Has anyone overcome depression without meds?

okay so i'm sorry if this triggers or offends anyone.. i just want advice... has anyone overcome depression without meds? i am just so fed up with it.. i hate this feeling, i hate just flat out wanting to die every second of the day, i'm just sick of feeling like this, i don't know what to do! is there any natural remedies?


  • sixtyinchesoffury
    sixtyinchesoffury Posts: 321 Member
    exercise! it's one thing my doc recommends...but i take meds too. also i'm sure you know food, but there's also massage, acupucture, counseling. i hope you don't ignore it just because you don't want to take something. there are a wide variety of options out there. good luck!
  • Aesop101
    Aesop101 Posts: 758 Member
    As I understand it Depression is a chemical disorder. Everything else is situational.
  • caramkoala
    caramkoala Posts: 303 Member
    I had depression for 6 years.I overcame it with meds. The meds kept me sane. My amazing Dr's "Fantastic 5" is what cured me.

    1. Sleep (8 hours uninterrupted, every night)
    2. Meditation (10 mins undisturbed, use music if you want, as needed)
    3. Exercise (apparently burns excess adrenaline that causes downward spirals)
    4. Sex
    5. Chocolate (in small doses, when the other 4 are out of the question)

    hugs :flowerforyou:
  • 30yearssincebikini
    Why don't you want to take meds? I took them after my daughter was born 22 years ago. And I think they saved my life. I had post partam depression and took meds for six months. They really helped me. I don't know of any natural remedies though. Although I think exercise - hard core exercise that brings your heart rate up- triggers the happy endorphins in your brain!
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    I'm sorry guys, I forgot to add.
    The meds I was on made me horribly suicidal and I tried OD'ing on them so then my GP did not want that to happen again so won't give me anymore.
  • TexasRaised89
    TexasRaised89 Posts: 204 Member
    I came from an abusive household to say the least. My entire family was diagnosed with depression, as myself was. When I was a teenager, although my mother was on meds, they never took me to be on meds. So I used to take my mothers Xanax which would help me. BUT I only took them when I felt I was literally going off edge. I refused later in life to be on meds, I was scared that I would become addicted or something and they would be hard to get off, as when I was a teenager I got addicted to Xanax for the wrong reasons. A couple years went by where I was fine in life, wasn't as depressed. It slowly started to come back, but I still refused medicine, it wasn't as severe for meds. Then I had my child in Dec. 2010 and depression hit me times 1000!!!! and I struggled with it for months and months and it kept getting worse. I decided for once in my life to go to the doctor, I was prescribed anti depressants. I took them for a couple of days and it made me feel like I was dying, so I stopped taking them immediately and never went back for anything else. I have been good lately and a part of that is I've been exercising trememdously, that is my main focus every day. I try to go out to the park quite often to jog, walk or run and it gives me a sense of freedom, I can turn on my headphones loud and think for as long as I want to. That helps me as well. I try to find SOMETHING just something out there that is going to make me happy and I go do it. I don't think theres a natural cure for it all, but there are little things that will help. Exercise, you would be very surprised if you do it on a daily basis. Stress Therapy baths, getting outside, doing something social even though I understand at times you don't want to. I believe some people can do it without medicine, but some people really can't. You'll have to figure out if that's you or not. :)
  • trainlikekatniss
    No. I took meds for 1 or 2 years when I was 14/15 years old (now I'm 18) and I think it has helped me a lot. I also had therapists and doctors take care of me, I think that's the most important part when taking meds against depression.
    Now I'm quite over it, but when I start to feel down I exercise. Makes me feel better immediately :)
  • ladykat2330
    Exercise and having a general routine help alot. (even if its just something simple like every wednesday I clean the kitchen).
    Also some research has shown that people with depression are sometimes missing essential fatty acids so are recommended to take omega 3 and 6 suppliments. The best and long term way that worked for me was doing the above and having counciling. I know lots of people don't like the idea of it and there are very long waiting lists/ its expensive but it was the only thing that really worked. I've been depression free now for 7 years. (after struggling throughout my teens and early 20's). I wish you the best of luck in beating yours and I know right now it may feel that it will never get better but it can and you will get there. I am living proof it can be done so don't give up.
  • Di3012
    Di3012 Posts: 2,250 Member
    okay so i'm sorry if this triggers or offends anyone.. i just want advice... has anyone overcome depression without meds? i am just so fed up with it.. i hate this feeling, i hate just flat out wanting to die every second of the day, i'm just sick of feeling like this, i don't know what to do! is there any natural remedies?

    Ensure you exercise, although I know you will not feel like doing so many times, but the exercise will get your endorphins going and make you feel better.

    Try to cut out sweets and cakes, this is not for dieting purposes, but because the sugar in the sweets and cakes does nothing for depression. Try to eat more fruit, veg and protein, at least if your body is strong and healthy it is one less thing to worry about and you can then concentrate on your state of mind.

