Who works out 5 days a week?



  • ChanyRae
    ChanyRae Posts: 112
    I work out at home....so my schedule isnt always the exact same.....but a typical week:

    Monday - 20 minutes of Elliptical - Butt Blast DVD :laugh:

    Tuesday - 20 minutes of Elliptical....30 minutes of Legs

    Wed - OFF

    Thursday - 20 minutes of Elliptical.....30 minutes of Arms

    Friday - 30 minutes Elliptical....15-20 minutes of Abs

    Saturday - OFF

    Sunday - 20 minutes of elliptical - 30 minutes of Shoulder and Back
  • Smansfield1
    Smansfield1 Posts: 50 Member
    My goal is to make it to the gym 3-4 days and then to workout at home or go hiking the other days. My gym routine is all cardio right now (yes I know I need to start adding in some strenght training). Some days I run 2min-walk 1min and do this for 30 minutes or 5k walking or 30-45m on eliptical. Today I warmed up 10min walk on treadmil, then 20 min on rolling stair, 20 min armcycle 20 min eliptical, 20 bike and cool down 10 minutes walk on treadmil. I sometimes will add in the rowing machine not today. When I workout at home I usually do a yoga or pilates workout off of netflix or zumba for the wii
  • Prek2005
    I'm not one who go to the gym, but I do try and workout 5 days a week by walking 30 minutes a day or working out to my collection of Denise Austin DVDs. Also, but not everyday I do some dancing and movement with my special needs students
  • egordon81
    egordon81 Posts: 6 Member
    I work with my trainer Tuesdays and Thursdays. MWF I do an hour cardio (usually eliptical) with a mix of core here and there, Saturdays I do the machine circuit at the gym. Sundays are rest days, but if I have that extra energy I'll do some light cardio.
  • Weezieishness
    Weezieishness Posts: 61 Member
    I play Zumba on the PS3 six days a week. Usually just the 20 minute routines each day, but I'll do a 45 minute one once or twice a week. And I'll go for a 30 minute walk once or twice a week. I don't really plan which days I'll do things, I wait and see how it goes each day.
  • Articeluvsmemphis
    Articeluvsmemphis Posts: 1,987 Member
    I don't have a routine exactly, but I do like the treadmill, elliptical, exercise dvds and weights. I alternate strength training between lower/upper about 4times a week
  • AllisonMart
    AllisonMart Posts: 156 Member
    Mon lunch - 30 min cardio
    Mon evening - 1 hr Zumba

    Tues lunch - 25 min cardio, misc. weights
    Tues evening - 1 hr Pilates

    Wed lunch - 30 min cardio
    Wed evening - 1 hr Aqua Zumba

    Thurs lunch - 1 hr Zumba, misc. weights

    Friday lunch - 30 min cardio
    Friday evening - 1 hr Yoga if I can make it on time or misc. cardio like Dance Central 2

    Sat - off

    Sun - 1 hr Zumba

    This is an ideal week. I don't always make it to everything, life gets in the way. And sometimes I will switch it up and do the Kinect instead, etc.
  • angel79202
    angel79202 Posts: 1,012 Member
    I work out 6 days a week:
    Sunday: Run and Elliptical- 1 hour
    Monday: Zumba and Cardio Circuit- 2 hours
    Wednesday: Boot Camp and Running: 1.5 hours
    Thursdays: Personal Training, Kick and Core, Zumba- 3 hours
    Fridays: Run and Elliptical- 1 hour
    Saturdays: 2 Zumba Classes and Boot Camp- 3 hours

