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I have just finished 30 day shred. I need some suggestion on what I can do know to really tone up my stomach area and natually my arms and legs. Ive lost a good bit a weight and need to really tone now. It needs to be something i can do at home though cant go to the gym right now. Please help with some suggestions.


  • AlwaysWanderer
    AlwaysWanderer Posts: 641 Member
    Body weight exercises, push ups, squats, lounges etc. Or have a look at P90X or insanity. They are good =)
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    You lost all your weight!
    That's great.

    Just set your goals to maintain, and in time your body will tone up.
    Set your expectation for a long process, and continue exercising hard - cardio and resistance.
    It can happen though not fast.
    And don't fall into the trap where you seek out the perfect pill, DVD, shake, root extract or device that will make in all happen in 30 days. Nope.
    Time, hard work and patience:bigsmile:
    Let's see where you are in 3 months.
  • Christinaray
    Christinaray Posts: 75 Member
    Thanks for the suggestions. You are exactly.right about this not being something you can do quickly. I started this journey in 2004. been a long time but got married had a baby and managed to keep at it. I just want the look.now I guess and know I need to really deal with that.
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    Start lifting, heavy weights and lower reps.

    Toning is a misleading word. What you want to do is show some muscle tone/definition. In order to do that 2 things have to happen - 1) your body fat has to be low enough to show off the muscles hiding under the fat, and 2) you have to have some muscle to show off!

    So start lifting. You'll strengthen existing muscle, maybe put on a very small amount of new muscle while continuing to burn fat. If you are near your goal weight, up your cals to closer to maintenance and lift lift lift.

    Patience is key here because it won't come quickly or easily.
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    Start lifting, heavy weights and lower reps.

    Toning is a misleading word. What you want to do is show some muscle tone/definition. In order to do that 2 things have to happen - 1) your body fat has to be low enough to show off the muscles hiding under the fat, and 2) you have to have some muscle to show off!

    So start lifting. You'll strengthen existing muscle, maybe put on a very small amount of new muscle while continuing to burn fat. If you are near your goal weight, up your cals to closer to maintenance and lift lift lift.

    Patience is key here because it won't come quickly or easily.
    And THIS!
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    Thanks for the suggestions. You are exactly.right about this not being something you can do quickly. I started this journey in 2004. been a long time but got married had a baby and managed to keep at it. I just want the look.now I guess and know I need to really deal with that.
    You are dealing with it.
    And you'll be fine - good luck with everything.
  • Christinaray
    Christinaray Posts: 75 Member
    Thank you again for all the suggestions...my motivation now is bathing suit time coming up.
  • lsilly15
    lsilly15 Posts: 137 Member
    great job sticking through the 30 day shred!
  • raven56706
    raven56706 Posts: 918 Member
    Abs arent created in the gym but in the kitchen... just some words of advice
  • aranchmom
    aranchmom Posts: 176 Member
    I recently got into T-Tapp. There's alot of testimonials as to toning, and its a short workout you can do in your own home. I like it so far.
  • mkmfrog
    mkmfrog Posts: 49 Member
    Protein, protein, protein!

    Increase protein intake. Decrease processed foods, sugar and eating too much in one sitting. What has worked for me: Eating six small meals a day (each containing a protein, a fat and a carb) and increasing my strength training. When it comes to burning fat and building muscle...A CALORIE IS NOT A CALORIE!

    This is when WHAT you eat does matter!
  • Jane2285
    Jane2285 Posts: 187 Member
    I'm with you! I've done the 30 day Shred...getting ready to start over again...I just like the work out. But....I still have a little belly pooch (I've had two wonderful babies!) and really want to get rid of it....but I"ve heard it takes up to 9 months for your body t oget back to normal after the birthing process....so in theory....I guess i've got at least 5 more to go before I can really tell if it's changing...:) Good luck! And keep up the cardio and watch what you eat. You can do this!
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    Start lifting, heavy weights and lower reps.

    Toning is a misleading word. What you want to do is show some muscle tone/definition. In order to do that 2 things have to happen - 1) your body fat has to be low enough to show off the muscles hiding under the fat, and 2) you have to have some muscle to show off!

    So start lifting. You'll strengthen existing muscle, maybe put on a very small amount of new muscle while continuing to burn fat. If you are near your goal weight, up your cals to closer to maintenance and lift lift lift.

    Patience is key here because it won't come quickly or easily.

    This is perfect.
  • raven56706
    raven56706 Posts: 918 Member
    Protein, protein, protein!

    Increase protein intake. Decrease processed foods, sugar and eating too much in one sitting. What has worked for me: Eating six small meals a day (each containing a protein, a fat and a carb) and increasing my strength training. When it comes to burning fat and building muscle...A CALORIE IS NOT A CALORIE!

    This is when WHAT you eat does matter!

    cool... then which food that you are allowed in the MFP diet are big no nos for this?
  • Christinaray
    Christinaray Posts: 75 Member
    Thanks guys. I do eat 5 to 6 times a day that is how ive done what ive done thus far. I try to eat less carbs and higher protein but I do have trouble trying to get enough protein. I have came a long way and will stay at and try some of these new suggestions. Thanks again and good luck to all of you too.
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    Protein, protein, protein!

    Increase protein intake. Decrease processed foods, sugar and eating too much in one sitting. What has worked for me: Eating six small meals a day (each containing a protein, a fat and a carb) and increasing my strength training. When it comes to burning fat and building muscle...A CALORIE IS NOT A CALORIE!

    This is when WHAT you eat does matter!

    This is what works for her.

    I eat a ton of processed foods, sugar and sometimes eat 1000+ calories after 6pm.

    I DO try to eat 1 gram of protien for every pound of lean body weight, so at least 115grams of protien. And 0.3grams of fat for every pound of total body weight.
  • mkmfrog
    mkmfrog Posts: 49 Member
    Protein, protein, protein!

    Increase protein intake. Decrease processed foods, sugar and eating too much in one sitting. What has worked for me: Eating six small meals a day (each containing a protein, a fat and a carb) and increasing my strength training. When it comes to burning fat and building muscle...A CALORIE IS NOT A CALORIE!

    This is when WHAT you eat does matter!

    This is what works for her.

    I eat a ton of processed foods, sugar and sometimes eat 1000+ calories after 6pm.

    I DO try to eat 1 gram of protien for every pound of lean body weight, so at least 115grams of protien. And 0.3grams of fat for every pound of total body weight.

    I should have looked at the OP's age before I responded.

    I am speaking as a 44 yr old woman. My metabolism is all but non-existent. How my body processes foods is way different than the OP's and yours, Rae6503. At my age, you can't exercise your way out of a bad diet, which is why I really push the nutrition aspect. But believe me, I am not the queen of nutrition. I still eat processed foods, sugar (had three awesome homemade chocolate chip cookies for breakfast), carbs after 6:00 p.m and eat very loosely on Fridays and Saturdays.

    My point was protein IS key in the fat burning process. And to look tone, you must get reduce your body fat. ALL of our bodies use protein to promote fat burning and build muscle.
  • tangal88
    tangal88 Posts: 689
    Protein, protein, protein!

    Increase protein intake. Decrease processed foods, sugar and eating too much in one sitting. What has worked for me: Eating six small meals a day (each containing a protein, a fat and a carb) and increasing my strength training. When it comes to burning fat and building muscle...A CALORIE IS NOT A CALORIE!

    This is when WHAT you eat does matter!

    sorry respectfully disagree with part of above. :) I am 47 year old women, short stature, and starting to look "buff" (still a work in progress though, not yet at my goal.

    Yes protein IS important, I do agree. Aim for one gram per pound of lean body mass, roughly. Personally, I cannot reach protein goal with food only, at the calorie level I need, So I sub with protein shakes or bars also along with food.