    Make sure you get enough light, do you know if you suffer from Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)? Some people will brush it away as just all in one's mind, but it is a very real disorder. If you do suffer from SAD, there are special lights that you can buy that can assist you.

    I sincerely hope you pick up, if you find it is going on too long, please visit the doctor, because acute depression can turn into chronic depression if left and you really don't want that xxx
  • Di3012
    Di3012 Posts: 2,250 Member
    Exercise and having a general routine help alot. (even if its just something simple like every wednesday I clean the kitchen).
    Also some research has shown that people with depression are sometimes missing essential fatty acids so are recommended to take omega 3 and 6 suppliments. The best and long term way that worked for me was doing the above and having counciling. I know lots of people don't like the idea of it and there are very long waiting lists/ its expensive but it was the only thing that really worked. I've been depression free now for 7 years. (after struggling throughout my teens and early 20's). I wish you the best of luck in beating yours and I know right now it may feel that it will never get better but it can and you will get there. I am living proof it can be done so don't give up.

    and THIS ^ is a brilliant reply! :flowerforyou:
  • MadeToCraveHIM
    MadeToCraveHIM Posts: 213 Member
    I've struggled with depression for at least 10 years now and probably longer. You may definitely need to be on meds for a short while until you can climb your way out of the valley. It's okay! I never wanted to go on any meds either, but honestly I felt so much better taking them that I would do it all over again in a heartbeat. I've also taken St. John's Wart supplements in the past as well as Flax Seed Oil and for some reason these along with a multi vitamin made me feel so much better. Exercise has also helped me tremendously too. You may try these first before heading to the doc for meds too. Good luck to you dear and try not to beat yourself up about it. There are lots of people out there with depression who struggle daily, so just keep reaching out for help until you feel better.
  • KLWELL400
    Talk to your doctor again, depression is not something that one can handle alone. I was diagnosed years ago and put on meds, after the feeling of wanting to kill myself and others got to me I threw the medication away and forced myself to look at things from a positive side. This will not work for everyone but I did not have a choice I was a single young mother at the time and I put my daughters happiness first and by doing that I became happier. But please talk to your doctor again apparently the medication is ineffective. Get up, Get Out and enjoy life. Find some up beat music to listen to in your house and dance or walk the depression away. Blessings and remember we are all here for you. You can add me as a friend if you wish.
  • melissa_may07
    melissa_may07 Posts: 3 Member
    I think you need to speak with a doctor. They will be able to help you form a treatment plan that best fits your situation.
  • poedunk65
    poedunk65 Posts: 1,336 Member
    I deal with it most everyday with working out or building things with my hands. Winter is the worst time. have to constantly think about where you are ion life and what you have accomplished. think positive.
  • Molly182
    Molly182 Posts: 406
    I'll take some advice in this area, too. I'm getting a little better, but it's definitely off and on
  • gnrshelton
    gnrshelton Posts: 358 Member
    In my opinion you need to try a new doctor. There are many drugs. I think your doctor didn't work hard enough for you. My mother had issues for years until she found the right doctor. It made all the difference. Good Luck
  • Mcctin65
    Mcctin65 Posts: 507 Member
    A lot of great advice from everyone. I struggle with it also.
    I might add one thing that helps me .. avoid alcohol! It's a serious depressant.
    I've come to find my biggest struggle is if I think too much. I tend to head towards the negative and if I don't stay busy when I am feeling that way I drag myself down so far i can't get back up.
    Think POSITIVE about yourself. It's not easy. Write down some positive words of advice. if you can't think of any look them up on the internet or ask someone. Practice saying them over and over and SMILE! Sounds cheesy, I know, but it works for me.
  • formersec
    formersec Posts: 233 Member
    I did Prozac after my father passed, but I think it was counseling that helped me get my head straight again. Prozac seemed to help a little initially, but it started to make me tired all the time. Not something I needed on top of depression. Eventually, I felt well enough to discontinue counseling too. What I really needed was to grieve for Dad, and once I did so, the dark cloud lifted.
  • Mcctin65
    Mcctin65 Posts: 507 Member
    A lot of great advice from everyone. I struggle with it also.
    I might add one thing that helps me .. avoid alcohol! It's a serious depressant.
    I've come to find my biggest struggle is if I think too much. I tend to head towards the negative and if I don't stay busy when I am feeling that way I drag myself down so far i can't get back up.
    Think POSITIVE about yourself. It's not easy. Write down some positive words of advice. if you can't think of any look them up on the internet or ask someone. Practice saying them over and over and SMILE! Sounds cheesy, I know, but it works for me.
    Definitely talk to your doctor!
  • ikkle_hellie
    Try councilling / therapy. Are you working or at college? Most large organisations have a completley confidential and outsouced Employee Care facility which will fund upto 5 sessions + a diagnostic, as will most colleges / Universities.
    5 sessions is not enough, however it can help you start to try to work a way through your feelings.

    Exercise is another great one too. If you've not really done any before, try a few things till you find something you enjoy... You'll be surprised how quick it works!