30 Day Shred. Good or Bad????

I just bought the Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred DVD. Just wondering if anyone has had good results from it? Hope so!


  • shmunster
    shmunster Posts: 538 Member
    There's been heaps of threads in success stories showing pics of awesome results from 30DS

    I just started it yesterday and its hard but feels good afterwards!

    Hopefully 1 month from now I'll be posting awesome progress pics too
  • I just finished (about 10 mins ago) my first time doing level one, it kicked my *kitten* and i am bright red and sweaty lol
    I will be doing it tomorrow
  • Just finished my first workout a few minutes ago - totally excited and feel great.

    I've read tons of great things about it here - go, do it!
  • PrayingPatti
    PrayingPatti Posts: 2 Member
    I really liked the 30 day Shred, especially the 2nd and 3rd level. I was amazed that I could sweat so much in 20 minutes. I did not like the way she dressed as I have children viewing, so I decided to put it away.
  • scottyroman
    scottyroman Posts: 10 Member
    i was told it works great but is even better with the yoda dvd as a partner
  • sarvissa
    sarvissa Posts: 70 Member
    My husband and I started it in November, unfortunately didn't finish it because our Christmas tree took up our exercise area!! I'm about to start it up again soon. But, after 3 days of doing it, my husband actually started getting a 2 pack. He's not a heavy guy, but his belly sticks out a bit, and has never had muscle definition in his abs before. I didn't notice any difference in me, but he said he saw I was getting more shapely.
  • bridgettef
    bridgettef Posts: 8 Member
    I've lost 1.75 inches in 4 days. I love it!
  • _xoxok
    _xoxok Posts: 152 Member
    Good! I loved it so much I'm doing a second round... I'll post the link to my results! Good luck.. :flowerforyou:

  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,380 Member
    30 Day Shred was my way of getting started with 'real exercise' - it got me moving in ways I hadn't moved in years and motivated me to push myself. I lost 2" off my waist and 2" off my butt/hips, not to mention additional inches off of every other area of my body. I think it's a great way to get yourself started and once you see some results from it, you will likely feel motivated to do even more. :-)
  • lucasnjewels
    lucasnjewels Posts: 53 Member
    I'm doing my last day of level 1 tomorrow, then taking Sunday off, and starting level 2 on Monday. Completely awesome video!!
  • Can it be done with knee issues? I've been thinking about getting it but not sure how tough it is on the knees.
  • brookef81
    brookef81 Posts: 286 Member
    I am on Day 28-two days left and I have been doing it faithfully everyday, no breaks and also watching my calories. I lost 6 lbs and I will measure my inches on Sunday. If anything, a lot of women have lost TONS of inches and not su much in the weight department, so I say go for it! It is literally only 25 minutes out of your day.

    Here is the group I am part of

    There are tons of people who JUST finished at the end of January and their results!

    Good luck!
  • jwatson7
    jwatson7 Posts: 58 Member
    I use the 30 Day Shred. I'm actually getting ready to start it again on Monday. I always see results. I have it in my exercise video rotation. I think level 2 is the hardest. Stick with it! It won't disappoint!
  • tistal
    tistal Posts: 869 Member
    I am 16 days into it and have lost 10lbs and about 10 inches. Doing 3 week measurements on Monday so hopefully my inches will be down even more!
  • _xoxok
    _xoxok Posts: 152 Member
    Can it be done with knee issues? I've been thinking about getting it but not sure how tough it is on the knees.

    It's pretty tough on the knees.. There's a lot of lunges & squats... She does have one person doing modified versions.
  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,380 Member
    Can it be done with knee issues? I've been thinking about getting it but not sure how tough it is on the knees.

    My knees bother me too - she gives 'beginner' modifications for most exercises but there *is* quite a lot of jumping (she loves jumping jacks and there are other jumping movements as well). Whenever my knees were bothering me, I would just not go down as low on the squats and lunges, and I would either only jump very low or substitute in a different movement that wouldn't put as much stress on my knees. I started the Shred in November and finished in December, then kept doing it occasionally along with alternating some other Jillian dvds that I bought when I finished the first round - my knees still bother me some, but not nearly as much as when I first started. I think the strength exercises actually helped improve them - the key is to not overdo it and be aware of when you need to take it easy so that you don't injure yourself. Also pay careful attention to your form on the squats and lunges - you don't want your knee to go forward past your toes, you want it to stay over the top of your foot and make your butt go out behind you so your knees don't go forward. She points this out in the dvd but she has a bad habit of going through the exercise one time before pointing it out. I will say Level 3 has some serious jumping moves that I still have problems with b/c of my knees - like I said I just substitute in a different cardio movement during that time to keep my heartrate going.
  • PixelTreason
    PixelTreason Posts: 226 Member
    I really liked the 30 day Shred, especially the 2nd and 3rd level. I was amazed that I could sweat so much in 20 minutes. I did not like the way she dressed as I have children viewing, so I decided to put it away.

    Wait, what?
  • wickedcricket
    wickedcricket Posts: 1,246 Member
    Can it be done with knee issues? I've been thinking about getting it but not sure how tough it is on the knees.

    there are jumping jacks & squats. I too have knee issues, started the shred without thinking & blew out my knee (not bad but ouch)
    I just got some good knee braces at Walgreens and make SURE I'm wearing them for my workout.
    Just take it easy - I still continued (after a couple days) while my knee healed- I just did step-touch instead of the jumping jacks. You don't have to do every move exactly like Jillian. The thing is - KEEP MOVING!
    I also do knee strenghtening exercises to help prevent future blow outs
  • wittlelacey
    wittlelacey Posts: 391 Member
    I think it's great :) You get a really great workout and it's super quick! Browse around, you'll see tons of groups, posts, results, pics, stats, etc. I personally am halfway through, although I haven't taken my diet too seriously so my results aren't as great as they could have been. But so far I feel so much more toned, especially in my arms, back and stomach. The scale's a little harder to budge, but you'll see inches melt away by the 30 day mark. No matter what your skin will definitely feel a lot more taut and your endurance will sky rocket!

    Do it! :))

    PS. Feel free to add!
  • annameier8706
    annameier8706 Posts: 417 Member
    i just finished 30DS. These are my results: