Healthy Nachos



  • momuv3princesses
    momuv3princesses Posts: 154 Member
    I once bought a "slim-cado" from the grocery store. It was much bigger than an avocado but it had less fat! It was good and tasted like an avocado! I made mine into guac. MMMMMM love that stuff!
  • mindy2185
  • Ashley5704
    Ashley5704 Posts: 50 Member
    Yum! Great recipes. I may have to use these for Sunday!
  • teenasbody
    teenasbody Posts: 212 Member
    Hi! I generally try to swap things around a bit with different recipes to improve the nutritional values.

    *Chips can have ridiculous amounts of calories! Make sure you make a healthy choice for the foundation of your splurge!
    *Ground Turkey instead of Ground Beef
    *Greek Yogurt instead of Sour Cream (I usually mix half sc and half greek yogurt)
    *Load up the veggies on those nachos
    *Find a fresh salsa that you love and use lots of it
    *Cheese...well, I always shred my own "real cheese" because I can't stand fake foods
    *Guacamole can be made a with just avocado (good fats) or a blend of avocado and white beans

    Sometimes when I want nachos I make myself a healthy mini-version of a seven layer dip instead.

    you can swap chips with Ezekiel Tortillas I make nachos often with crock pot salsa chicken

    Seriously though, as long as you are not consuming large platters of nachos every night you will be FINE! It is important to be disciplined, but it is also important not to deprive yourself of the foods you enjoy because that is what leads people to feeling unfulfilled and quitting their weight loss goals. your nachos and enjoy them, but try a few more swaps and alternatives as you go. :)
  • sugarflywithme83
    sugarflywithme83 Posts: 13 Member
    I make a variation of Nachos too that I really enjoy.

    ... Its not SUPER low in calories, but its lower than regular nachos... It serves 3 people.

    Half a packet of plain cornchips (500g packet)
    Half an avocado (in place of guac)
    cottage cheese (weight watchers, 1 container) (use 1/2 or 3/4 of container)
    Light maintland cheese (shredded) 75g
    Mild Chunky Salsa (300g)
    4 star lean mince (500g) use half of the pack.

    So you cook the mince in a pan and once its cooked add the salsa to it and mix it all up.

    On a baking tray, place a mountain of mince in the center of the tray. surround it in cornchips, sprinkle cheese (either less or more) over the cornchips only. Bake til the cheese has melted.

    Mash up the avocado and put scoop beside mince/salsa on top of cornchips and on the other side put the cottage cheese ... and its ready to serve. :)

    It works out to be around 540 calories. (per serving!)
  • krislshoe
    krislshoe Posts: 459 Member
    sounds yummy...I will have to try this one my guys...they are the nacho experts...would love to fool them with something that tastes great and not sooo high calorie:0)
  • 1a1a
    1a1a Posts: 761 Member