My Stupid Thighs.



  • eeebee
    eeebee Posts: 471 Member

    Works an absolute treat.

    Try to do 20 minutes a day 5 days a week (moderate - vigorous) and after a couple of months you should really notice the difference.

    I have forever had an issue with my wobbly chubby thighs but now they are half the size and they don't wobble half as much as before, I have been cycling for 10 months now and the difference is unbelievable.

    The rest of my body not so much of a difference, but the me, it works.

    Good luck!
  • whitleynoel
    whitleynoel Posts: 198 Member
    Cardio seems to help a bit more than weight training. If the high incline on the treadmill and the cycling isn't working for you maybe try a Zumba for a whole body burn!
  • fitaliciag
    it has been my experience that the elliptical makes them bigger. i have found more success with kickboxing and dancing. also squats. I have always had thighs that touch.....even now. but they aren't going to be touching much longer. :-)
  • htimpaired
    htimpaired Posts: 1,404 Member
    Agreed! My thighs have always been my problem. No matter what weight I am! I have a problem buying jeans cause I have to get a size big enough for my butt/thighs, but they NEVER fit my waist!

    Same here! I am short with big thighs and butt. So if I find a pair of pants that fit my thighs and butt, the legs are always too long. If I find pants that have the correct leg length, I can't get them over my thighs. I finally found a short-petite size at Kohls that fits me, no alterations required. *happy dance*

    Big thighs seem to be part of my genetics, and I have to accept that fact that I'm NEVER going to be one of those girls with skinny legs, so I work hard at making sure they are toned and powerful. That's the best I can do cause I can't change my genes! So I mix up my cardio to avoid my body getting too "used" to one thing (a few days a week I do step aerobics, I do spinning, I use the stair climber, and I just started using the elliptical because I noticed I was getting a better calorie burn than on the treadmill). I also do this yoga/pilates fusion class that uses your body weight for strength training, and I gotta say, it kicks my @$$ every week. I feel so strong and empowered after that class, and I don't think it would make my legs bigger like traditional squats/lunges/etc?
  • JanineHarrison
    JanineHarrison Posts: 164 Member
    I get it, I do, but you need to focus on the overall weight loss, transformation or whatever. I also think some of you may have more problems with image distoration than weight storage issues.

    Beside I would think that ideally you would want to store more fat in your thighs. Full (toned) hips/thighs/ butt on a woman is sexy to most men. I hear more men complaining about a girl not having enough junk in the trunk than I do complaining about too much. I have larger thighs and butt and my husbands biggest concern with my goal weight is he doesn't want me to shirt too much in that area.

    And there is also that little fat about how storeing more of your fat/weight in your lower body is better for your heart.
  • AZackery
    AZackery Posts: 2,035 Member
    It's true that you can't spot reduce, but you can spot tone. I'm a big fan of cardio. I prefer it over solo strength training. I rather do cardio/strength than solo strength training. You can do total body cardio workouts, but it doesn't hurt to also incorporate workouts that targets your thighs. These exercises will help tone your thighs. I have big thighs myself. I love doing Tae Bo. What I like about Billy's Tae Bo workouts, he doesn't only have workouts that targets the whole body, but he also have workouts that target a certain body part as well.

    Check to view some lower body workouts. You can buy plenty of them on Amazon.

    Check out this workout by Jessica Smith to see if you would be interested in doing something like this. The workout comes with a toning band. You might find it to be hard to use at first, but after a while, you will get use to it.

    There are so many workouts that targets the lower body. Check out The Butt Bible on youtube. You can buy the workout on Amazon. I have it. I haven't done it yet. If I am not mistaken, it comes with three dvds.
  • Angie80281
    Angie80281 Posts: 444 Member
    Beside I would think that ideally you would want to store more fat in your thighs. Full (toned) hips/thighs/ butt on a woman is sexy to most men. I hear more men complaining about a girl not having enough junk in the trunk than I do complaining about too much.

    ^^^ This is so true! I have quite a few guy friends that look like they live at the gym, and they all say that they prefer a girl with thick, strong thighs and a nice booty over some stick-thin girl. Genetically, I'm never going to get rid of my large thighs and wide caboose, so I make the most of what I have. I've worked my legs to the point where they're solid muscle and I do plenty of booty workouts to shape my rear. My thighs may touch, but they sure as heck aren't jiggling. Big thighs can say "fat" or they can say "strong", it all depends on what you do with them. Embrace your body type and make the most of it.
  • DeMarraDontStop
    DeMarraDontStop Posts: 342 Member

    Works an absolute treat.

    Try to do 20 minutes a day 5 days a week (moderate - vigorous) and after a couple of months you should really notice the difference.

