Do you consume all of your allotted calories?



  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    Hi! I'm new too. I also find it hard to eat all the calories I'm supposed to! My goal is 1200 a day, plus all the extra that come from exercising. I'm trying really hard to eat healthy low calorie foods, so it feels like I'm always eating and not getting enough calories!

    Ugh. Drop the 'lite' crap. Eat the full flavour versions.
  • I try to, but sometimes it doesn't happen. Generally if I don't, I feel hungry and I'm more likely to binge or I feel REALLY hungry in the morning. I know if I work out I need to so that my body has enough to do regular functions.
  • I personally don't usually eat all the calories allotted for the day because I'm exercising too and in order to lose weight you have to burn more calories than you take in, says my I don't enter my exercise calories until right before I go to bed. I eat all the other calories generally, esp Saturdays that's my less strict day :-) you ALWAYS need a day to kick back but not too much! GOOD LUCK!
  • FarmingFatty
    FarmingFatty Posts: 9 Member
    Hi all, I'm new to this as well. I know what the original poster is saying about unable to eat all the calories. (Trust me, I have eaten PLENTY of calories in my life). I really find that my appetite has decreased dramatically since increasing my activity over the past two weeks. I think once my (our) bodies adjust to the diet and exercise change, we'll get back to having the normal appetite, and eating calories won't be a problem. For now, I'm just eating when I'm hungry, figuring if I eat more tomorrow, and less today, it all evens out.
  • Hello!
    I never use all of my alloted calories. My target calorie intake right now is 1310 calories. But, with exercise I also fall about 500 calories short of those calories. Which, is a good thing! Because not only are you exercising, but you're also eating healthier and lighter which will make you lose weight faster!! Good luck through your journey!!

  • I don't eat back my exercise calories. I'm shooting for a 2-3lb per week loss as I'm "obese"... well now I'm "very overweight" so can pull off a 1200-1500 per day calorie deficit (what it takes to burn 2-3lbs per week). Once I have 20 or less pounds to lose, won't be able to pull that off without overdoing it exercise-wise.
  • I usually have about 1,000 leftover at the end of the day, but i have 2400 calories a day to eat, thats probalby why
  • Sabresgal63
    Sabresgal63 Posts: 641 Member
    Oh heck yes! I'm on 1360 and fine with that on most days, but some days, I could sit in front of the fridge and .............well, it wouldn't be!
  • shine_
    shine_ Posts: 150 Member
    I try really hard to reach the 1200 limit, but usually end up eating 800-900 a day. With PCOS though I pay more attention to the quality of my calories, not the quantity. I don't intentionally stay below 1200 though, I genuinely try.
  • m2kh
    m2kh Posts: 17
    I know this works different for everyone but what works best for me is to not eat the calories I get from exercising. I try to stick to 1200-1300 calories.
  • I also do not consume all of my calories however I am eating good nutritious food, scrambled eggs (1 whole egg and egg white) dried fruits, almonds, etc. (Basically whole foods, I stay away from anything processed or that has sugar, corn syrup or anything like that). I also stay on the elliptical for usually 45 mins to an hour and will be starting strength training next week so not sure what I should do. I wouldn't think my body is in the starvation mode if I am eating throughout the day but I am not a dietician either :).
  • sailinjen
    sailinjen Posts: 103 Member
    yes...i am saving mine up for some cocktails this weekend, it is Superbowl!:drinker:
  • KimmehL
    KimmehL Posts: 373 Member
    Most days I eat well into my exercise calories, if not all of them. I love to eat. I have lost weight consistently and haven't felt hungry for a second. I also basically eat what I want, just smaller portions.
  • jovz10
    jovz10 Posts: 531 Member
    i set mine to maintain weight and gives me 1700 and i eat all of that and some but i tend not to eat my exercise back. works for me! look at my ticker...
  • WORD! I happily eat every calorie available. Its part of the reason this site works for me, why have a 700 cal cheese burger when I could have a big bowl of oatmeal, a chicken sausage, a huge smoothie, a big salad with chicken, popcorn, cheese stick, frozen grapes, carrots etc. I make healthy choices so I can eat MORE things all day long! If you can't hit your alotted calories try upping your serving sizes, or adding calories to what you are eating i.e. goat cheese to your salad, more yogurt/fruit to your smoothies, switch 1% milk to whole milk, have yolks with your egg whites.
  • My diary today says I have 740 spare calories. I can't eat anything else today. I never use them all.
  • Poobeeschmoo
    Poobeeschmoo Posts: 5 Member
    I try to eat all my callories. Some days I am below my goal 1400 plus exercise, sometimes above. It's all balancing out eventually. If not I have an extra treat. There are some very healthy calorie dense foods out there like nuts and nut butters, avocados etc. Have some of those and you will soon fill your gap in a healthy way in no time. Not all healthy food is low fat, low cal.
  • FionaAnne22
    FionaAnne22 Posts: 178 Member
    According to MFP im burning 500-1000 calories every day with exercise, mix of cardio and strength training...I usually reach within 200 of my calorie amount + exercise calories, mainly because I think mfp overestimates the calories you burn...really would love to get a HRM so I had a better idea how much was actually getting used!
  • em9371
    em9371 Posts: 1,047 Member
    I personally don't usually eat all the calories allotted for the day because I'm exercising too and in order to lose weight you have to burn more calories than you take in, says my I don't enter my exercise calories until right before I go to bed. I eat all the other calories generally, esp Saturdays that's my less strict day :-) you ALWAYS need a day to kick back but not too much! GOOD LUCK!

    the allowance given by MFP already includes the deficit for you to lose the selected amount of weight. if you don't eat back the exercise you are doubling the deficit which is not healthy and not leaving enough cals for your body to function.
  • Yes you are supposed to meet all your calorie needs and somedays it is hard that is why most people decide to consume the most calories during the breakfast meal, then exercise, and snack in between the next two meals.:smile: