Help...from the successful!! discouraged!

KDWS Posts: 61 Member
I am so frustrated. this is the second week in a row I have lost NOTHING!! NO WEIGHT NO INCHES! and I was sick so I really was not eating much! I weigh myself everyday and I am fluctuating between 223 and 220. My "official" weigh in date is tomorrow and I am just so discouraged i don't even want to get on the scale! What am I doing wrong? I hope to lose60 pounds and at this rate I just don't see that happening. I record everything I eat...I drink hot tea and zero calorie iced tea all day so I do not record that...I do take prozac and I ddi have my period last week ( in addition to being sick UGH) Suggestions?


  • salesgoddess450
    I have been at this for about three weeks now and I have only lost 3 pounds. Do not get discouraged. Are you excercising? I find that that is the most important thing for me because even if I do not lose weight or inches , I feel so much better physically and emothionaly when I excercise regularly!
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,131 Member
    Oh, my.

    Relax! You don't have to get on the scale. You won't die if you don't. Just keep doing the right things and you will lose weight. Stop thinking it all has to happen at once.

    Ease up on yourself. It's not a straight line and you won't always have losses every week. Your body has lots of reasons it holds onto water and weight. Just breathe.
  • msmimi
    msmimi Posts: 381 Member
    Are you eating enough? I have found that when I eat the suggested 1200 cals my weightloss slows to NOTHING! But when I eat 1300-1500 calories and even throw in one or two (not 2 in a row)1800-1900 calorie days I lose effortlessly. (kinda like zig zagging my calories) The body is smart. It fights starvation.

    ***Also I forgot to add are you drinking WATER? 8-10 cups of pure water a day?
  • DukeCanDoItNow
    Relax,,,take it easy,,,you'll do fine,,,,let your body adjust to the changes and youll be a happy person later on for it,,,JD..
  • dlaplume2
    dlaplume2 Posts: 1,658 Member
    I know this is not the answer you want to hear, but you need to be patient. It does work and it takes time. Being on medication that causes weight gain, having your period and being sick all puts stress on the body and it may not be ready to release the weight yet. I would give it a few more weeks and see if it starts moving. (I know easier said than done)

    I would go in and double check your settings. Make sure you have the right activity lever, gender and weight loss set to 1 lb a week. I know you want to do two, but do one. (my first month I did 1 lb and I still lost 2 each week, which is not typical for me)

    The other thing is, make sure you are eating a net of at least 1200 calories. (yes eat back those pesky exercise calories to hit 1200 if you have to.)

    Best wishes
    You can add me as a friend if you like.
  • GettingFit4Me2011
    Make changes a little bit at a time. It takes time to change eating habits. This is a life long thing. If you don't change habits, then weight WILL return. Stay focused!
  • keeponkickin
    keeponkickin Posts: 1,520 Member

    I took a peek at your food diary and went back for several days, well over a week. Are you really logging in all your food? I see a lot that I can help you with. I will private message you and you can let me know. Hang in there. That scale will get moving.
  • momof3and3
    momof3and3 Posts: 656 Member
    Looking quickly at your diary, I went back from when you said you were sick, you are not eating enough. You tend to under eat, some days as little as 600-800 calories...

    Not to get picky, but your food choices are also not the best...(and this is coming from the person who LOVES peanut butter and jelly). Spread your food out through the day, eat more breakfast, instead of a protein bar, have eggs, oatmeal, greek yogurt, fruit, etc....have small snacks through the day too... a mixture of carbs and lean with string cheese,apple with 1 tbl peanut butter, hard boiled egg with fruit, plain greek yougurt with fruit...etc...
    It will come off, don't get frustrated, you can do this!
  • kfox15
    kfox15 Posts: 97 Member
    Yes, avoid the scale! If you weigh everyday you'll get tied up with all the normal fluctuations your body goes through (I did). Pick a weigh in day once a week or so and let that be it.
    As for loosing, as long as you are being honest with yourself and logging every bite and staying under your caloire goal then you will lose. Have you tried adding some strength (not barbie weights) training? This might help add some lean mass and make you feel awesome, no matter what the scale says. Best of luck and stick with it, it's a long and slow journey but you can do it!
  • Oretexan
    Oretexan Posts: 108
    I started a the beginning of January and have only lost 5 pounds. I feel like you often. I am working so hard and doing everything I should do and I expect more! But, we need to remind ourselves that this is a marathon not a sprint. It is a lifestyle change. We are not just trying to lose weight but we are also getting healthier. I have found that just when I feel the most discouraged I finally see the scales budge! So maybe tomorrow will be a the day you see positive results. I hope so! I think this is just a lot harder now that we are no longer 20 years old...
  • trishoida
    From personal experience (this is not medical advice) one of prozac's side effects was weight loss for me. I'm sure it differs in individuals. You may be retaining water from your period or being sick. You don't track your sodium intake so it may be your eating too much. You also are eating very few calories at least the last couple days. If your an active woman you should eat at least 1200. My trainer says to always eat an additional 200 calories for every 30 minutes of cardio you do a day. This may not work for everyone but it's helped me continue to lose weight.
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    If you've been ill your body has been concentrating on getting you better, so it's not unusual for it to hang on to what stores it has.

