how come when you achieve something

someone always does something better and make you feel bad. Told sister I had lost 10 pounds, she says "well I gained 4 but mine is all muscle." Then she asked how I lost and I said I had been walking and eating better and she says "well I am walking 3 miles."

You ever feel like you are butting your head against a wall. I think from now on any achievements any failures I will just keep it on the board and leave family (excluding children and Abby who are great supporters) out of it.....


  • seniorfaye
    seniorfaye Posts: 295 Member
    Some people are just jealous !! Your doing great , just keep it up and be proud of yourself..
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,314 Member
    How old is your sister? Nine?

    I have a friend, excuse me, HAD a friend like that. Super annoying that she always had to be "one up." In Everything.
  • moonblu
    moonblu Posts: 19 Member
    you have been my MFP friend from my beginning here and you are totally doing great! What's great about MFP is that we can leave the negativity behind and come here and get the support and encouragement we need.....and it doesn't matter how we get there as long as we do =)