    Aim for nutrient dense food choices, so its easier to meet your macro goals with the calorie ranges you are using. Just makes it easier.

    If you bloat easy, then avoiding some things, in the short term can certainly assist in helping that.
    But not required to lean out, or build muscle.

    Some people do have health or medical reasons that may make a clean diet, low carb diet etc a better option for them. And that's fine. But if that's not your case, then it is not a requirement.

    Strength training with heavy weight low reps, is important. And needed for any real "toning" in the way most think of it any way. You need to improve and build the muscle you have, and lower the body fat you have, to see the muscle.

    But most do not have to eat clean, all unprocessed, or 6 small meals.

    I do not do any of those. I have lost 60 pounds, have built a good amount of muscle, and starting to see good ab definition, as well as muscle definition all over. I still need to lower body fat more, to see more defined abs - but it is NOT required to cut out all processed food, cut out sugar white flours etc, or eat 6 meals a day to do so.

    I eat pizza now and then, reg soda, fast food sometimes, cake, candy, brownies, processed foods often, sugar and white flour daily. Sometimes I eat a lot at once, sometimes three meals and two snacks, sometimes only three meals. Just use what works for you comfort, and scheduling wise - and stay in your calorie and macro goals.

    I think one can certainly do that if you personally like that option, and feel it better suits you - but it is not the only approach, or even a "required" one.

    It is just one other way of eating, that in many cases causes one to eat less calories, which can cause you to drop body fat levels.

    And a find option if you like it, and feel goods with that option. But not the only one.

    You need something that works comfortably for you - based on your lifestyle.
  • mkmfrog
    mkmfrog Posts: 49 Member
    Protein, protein, protein!

    Increase protein intake. Decrease processed foods, sugar and eating too much in one sitting. What has worked for me: Eating six small meals a day (each containing a protein, a fat and a carb) and increasing my strength training. When it comes to burning fat and building muscle...A CALORIE IS NOT A CALORIE!

    This is when WHAT you eat does matter!

    but it is NOT required to cut out all processed food, cut out sugar white flours etc, or eat 6 meals a day to do so.

    I think one can certainly do that if you personally like that option, and feel it better suits you - but it is not the only approach, or even a "required" one.
    Where did I use the word "required"? I just said increase protein and decrease certain foods....that's it! As I stated in the post above yours, I too still eat processed foods and sugar. I am by no means a cheerleader for "clean eating."

    The OP asked for suggestions and I offered mine.
  • tangal88
    tangal88 Posts: 689
    you replies above mine came while I was typing mine - so I did not see it/them. So I was replying to your first post. (and the OPs original question)

    Often on these boards, people post at the same time, so we cannot always see the entire chain of conversation, while we are responding.

    Many people mistakenly assume only clean eating will get you there. (IMO)

    I am sorry for assuming you were stating the same thing in your first comment at top - it is simply a VERY VERY common, incorrect belief. (again IMO and experience)

    And I was actually trying to address the general thought process - and thats what I read into your comment.

    No harm was intended, only trying to help the OP, weed through the plethora of info. :)

    Many people can get very frustrated thinking they must adhere to some many strict "rules" to obtain their goals. In many cases, many of those rules can be very distracting and cumbersome, and make it more difficult then needed.

    There is certainly no problem at all fine tuning and tweaking as needed, for each persons individual needs.

    I was only trying to point out - that there are many many paths to the same goal - very few "set in stone" rules - other then

    Eat less calories then you needed to stay fat, and start moving more.

    One can lose weight and gain muscle eating only junk food. Maybe not everyone, not the best approach - but many people do and have done so. So a calorie can be "only" a calorie - as far as weight loss, and muscle building goes.

    And technically even the "move more" is flexible in weight loss, though this OP mainly is asking about "toning" so she will need to adjust her exercise goals.