Do People Get Annoyed With You Because You Count Calories?



  • mt_nest
    mt_nest Posts: 37 Member
    I got to thinking today that maybe I'm talking about my calorie intake, excercise and weight loss a little too much. My husband gave me this look over the dinner table tonight like, "Really, are you seriously telling me about how many calories you ate today and planning to eat tomorrow?" K Point taken. I'll shut up now and keep it to myself.

    I will let the results speak for themselves...
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    My sister makes fun of me cause I measure my cereal and milk with a measuring cup, cause it's tricky to get it right otherwise...
  • AmandaHammill
    AmandaHammill Posts: 125 Member
    As for pointing out other's meal mistakes, I don't. I know that I only started recording my diet when I was good and ready to do it. Not a moment sooner or later. If I wanted advice, I asked for it. I believe most people are the same. While I wouldn't have told someone criticizing my old diet to, um, go fly a kite shall we say, it's just because I'm far too polite for that.
    lol...i read your post and had to check to if you were a fellow Canadian...yup...virtual neighbours, I'm just west of Hamilton. cheers
  • Sis73
    Sis73 Posts: 28 Member
    Most of the people that make comments on my eating and losing weight are usually the people that are unhealthy and are heavier than me. I think some people get envious and want you to be more like them to make themselves feel better. Tracking your calories is for you and no one else so its really none of their business. If they are true friends and love you they will support you.
  • Septembergirl23
    Septembergirl23 Posts: 106 Member
    Definitely! People tell me I am wasting my time logging on my phone and to just let my clothes tell me if I am losing weight. No...I want to do this in a healthy way and learn to keep it off.
  • disneyjo
    disneyjo Posts: 12
    I just started on this website this week and i already have people at work thinking i am nuts. I tell them i really dont care if they think i am crazy .. I am determined to lose this weight!!!!!!!! :tongue:
  • bump
  • ashleab37
    ashleab37 Posts: 575 Member
    The people I work with find it fascinating. I find that I'm on here every 15 minutes because the guys want to know the calories of their snacks and lunches just out of interest (which quite often go over my entire daily caloric limit!)
  • RMuske
    RMuske Posts: 271 Member
    I do notice that people get very weird when someone who is not "big" starts to look at what they eat. I am not overweight but use this app/site to maintain my weight and eat healthier. I can not tell you how many lectures I have gotten for counting calories and refusing to eat certain foods because of how unhealthy they are.

    Everyone I work with has been less than supportive of this healthy change and I think a lot of it has to do with their lack of commitment to do it for themselves. Don't let it get you down. You do this for you because it is healthy and because you care about yourself and let them worry about themselves.
  • I don't tell anyone except my parents that I'm counting calories. I don't like talking about food or calories all the time and I think if people knew that I'm losing weight, I wouldn't be motivated to actually do it anymore, cause everyone would watch me and watch what I'm eating and stuff
  • mwilke
    mwilke Posts: 378 Member
    No one has said anything to me about it. When my husband asks what I am doing, I tell him that I am tracking my calories. I am encouraging him to join this site and do the same thing, because he really wants to lose weight, but has medical limitations. I figure this would be one of the healthiest ways for him to go about losing weight, but he doesn't want to try it out right now.
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    I just don't talk about it. My fitness has nothing to do with anyone else.
  • RoboLikes
    RoboLikes Posts: 519 Member
    Last night at the bar. Counting every drink and didn't want to eat the greasy bar food. I got yelled at and told to relax! Love my friends but sometimes they can be a little less than supportive.
  • FlyByJuly
    FlyByJuly Posts: 564 Member
    Outside of my kids, husband, and a couple of friends, nobody even knows that I'm counting calories. What I can't stand is when somebody sees that I'm eating healthy things and comments "Oh, you're dieting." Uhhhh, nooooo, I'm not dieting. I've changed my diet and committed myself to eating better. BIG difference!!
  • tbraund111069
    tbraund111069 Posts: 16 Member
    Yes, but they've learned not to say much because I will not back down! This is my life & I'm sick to death of being sick!!! "If you don't like it, don't talk to me. If I don't do this I won't be around for you to talk to anyway!!!"
  • People laugh at me sometimes at how careful I am with tracking my calories (i.e. pulling out the measuring cup, tracking every bite I eat). But I find that when I slack off and stop tracking my calories, the weight sneaks up on me again. A couple of years ago I did Weight Watchers online and had good results from it. So then I quit, not wanting to spend the $ anymore and figuring I'd reached my goal so no big deal--I thought I could maintain on my own. Those pounds came back on gradually, and my eating habits gradually went back to how I was eating before I did WW online.

    Fast forward to now: I got a Kindle Fire for Christmas, and found this app for MFP. I went to the site, registered, and then voila! I was back to counting calories and I'm on my way (very gradually) to reaching my goal I'd met back when I used WW online. And for free!

    I can't see there ever being a time when I can stop tracking my calories. Constant Vigilance! That's the key.
  • Rachel122810
    Rachel122810 Posts: 35 Member
    yes my coworkers
  • sassycassy
    sassycassy Posts: 21 Member
    Yep... All the time!!! I even had one of my friends tell me I was ruining my children's lives because they read labels and ask me about serving sizes. I just laughed at her. :laugh:
  • Lemonaiding
    Lemonaiding Posts: 78 Member
    Yes. I live in Seattle and I was at Pike Place Market getting a few provisions with a friend. We were walking by one of the produce stalls and this girl was slicing an apple and offering samples. I politely declined and she asked why I didn't want it. So I told her I am pretty strict about knowing the caloric value of something that goes into my body(plus I wasn't about to eat something just because it was offered). She and another employee started harassing me about being too thin. She tells me that I could eat the apple slice and go down the way to the bathroom to throw it up. THEN she proceeds to make barfing sounds at me.

    I'm pretty sure this girl thought I was a tourist. But that is the rudest example I have for how others have behaved. My mom and sister have accused me of having an eating disorder. I eat as many calories as are allotted to me and many days go over. I think people are just dumbfounded that eating healthy and exercising can work.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    i have had it a lot recently - i am slim so i dont need to watch what i eat...

    noooooo, i am slim BECAUSE i watch what i eat!
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