    Yes I work full time too, and am married :)
  • Debbe2
    Debbe2 Posts: 2,071 Member
    Depends on the week- whenever possible
    Monday- Strength training & Zumba
    Wednesday- Strength training & Zumba
    Friday- Strength training
    Saturday- Cardio class
    Sunday- Body Works Interval class or Hiking or Walking
  • bestdaysahead
    bestdaysahead Posts: 90 Member
    Every day I ride my stationary bike for 30 minutes. At least 3 days a week I walk a mile or more. That is all I have time for!
  • efindlay
    efindlay Posts: 9 Member
    I will like to workout 5 days a week, and this post is encouraging! I have difficulty knowing what to do or how to train. I like zumba, step-aerobics, but I am a horrible runner and get bored walking, any recommendations?? I would like to lose 40 pounds :bigsmile:
  • michellebelle1
    michellebelle1 Posts: 34 Member
    Monday: before work- lift heavy (deadlift, squat, bench, etc.); 30-45 min
    Tuesday: before work- Run .5 mi sprints with .25 mi jogs in between on treadmill, total 3 mi; 25-30 min
    Wednesday: lunchtime/afternoon- Run 5k outside; 25-30 min
    Thursday: before work- Tempo run on treadmill, 4mi; 35-40 min
    Friday: before work- lift heavy; 30 min; lunchtime- Spin class; 50 min
    Saturday: long run in the afternoon, 6-10 mi; 50-90 min

    My husband and I share a car; we both work on a campus 30 minutes from home. He has to be at work at 7:30, but I don't have to be at work til 9. So I stay motivated because I if I don't go with my husband, I have no ride, and I have nothing better to do from 7:30-9:00 except workout and shower! (In case you are wondering, Wednesdays I have coffee with a girlfriend before work.)
  • foster59803
    foster59803 Posts: 439 Member
    Monday - spinning 1 hr
    Tuesday-Personal training (High intensity interval training)
    Wednesday- Body Pump (weight lifting class ) 1 hr
    Thursday - zumba 1 hr
    Friday- Spinning

    If I am feeling really ambitions
    Saturday: Body pump 1 hr followed by Zumba 1 hr!
  • meribethd
    meribethd Posts: 92 Member
    I do six days a week, actually. I'm doing Turbo Fire. Sunday through Thursday are Turbo Fire workouts from the schedule. Friday I do a circuit training class. Saturday I rest. :)
  • wendyannie1976
    wendyannie1976 Posts: 205 Member
    depends on the week, currently following a 36 week ironman training plan and will be working out between 6 and 7 days a week sometimes three times a day to get everything in, combination of swim, run, bike and strength work, try to fit 2 strength sessions in a week, at its height I'll be fitting in 25 hours training a week.:-) new to multisport but loving it, marathon running did great things for my body but multisport is just having amazing results and without the muscle fatigue marathon training produced!
  • sbcass
    sbcass Posts: 25 Member
    Sunday--Zumba or elliptical for an hour
    Monday-Thursday-strength training (AM); water aerobics (PM)
    Friday-strength training (AM); may work out in the evening
    Saturday-water aerobics

    Right now, I do have two personal trainers. One of my trainers is part of a 12-week group exercise class. Once the 12 weeks is over, I will spend three days strength training in the mornings and two days of deep water aerobics in the morning.
  • tnfphelan
    I do 5-6x a week but all classes. Monday, Zumba for 1 hr and treadmill for 20 minutes, Tuesday treadmill for 20 & boot camp, Wednesday kickboxing and treadmill, Thursday cardio boot camp and zumba, friday strenght training class for 45 min, and zumba for 45 minutes, saturday zumba with weights for an hour and treadmill. Sunday is my day of rest. I'm 53 years old and I just love the classes. Had a personal trainer for a while but found I get more out of the classes.
  • ebahde
    ebahde Posts: 89 Member
    Typically my week looks like this

    Monday: 3-5 mile run
    Tuesday: 2-4 mile run
    Wednesday: Yoda DVD (30-45 minutes)
    Thursday: 3-5 mile run
    Friday: 2-4 mile run
    Saturday: Yoda DVD (sometimes)
    Sunday: off (working a 15 hour day)
  • KellyAnn65
    I do spinning classes four days a week and rowing classes twice a week. About to add TRX training at least two days a week, three if I can manage a 5:45 AM class (not so sure about that one...).
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    My goal is to work out six days a week, too.
    I do a lot of videos, and I mix them up so I don't get bored. Right now I'm alternating between two Tae Bo DVDs: Ripped Extreme and Cardio extreme. I do those about 4-5 mornings a week. I try to run on the treadmill at the gym 2 times a week (if I know I'm going to be running, I'll either skip the morning video or do just the weights part of Ripped). I also walk, around campus and to/from home to the rail station, a few days a week. It all works together to make 5-6 days, most weeks.
    Not really a "routine" ... just doing what I can when I can!