whats the best way to quit sugar without....

....getting locked up for murdering my family?? I'm a real addict and need help!! I've never been bothered by sweets and things until recently and now I'm at the point I get headaches and moody without. Any tips would be great!


  • Tenoreo90
    Tenoreo90 Posts: 329 Member
    I'm a 'recovering addict'. Last night I even accidently had a binge. It's like any other addiction: Some can quit cold-turkey, others, like myself, have to ease out of it and may have 'relapses'. If I can go a whole week without eating any sugar (minus fruit, I don't count that) I allow myself a Skinny Cow chocolate (you won't believe how low in cal they are!). I savor it, it tastes amazing. Otherwise, if I'm REALLY having a craving, I have a Diet hot chocolate (made for 25 cal with water)! Fruit really helps, the longer you go without sugar the sweeter it tastes. Smoothies made with bananas, milk, and frozen fruit of your choice are good too. :]

    You're not alone in this. Trust me.
  • blueham5
    blueham5 Posts: 67 Member
    I used to be a huge addict. I could eat 1L of ice cream in one sitting and I thought about candy, donuts etc.. all the time, Then I just went cold turkey and completely forgot about it. It was really simple for me. I replaced the sugar with fruit and the odd diet soda and now I feel like a normal person that can take or leave sugar.
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,021 Member
    Cold turkey is really the only way if your someone that is addicted. Fruit helps.
  • MaggieMay131
    MaggieMay131 Posts: 211 Member
    If you can get through a week of cold turkey, the headaches will subside! It also helps to up your protein (and healthy fat) levels so you feel more satisfied in sugar's absence :) Good luck!
  • KumariM
    I'm not sure this is the answer you are looking for, but chromium supplements have been shown to reduce sugar cravings...
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,121 Member
    I used to be a huge addict. I could eat 1L of ice cream in one sitting and I thought about candy, donuts etc.. all the time, Then I just went cold turkey and completely forgot about it. It was really simple for me. I replaced the sugar with fruit and the odd diet soda and now I feel like a normal person that can take or leave sugar.

    psssh . It took me years of cutting back to get to a healthy level of sugar. After cutting back and cutting back, I realized that - for the most part - I only reeeeeeaaaaaallllly need something sugary after dinner. So I have it.

    Someday I hope to evolve to the level of "completely forgot about it" - I'm not optimistic, though.:grumble: