Does running actually work ?

I`ve been changing my life around , running daily , but does it actually work for weight loss ?
I`ve heard that it doesn't , but i`ve also heard that it does .


  • Whodatgirl77
    Whodatgirl77 Posts: 238 Member
    It definitely burns calories which can aid in weight loss. Make sure you don't overestimate your burn so that your aren't eating back.too many calories.
  • scottb81
    scottb81 Posts: 2,538 Member
    Yes, it works. It is the best calorie burner of any exercise. If you run a lot you can eat a lot and still lose weight. Get fit, lose weight, and eat.

    As evidence, I lost around 30 pounds in the last year from running and diet alone. Now I have around 11% bodyfat and continue to lose weight slowly while eating close to 3000 calories per day.
  • porffor
    porffor Posts: 1,212 Member
    Wow how far do you run that you can eat 3000 cals?
  • lesle1
    lesle1 Posts: 354 Member
    umm... I've lost 115 pounds by running...
  • annie24342
    annie24342 Posts: 49 Member
    Running DEFINITELY works! Any distance will help. However, I personally see a difference only if I run 40 minutes or more a day. Your legs will get firmer, your abs start building muscle, and you burn a lot of calories (just make sure you don't eat back more calories than you burn).
  • CaptainSwab
    Running is a great weight loss tool but like anything you have to make sure you don't over eat. A lot of people will miscalculate how much they think they can eat.
  • porffor
    porffor Posts: 1,212 Member
    umm... I've lost 115 pounds by running...

    Huge congrats!
  • arc918
    arc918 Posts: 2,037 Member
    As long as you don't use it as license to eat, then you can lose weight. Then again, I managed to gain weight while running 50+ miles per week. It is just math, burn more than you eat and you will drop pounds.

    Also, you need a reality check out what you are burning. Running a few miles helps the cause, but most of us only burn ~ 100 - 125 calories per mile. I've seen some petite women who are only burning 70 per mile. At 175 lbs, I burn ~ 125 per mile.

    So one mile of running is enough to eat a couple Girl Scout cookies.

    I think the key is sticking with the running enough so you can run long/far enough to get some big burns.
  • gloriashaped
    Thanks to running I lost my post baby weight gain fat quickly. My long term passion for running made me truly fit and has kept me lean. However, you still need to watch your diet. You can't eat anything you want and lose weight. For example, if you run 1 mile at a moderate pace, say 12-13 minutes you will burn about 100 calories. That said, you have to run 10 miles to burn 1000 calories.

    Calorie intake must be less than calorie out take even with running if you want to lose. A lot of newbie runners make the mistake "I'll just run it off" and wonder why their weight is the same when trying to lose.

    Speed work is excellent too for calorie burning and strong lung capacity. You should start with a little of it during runs then graduate to sprinting.
  • scottb81
    scottb81 Posts: 2,538 Member
    Wow how far do you run that you can eat 3000 cals?
    Around 8 to 20 miles six days a week. Normally, between 10-12 hours per week.
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    it works
    just ask my muscley sprinter thighs

    I dropped 10 inches off each thigh when I started running last year

    wear an HRM when you run, it will help with the calorie counting
    personally I burn 100 cals every 10 mins of running, and about 600-700 cals during a 5k race
  • BobbyDaniel
    BobbyDaniel Posts: 1,460 Member
    Nearly 70 pounds lost here, 50 of which came after I started running.
  • jrdennis13
    It has definitely been working for me. SInce 1 Jan, I've logged 152 miles running and dropped 17 pounds. Also been watching my diet focusing on eating clean foods.
  • lilsassymom
    lilsassymom Posts: 407 Member
  • Abbey70
    Abbey70 Posts: 82 Member
    I lost the majority of my weight by running and walking. I was doing this about 4-5 times a week plus watching what I eat.
  • MellyMartinson
    MellyMartinson Posts: 43 Member
    umm... I've lost 115 pounds by running...
    Great Job! I have that much to loose. Makes me feel like I am running in the right direction because I just started running again. I have lost 13 lbs so far!!
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Running helped me lose weight. Running plus a small calorie deficit plus strength training made my legs and butt look better. :wink:
  • GoreWhore72
    GoreWhore72 Posts: 190 Member
    From what previous trainers told me:
    Too much cardio will burn muscle.
    Limit to 20 minutes of running.
    Once it burns your fat, if you do too much cardio, and no strength training it will burn your muscle.
    More muscle burns fat.
    Therefore, strength training is ultimately important.
    Regular combination of both will assist in appropriate weight loss.
    Such as warm up, strength training, then cool down.
    Even up to 40 minutes of cardio per day with strength training, is good.
    When I was an athlete, we ran for warm up only.
    I remember the long distance runners had a hard time putting on muscle and weight, so they burned a lot of
    fat, and were forced to do strength building ,but were not as strong as the short distance 100 m runners, who
    did more strength training than running.
    If that makes sense, when you think of body physique.
  • KimertRuns13_1
    It has worked for me! -81 lbs so far. I started running 3 years ago.
    However, I didn't only run. I changed how I eat and do a lot more things in the gym.
  • Giantess
    Giantess Posts: 213 Member
    The heavier you are, the more calories you burn running, too. Just something to keep in mind. For me, about two miles takes twenty to thirty minutes, and burns around 600 calories. But I'm not only fat, I'm tall.

    When I lost the 18 lbs I lost--due to running--I noticed that I wasn't burning as many calories for the same distance run. Because I'm physically lugging 18 fewer pounds up that last...hill....

    So it takes less energy.

    So run! Run run run, and the more you run, the lighter you get, the more you can run...