My kid eats well at home, but at school...

My toddler eats well most of the time. He is ok with eating vegetables and fruits. Actually sometimes prefers them over crackers etc. He also drinks water instead of juice every time.

I noticed at pre-k, they always offer snacks at snack time like oreos, chocolate chip cookies or chocolate cookies dipped in sweet cream. They also offer cupcakes or crackers like cheez-its or Ritz. I am not "anti" any of these, but to be eaten every day of most of the week, seems like a lot for a little toddler body. Not to mention how bad this stuff is for their teeth.

I know the reason the school offers these snacks is because they are easy to store and require no refrigeration. But there are so many non-perishable alternatives:
Natural granola, whole grain crackers and soynut butter, applesauce, unsalted pretzels, nut-free trail mix!
I know the ones I listed above are not THE healthiest, but I am sure they are a better alternative to eating oreos for snacks- once or twice a week.

I'm a new mom so, I don't know if I am being way too picky or if I should be concerned. I mean, I don't eat the stuff they eat because I know what it the negative affects it can have on my body. I have family members with diabetes and other health conditions related to over eating or eating foods high in fat and sugar. Why would I give that stuff to my toddler?

I know it's all about portion control and eating it once in a while. But these foods are being consumed most of the week by these kids.

I opted out of the snack program because I feel like "I should only worry about my kid." I have now started to pack healthy snacks for my kid. You know what? He is fine with that. I pack him things like blueberries, yogurt, carrots, cherry tomatoes, cheese etc. He LOVES IT!
But now I wonder if I should stand up for the other kids too? Or should I keep my trap shut and again, worry about my own kid?

If you are a parent, what would you do?


  • carrie_eggo
    carrie_eggo Posts: 1,396 Member
    If you feel strongly about it, I would write a letter to the board. Maybe even talk to some other parents and see if they feel the same. At my son's school, they implemented a new nutrition program (government grant) and we aren't even allowed to send cupcakes/cookies/sweets to school anymore, let alone the school serving them. The lunches are a lot more nutritious than before too. I think a lot of schools are switching over to healthier eating. Maybe yours just needs a little kick start....

    Personally, I would just send my own snacks like you are doing and stay out of it....that's just me though. I'm not much of an
  • lynnruiz81
    lynnruiz81 Posts: 9 Member
    That is a good idea, to write to the board, at my girls school they are only allowed healthy snacks and drinks no sodas chips or cookies, they have gold fish crackers and only offer chocolate milk once a week. At the school they also have a salad bar, Im surprised E's school doesnt have that, I would bring it up first to the teacher and mention to her your concern sometimes they give them snacks they know each kid will eat...........but forget that at that young age they eat what they are given and will adapt....I hope they change the snacks its not ok to have those cookies all the time I dont even have them at home, you know how I am! lol
  • Kazimira
    Kazimira Posts: 165 Member
    I know just what you mean. Ty gets Cheese-Its every day (among many other questionable options) and it bugs me. What to to say it...ugh. And he attends just a small in home day care right now. My bigger issue has been that they give him an afternoon snack at 4:30pm. Um, we eat at 6-6:30. Do you think he is hungry for a nutritious meal at that time? No. The boy isn't starving and I have to put my foot down about that one, and soon.
  • I thought about it more when I got home and I decided I have too much on my plate and will be worrying about my own kid.