    Is your diary accurate? Again, I know you've been ill so the past week may not be typical, but you could try to add a bit more fresh fruit and veg in there, and try not to skip meals.

    Don't give up - it's a long journey!
  • dravenangel
    dravenangel Posts: 39 Member
    How long have you been ill? Looking at your diary for the last three or so weeks it looks like you've only gone over 1200kcals twice. It means you're putting your body into starvation mode so it's keeping hold of what it does get. You should try to at least eat 1200kcals a day just to keep going.

    I don't profess to be an expert but I've managed to lose 38lbs since 12 November by eating enough calories and exercising lightly (I have knee injuries that don't really allow me to do more) so I guess I must be doing something right.

    Stick at MFP - it works! But do up your calorie intake!! :smile:
  • Jaffo
    Jaffo Posts: 1
    Please do not give up! Advice - "weighing in" every day creates an expectation that you will see a change every day, and this is not reasonable. I saw someone else say that you do NOT have to get on the scale every day, and this is certainly true! I weigh myself once a week, but that my not work for you - maybe every other or every third day? Second thing, and I saw someone else also mention this - are you exercising enough? We often think that all the walking at work counts as enough exercise, but it doesn't. I would advise that when you get home from work, or at some time each day, take a power walk; I would start with 20 - 30 minutes and work up to an hour. A power walk is where you strut right along, moving your arms in time with your legs, and do not stop or slow down unless forced by traffic or people in the way - do what you can to keep moving. You will run out of breath, do not worry. And, this is a great cardio exercise as well. In any case, keep working - the health benefits are amazing, once things start to happen!
  • EmilySG2011
    I have the same problem. I have never had a large appetite which is part of the reason I started gaining weight. I have to force myself to eat enough. However, I think the exercise is the main key to any weight loss. That's the hardest part of it all. I lost 10 lbs. and have gained back about 8 of them because I burned out and took a 4 month break. I have the same problem with the scale though, lose a lb today gain a lb tomorrow. I have never seen such a slow process. I hear all of these wonderful weight loss stories and wonder how in the world can someone lose 50 or 100 lbs when I struggle to move 5. Im starting all over again and forcing myself to do some type of exercise matter how much I hate it. I also have to make myself avoid the scales sometimes because it causes me to get discouraged. Especially those weeks of horror!! Stay with it, try not to get discouraged. Everyone is struggling with the same problems.
  • JeSuisPrest
    JeSuisPrest Posts: 2,005 Member
    You need to log in consistently everything you eat and drink and exercise. Hard to help you when we can't see what you're doing. Eat the minimum calories, it's better to go over than stay under. See my profile, I think it's open to all, for more tips.
  • its4me62
    Me and a co-worker just rtarted this on weds of this and I lost 3lbs, but we brisk walk 3.5 pace for 30min everyday today I walked 1 1/2 mile this morning. keep your head,
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    If you make your focus a healthy lifestyle the weight loss will follow. Be patient.
  • bcampbell54
    bcampbell54 Posts: 932 Member
    Is your diary correct? Looks pretty skimpy to me. You might be into some homeostatic slowdown.
  • bdette73
    bdette73 Posts: 18 Member
    I am going through a plateau after losing 20 pounds. Think positive and stick with the MFP lifestyle. This is the only weight loss program that has worked for me and I don't even consider it a weight loss program so much as a new way of life. B
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