Friends against weightloss??



  • Deipneus
    Deipneus Posts: 1,862 Member
    Of course others don't want us to lose weight. The old saw that "misery loves company" is true.
  • Cindy311
    Cindy311 Posts: 780 Member
    Well, I think some humans just have a jealous nature but true friends work through that emotion and support you in the end. It's up to the person losing weight to put their foot down and tell the friend(s) that they don't appreciate food choices, snickety comments, etc.
  • lo89ol
    lo89ol Posts: 59
    my friends dont necessarily TRY ti get me to cheat...its just that whenever I am trying to eat healthy they always seem to want to go out for dinner and drinks! its sooooo annoying!!

    the only middleground i've found is inviting them over to my house instead of going out and making healthier food/ snacks for helps to save me calories and money!
  • svenskispiration
    I am not eating wheat anymore and it is giving me a lot of other benefits besides weightloss. but people think it's strange and 'too difficult' and restrictive.( yet they think being vegetarian is completely acceptable.) makes it hard when you cook with those friends sometimes. But tonight we happened to have a delicious meal with a friend that had no idea about this, and it happened to be wheat free (well there was bread, but I didn't touch it and no one asked questions).

    No matter what you have difficulty with socially, with health, weightloss and everything in between, you discover things about yourself and your friends you never realized before! sometimes it's a little disheartening, but in the end, it's for the better!
  • scribe313
    scribe313 Posts: 103 Member
    My father has offered me ribs and fried chicken since I have been on mfp. He knows that I have gave up animal based protein (other than fish). He also use to be a really big guy and lost about 80 pounds a few years ago, so he should know better! Oh well.
  • Shantel0618
    Shantel0618 Posts: 34 Member
    oh yeah I cna tell because they are like ill try and lose weight with u and stuff blah blah and then now that Ive lost a lot of weight whenever I talk about my weight loss they dont say anything at all like I wasnt even talking or not even a good job or im proud of you lol I can tell there jelous so I really dont care I have showed them how i am doin it so if they wanted to do it too they could but they arnt dedicaded enough yet
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  • owens1037
    I did not post and pictures of body online until I lost almost 32 lbs I did get alot of congrats but I also felt some neg. vibes as well, but keep pushing to better yourself it's your health at stake. We all need to motivate each other so we can get the this change of better eating, healing, and mental strength training.
  • Silverstar46
    Silverstar46 Posts: 187 Member
    The other day I went out to eat with my friend to Ruby Tuesdays. I told her about a month ago I was trying to lose weight and had lost 30lbs back then. She congratulated me and everything, but I haven't said anything since.

    Well yesterday we both ordered from the light lunch portions and then when the lady came and asked if we'd like dessert, my friend said yes.

    I looked down at the dessert menu and thought, "WTH am I gonna get?" They have a fruit and yogurt parfait for 160 cal when combined with my light lunch was only 500 calories for the total meal.

    She got two cupcakes which were like 400 calories by themselves.

    I ate that yogurt like it was the best dessert ever - and it actually was pretty damn tasty! lol
  • gumigal82
    I have friends who are a little upset of my fitness and weight loss goals, and my desire to meet a man with a similar energy/ fitness goals ( more physically fit, or at least trying to get that way)
    I understand why someone might feel that way, I guess they think (maybe being curvier than me) I am criticizing them/their lifestyle...which I am not or would never do. I think all my friends are beautiful:)
  • deborawrrx
    Scottish accent = win!!!!

    I feel I can now reveal my secret obsession to hunt down Frankie Boyle and have his babies!

    hahah! brilliant. it's strange though, every time i go down to england they say... 'OH MY GOD, you're from scotland?' and try to copy my accent. quite funny. :)
  • Scorpioangel
    Scorpioangel Posts: 951 Member
    Yep I have noticed that from so called friends. It is as if some are mad about the progress I have had. My most recent thing has been that I have been chosen to possibly be in the next Insanity video and Beachbody infomercial. Now some "friends" act as if these great things aren't happening... which is obvious. Some people just don't like people being happy and achieving their goals.