Why do people cut out fruit?



  • lookslikeyoda
    lookslikeyoda Posts: 161 Member
    I cut out fruit but it's what works for me. I know there is a difference between fructose and sucrose but when I was eating fruit I was putting on atleast 1lb every month, now that I've cut out the fruit I was losing 4lbs a week. I guess thats just how my metabolism works but everybody's is different. If you eat fruit and can still lose weight then its a bonus.
  • GeoJenna223
    GeoJenna223 Posts: 68 Member
    Just be careful with the 2-3 servings of fruit thing. That doesn't mean 2-3 whole fruits. A 6" banana is actually 2 servings of banana. Same with kiwis.
  • I could not live w/o fruit, I tried the low carbs and I could cut the junk but NEVER the fruit I crave it
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    Because people have a misconception that insulin is the bad guy.

  • andrejjorje
    andrejjorje Posts: 497 Member
    General recommendations from nutrition gurus are:
    1. Fruits are good but veggies are way better
    2. Lower the fruits intake as much as you can
    3. If you have to eat them, then eat them in the morning

    1->2->3 :)
  • captndalton
    captndalton Posts: 53 Member
    it raises blood sugar.. that's all. If you're doing Atkins, the induction phase is meant to start weight loss fast.. and fruit would only slow down that initial process. It's temporary. There's lots of different ways to diet, but cutting out fruit indefinitely sounds like a bad plan. Taking a multivitamin can't produce the same nutrients that you would get from food directly. Fruit doesn't spike your blood sugar like chocolate would. If you're not on Atkins, but you are dieting, timing fruit consumption is probably the better choice than foregoing it all together.
  • freerange
    freerange Posts: 1,722 Member
    Because they are high in sugar which = high in calories, fruit is ok if you choose wisely, but berries are even better, berries pack a better punch in nutrition, Vit/minerals, with less sugar.

    Most people here, I would say, are here to lose weight, if you are eating calorie dense foods, like (some) fruits, you may have trouble filling up, and feel hungry sooner, than if you chose your calories better.

    And no you don't NEED sugar for energy. Some people may do better using sugar for energy, but the body can convert fat into energy just fine without carbs.
  • BrienJD
    BrienJD Posts: 541 Member
    Cut fruit???? I've actually added fruits as I only ate them occasionaly beforehand.
  • Most people cut them out because they have a lot of sugar in them. Granted, it is natural sugar vs the processed stuff. Some people find they are more successful with their weight loss when they cut back on sugar, so cutting down on their fruit intake can help them out a lot.

    If someone is so sensitive to sugars that they have weight loss stalls because of fruit, it is important to remember it is their own response to fruit that causes the trouble, not the fruit itself. An apple can't be blamed for a messy pancreas. But if you ARE the messy-pancreas-type, consider reducing sugar intake.

    And to respond to an earlier comment about snickers vs. fruit...I had a PT tell me the same thing. Table sugar (sucrose) is just a polymer of glucose and fructose, so you're really getting fructose when you eat snickers anyway. Just saying.
  • lookslikeyoda
    lookslikeyoda Posts: 161 Member
    Because they are high in sugar which = high in calories, fruit is ok if you choose wisely, but berries are even better, berries pack a better punch in nutrition, Vit/minerals, with less sugar.

    Most people here, I would say, are here to lose weight, if you are eating calorie dense foods, like (some) fruits, you may have trouble filling up, and feel hungry sooner, than if you chose your calories better.

    And no you don't NEED sugar for energy. Some people may do better using sugar for energy, but the body can convert fat into energy just fine without carbs.

    Since I've lowered my sugar intake dramatically, my energy levels are immense. According to MFP, my sugar never goes over 20g a day and I'm jumping with energy all day long.
  • When I was deployed a few years ago, my coworker would practically chew me out everytime I ate any fruit, carrots, or other "bad" items. I wanted to yell at him to shut the hell up, but he outranked me and I would have been in big trouble. Needless to say, I still lost weight and the sweetness in the fruit kept my sugar cravings in check. I just can't live ina world where I have to cut out entire subsets of food.
  • UponThisRock
    UponThisRock Posts: 4,519 Member
    General recommendations from nutrition gurus are:
    1. Fruits are good but veggies are way better
    2. Lower the fruits intake as much as you can
    3. If you have to eat them, then eat them in the morning

    1->2->3 :)

    By "nutrition gurus," you must mean idiots.
  • As far as I know I don't have any medical issues preventing fruit from being properly digested or making me tired.
    I just can't live ina world where I have to cut out entire subsets of food.

    Neither can I. I'm capable of spending the majority of my week eating healthy but if I couldn't have a kiwi, a slice of pizza, or my homemade cookie-brownie-oreo-fudge tower..well that would just be a sad life.

    I'm trying to keep my sugar intake under 25 grams. I go over. A lot. It's hard to say if that's preventing any weight loss because I've only really just started trying to get my eating and exercise in a healthy range.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Everything in moderation. :-)

    I eat fruit daily. I lost 34 pounds in 12 weeks doing so. But some people are more sensitive to carbs and any kind of sugar, so it's all a matter of what works for YOU.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    General recommendations from nutrition gurus are:
    1. Fruits are good but veggies are way better
    2. Lower the fruits intake as much as you can
    3. If you have to eat them, then eat them in the morning

    1->2->3 :)

    By "nutrition gurus," you must mean idiots.

    I think I need you to be my personal MFP translator. It pays in fruits.
  • The reason people cut out fruit is the same reason people do 1000 crunches a day...it worked for someone else.

    Bottom line is the human body processes different "sugars" differentally....Fructose, which comes from fruits is broken down by the body more slowly and is converted into glycogen......"Table Sugar" is made up of fructose and glucose.......your body uses glucose to fuel energy needs......if the body detects to much glucose it converts it to glycogen which it stores for near term energy requirements.....if the body detects to much glycogen....it converts it to FAT.......normally people who cut out fruit are trying to "shred", "cut" or "rip" either for personal astetics or for competitions.

    My 2 cents, based on research,education and experience...but I have been wrong about other things and I am sure someone will disagree.

    There is only person that can figure out if something is right for your diet/health plan/workout regime............YOU!
  • robinogue
    robinogue Posts: 1,117 Member
    Because people don't make the distinction between natural sugars (fruit) and refined sugars (processed foods). There is a very important difference in my opinion.

    exactly! natural sugar (fruit) isn't bad but people see that negative red number next to sugar when they enter their foods and panic thinking it's bad. If anything I eat more fruit and yes that number always stays negative and red :smooched:
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    Serious here..
    Any diet, program or guru who claims fruits are bad?
    Don't walk; RUN!
    That's just bad, bad, bad advice all around.
    Fresh fruit and veggies should be the staple of any food intake program.
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    Because I have an insanely bad sweet tooth, and if I eat fruit I find myself desperately craving ice cream and cupcakes, and those things don't fit into my diet.
  • ChanyRae
    ChanyRae Posts: 112
    You name it, someone avoids it. There is so many good nutrients in fruit, and it's delicious! I find it really curbs any sweets cravings I may have.
    Too much of anything is bad for you. But to cut out fruit completely is in my opinion ridiculous.