a day. Really is a pointless and disappointing exercise.

    LOL :)

    I weigh once a day, first thing in the morning, after I have a wee and I weigh naked. It's the most accurate way. I watch my weight go down by 0.5-1lb every day

  • Hi, I weigh in everyday which I know you shouldn't but it's just to tempting to jump on. Having said that my bathroom scales can say 3 or 4 different weight s each time I step on.
    My official weigh in day is Friday when I use my WII fit board to weigh in which seems to be much more accurate.
  • SteveTries
    SteveTries Posts: 723 Member
    my bathroom scales can say 3 or 4 different weight s each time I step on.

    You may need new scales

  • bebeschtroumph
    bebeschtroumph Posts: 15 Member
    I personally step on the scale every morning. That being said, I only officially 'record' my weight once a week on my calendar. On here, if I weigh in the same three days in a row, it gets updated. I like weighing every day, since it keeps me mindful of my weight. I don't get bothered by a bit of fluctuation, since it's only natural, but it helps me catch any upwards trending weeks. Basically, do what makes you happy!

    Six pounds in a week is a quick loss, but some of that might be water weight, and just general fluctuations. Don't be surprised/upset if the scale does tic back up a bit, and congratulations on your hard work!
  • kcoftx
    kcoftx Posts: 765 Member
    I like to weigh myself daily. Over time I got good at recognizing my body's fluctuation. This morning I was up .4lbs. I'm pretty sure it is related to lack of bowel movements over the last few days. I understand that and don't freak out. I look for a trend over time but it would drive me nuts not to weigh daily.
  • CindyRx
    CindyRx Posts: 46 Member
    Officially, ... once a week, but I step on it everyday to keep myself in check

    I agree with you. I also officially weigh myself once a week for documenting purposes, but I tend to get on the scale everyday. I don't beat myself up if it's a pound or 2 higher on some days since it may be water weight or the fact that I am now adding strength training to my program. I know as long as I consistently take in less calories (or even amount of calories) than I'm allowed to have, it will come off soon.
  • I used to weigh once a week, its probably the most accurate but lately ive been a little extreme about it and been weighing everyday just as i get out of bed to see the fluctuations and ive been dropping 300gs every day. Although i think my scale is broken because on monday mornings i gain 700gs :S hehe
    I have one of those scales that read body fat/water & muscle so i can see where the weight is from exactly and luckily im losing fat not the others :D
  • I have just finished my first month weighing daily does fluctuate results but keeps me going also
    Weekly if probably better but it's what ever you found works good luck!
  • kyle4jem
    kyle4jem Posts: 1,400 Member
    Officially, ... once a week, but I step on it everyday to keep myself in check
    Yup, that's me too!

    At first I was only a once a week man but now I've lost about half the weight I want to lose I need to keep myself in check and find this is the best way for me. It doesn't really affect my diet, but in many respects it motivates me to push myself when swimming to burn a few more Calories than I might have been planning to :happy: