Whats the most you ever weighed?



  • KnottyJen
    KnottyJen Posts: 1,070 Member
    In April of last year, I was at 373 (I'm 5'5"). I find it interesting that some people's highest weights are lower than my goal weight. Different strokes for different folks, I suppose. :-)
  • 155 lbs (5'4"). I had 3 babies, pre-pregnancy weight was around 95 lbs so I had gained 60 lbs in 4 years.
  • threasarenee
    threasarenee Posts: 78 Member
    my most was 296lbs and that was in the beginning of 2011. I am at 285lbs now. I was down to 271 last summer but gained back up to 287 through the fall and now I am trying hard to get back into it!!!
  • spacecase76
    spacecase76 Posts: 673 Member
    I was 170 at my highest with my last pregnancy...

    2 years later I was 170.5 NOT PREGNANT. *ug*

    I am down to about 140 now. This has been a long, slow journey for me (I hate that word), but it is coming off. I have about 10-15 more pounds that I would like to lose. (I am 5'5")
  • I'm 5'8 and weight 175 at one point. Naturally, I was drinking coke and eating nothing but junk food, sugary foods etc.
  • almost 400..was weighed at 389 and still wouldn't see the light finally did ,was 225 before surgey now back to 269...so I heard about this site and joined up to at least motivate myself and easier to keep track of what I eat and the exercise I get...
  • Lift_This_
    Lift_This_ Posts: 2,756 Member
    January 2009.. tipped the scales at 263....when I started on MFP I was 248..I am now down to 212....and half way to my goal weight!!
  • EmCarroll1990
    EmCarroll1990 Posts: 2,832 Member
    130lbs. Now down to 118.4, trying to get to 104.
  • Semichrist
    Semichrist Posts: 17 Member
    Around 265 four years ago. At 237 now, and determined to reduce that quite a bit.
  • skinimama
    skinimama Posts: 9 Member
    The most I've ever weighed is 239. I hit that number last week and that's the last I'll see of it. I'm 6 lbs. down today :D
  • chachita7
    chachita7 Posts: 996 Member
  • 378lbs and never want to be there AGAIN
    currently at 355, goal is 225ish
    I am 5ft8 and I am built bigger, but not to be 378lbs EVER AGAIN
  • I weighted in at 289 lbs. when I went in to have my daughter. That was five almost six years ago. Then it was 250 lbs. I started MFP in August of 2011 and wieghed in at 208. I know am at 169. Really can't wait to reach my goal weight.
  • jamiesadler
    jamiesadler Posts: 634 Member
  • OnWisconsin84
    OnWisconsin84 Posts: 409 Member
    I remember seeing 271 on the scale at one point (4.5 years ago)... :noway:
  • 242, and pushing into a size 20. I've hit that twice now, never made it to 250 (that I know of...), and never will. Scary to think I am the size of 2 healthy people..
  • ahealthy4u
    ahealthy4u Posts: 442 Member
    Just a few years ago I know I needed to do something as for I was almost tipping the scale at 195-200 lbs and I myself even when I was younger never weighed more then 185 even when I was weight training but mind you even then I was over weight but I didn't look it. Now I am on the right track and taking back my life for me to be healthy
  • Hernandeak11
    Hernandeak11 Posts: 351 Member

    If I ever go above 200 again, there better be a baby inside of me.
  • kittyneutron
    kittyneutron Posts: 160 Member
    I was without a scale for some years so I'm not sure, but I believe its 250 or thereabouts. About a size 20-22. :(
  • robot_potato
    robot_potato Posts: 1,535 Member
    231 at 9 months pregnant