Looking for friends

Looking for friends to stay motivated. It really helps seeing when others meet their caloriegoal.

Im from Sweden, trying to get back into shape after quitting basketball about 5 years ago.

Take care!


  • Good for you.
  • Yea, congrats! <3 It's awesome to be motivated. I wish you the best of luck
  • Thanks!

    What are your goals?

    How do you rate the estimated calories burned in MFP? Is the program accurate?
  • I have...no idea. I just started this site.


    My goal is to lose 5 pounds.
  • Cool!

    It seems so hard to find out what you really burn... I guess you should not take it by the exact number, but instead use it as guidance?

    Good luck with your goals! Mine is to loose about 55 lbs.
  • sarafil
    sarafil Posts: 506 Member
    Personally, I don't think the calories burned in MFP is very accurate....investing in a heart rate monitor is probably the way to go, if you want an accurate number....good luck and welcome!
  • Welcome to MFP You're going to love it here.
  • Good luck to you as well! ^-^
  • raquelly214
    raquelly214 Posts: 8 Member
    Welcome! I spent 6 months stuyding in Uppsala back in college....I love Sweden!

    Good luck!
  • AntShanny
    AntShanny Posts: 359 Member
    Hi Niklas. I joined a couple of months ago, but on February 1st I decided I really need to start participating...I'm hoping this place will help keep me motivated! My goal at the moment is to lose 20lbs, but I'm also going to go by how my clothes are fitting! Feel free to add me as friend, extra encouragement and support is always welcome!
  • TonyL68
    TonyL68 Posts: 133 Member
    Welcome! I'm going to add you - I've been looking for other men with the same goals as me for the same reason. Helps to keep me honest and working hard.
  • Good luck Nik. I just started MFP this past Monday and i have lost 5 lbs. I hope to loose 1/2 to 1 lb. a week. So far so good. I really like this plan and everyone i have talked to is so nice and helpfull. I have 'nt been able to eat all the calories im supposed to if i exercise alot. I to do not agree with the calculation.
  • I just joined MFP as well...feel free to add me as a friend!
  • I am looking for friends too, so I can stay motivated. So far so good, I just dont want to lose sight of my goal.
  • Hi Nik,

    Welcome, one way I stay motivated is by using the mobile app, that way, the "accountability factor" follows me everywhere. I think after you lose the first few pounds, that'll serve as motivation as well. I actually was doing MFP under a different username and was able to lose and keep off about 10 LBS. I now have a goal of about 6-7 LBS to be below requirements for the Navy Reserves ( I am applying at the moment). I have found that for me personally, smaller portions along with daily excercise did the trick. I do not restrict myself of any foods, well maybe sodas, I am just much more careful than I was before with the amounts I consume which is where MFP comes in. I wish you the best of luck and feel free to add me as a friend.
  • pg1girl
    pg1girl Posts: 268 Member
    Personally, I don't think the calories burned in MFP is very accurate....investing in a heart rate monitor is probably the way to go, if you want an accurate number....good luck and welcome!

  • Good luck Nik. I just started MFP this past Monday and i have lost 5 lbs. I hope to loose 1/2 to 1 lb. a week. So far so good. I really like this plan and everyone i have talked to is so nice and helpfull. I have 'nt been able to eat all the calories im supposed to if i exercise alot. I to do not agree with the calculation.

    Wow, 5 LBS in 5 days...that's impressive, what is your secret? :-)
  • Good luck this seems to be a really great site for help in weight loss and fitness improvement!!! I'm new to the site but its been very helpful already!! I'm looking to lose about 45 lbs.
  • Hello All! I am looking for a few friends to help me stay motivated. I am a mom of 2 and I live in North Las Vegas, NV. My weakness is pacience. The weight isn't coming off fast enough. HELP! :flowerforyou:
  • Hello All! I am looking for a few friends to help me stay motivated. I am a mom of 2 and I live in North Las Vegas, NV. My weakness is pacience. The weight isn't coming off fast enough. HELP! :flowerforyou:

    :smile: Hang in there! I don't know what you goal is but it takes time...it took me about 4 months to lose 9-10 lbs at around 1600 cal/day and I thought that was kind of fast...don't give up! Keep at it...and make sure to put in your daily excercise...good luck to you.