    I have forever had an issue with my wobbly chubby thighs but now they are half the size and they don't wobble half as much as before, I have been cycling for 10 months now and the difference is unbelievable.

    The rest of my body not so much of a difference, but the me, it works.

    Good luck!
  • tinydancer24
    I have the same problem and have for years. This is the lightest I have been and I still have the thighs and the butt. I have learned to embrace it. It works for J-Lo and Kim Kardashian....:love:
  • getfitdiva
    getfitdiva Posts: 1,148 Member
    Run & Stepmill . . . they will come down!
  • Linda916
    Linda916 Posts: 124 Member
    Aren't leg lifts gonna make your legs bigger? My thighs are stupid too lol I am doing cardio(dance) and I pray they shrink.

    I'm doing the same thing.. and... my thighs are still HUGGEEEE ... :grumble:

    and my stupid *kitten* too.. :explode:

    Garsh Darndit.... ME TOO!!!! stupid badonkadonk..... i have always been amazed that some people can have a gap in their thighs when their feet are together.... totally dont get that one....
  • Josee76
    Josee76 Posts: 533 Member

    Works an absolute treat.

    Try to do 20 minutes a day 5 days a week (moderate - vigorous) and after a couple of months you should really notice the difference.

    I have forever had an issue with my wobbly chubby thighs but now they are half the size and they don't wobble half as much as before, I have been cycling for 10 months now and the difference is unbelievable.

    The rest of my body not so much of a difference, but the me, it works.

    Good luck!

    ^ this --- I truly believe this is the solution - I never had an issue with wobbly thighs when I was cycling ALL the time (on average 6 spin clases a week / logged about 200 km weekly) .... I stopped spin classes over 1 year ago, the WOBBLE has returned!
  • anhancock10
    anhancock10 Posts: 148 Member
    The more treadmill and elliptical I do, the larger my thighs get! I have gained 1" in total in the past 3 months on them and 1 to 2 lbs of weight. My legs look and feel very strong but I am positive it has caused me to gain weight and get larger just by exercising 1 hour a day. My husband says no way it's fat. He can tell I'm more "built". Causes a problem for my jeans though. I tried on shorts from last summer and the thighs are too small in them. My waist in the same size.

    Frustrating!! :-(

    This is me all the way :( I hate it!!!!
  • Setof2Keys
    Setof2Keys Posts: 681 Member
    TAE-BO WITH (BILLY BANDS) RESISTANCE BANDS=LONG LEANER LEG MUSCLES. I totally have rock solid thighs and they always bulk...not this time. :) they are cheap at walmart. The bands and 2 boot camp dvd's for $15-$20...
  • hml1976
    Honestly, I'm trying to make peace with my thighs.

    I'm at my goal weight with a 21 BMI and I'm still unhappy with my thighs. I run, I do cardio, I strength train. I've come to terms with the fact that in order to lose the thighs I'd have to drop more weight. If I drop more weight my collarbone and cheekbones would look a little gaunt and frankly I like my boobs the way they are :) So I'm concentrating on trying to make my thighs strong. They're always going to be rounder than I'd like but that's why they invented skirts right?
  • reaolliemama
    reaolliemama Posts: 489 Member
    bumping for later!!!
  • gecho
    gecho Posts: 426 Member
    Aren't leg lifts gonna make your legs bigger? My thighs are stupid too lol I am doing cardio(dance) and I pray they shrink.

    I'm doing the same thing.. and... my thighs are still HUGGEEEE ... :grumble:

    and my stupid *kitten* too.. :explode:

    add a belly to this list and you've got me :grumble:
  • camilleesqueda
    Work with what you have, ladies! I have ALWAYS (even when I was teeny tiny at 120 pounds-- now I'm 153) had big thighs and a big butt. Always. And now, even though I want so badly to be a toothpick, I'm focusing on toning my thighs and making them healthy and strong looking. My biggest goal is to eliminate cellulite. That's my biggest issue. i'll take my huge thighs and strong calves if it means that I can wear booty shorts without wanting to cry! :)
  • soniyamas
    soniyamas Posts: 160 Member
    Thighs are a sticking point for me as well! I am just trying to cardio them to death. lol

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • laurenmarieS1
    laurenmarieS1 Posts: 2 Member
    It I had a choice between a way to be build, i'd take the bigger thighs. I actually decided to stop trying to make my thighs smaller because it was my body type, so I made my shoulders and upper body bigger to look more symmetrical. I have a tiny waist too. I'm now very curvy instead of very tiny on top. Embrace your legs/thighs & just work on toning them. I do a lot of circuit classes to get a good burn/heat on my legs without using any weights. It's what works for me. LOL

    Totally agree. Big thighs are sexy as long as they're strong and tone. Symmetry in the body helps balance it all out. Embrace them, girl.