2012 February Biggest Loser Challenge



  • SgtCyd
    SgtCyd Posts: 25
    So, today was still hard, but much better than yesterday! Yesterday I went way, way over my food intake. Today I was over, but nothing an extra 20 minutes on a bike wouldn't cure. Tomorrow I'll have to see if I can stay in goal!!!!!!!!!!!! No check on the weight loss yet, that'll come on Tuesday. But, until then I need to ramp up the exercise in order to lose! I can't do all the ones listed in this challenge because of a health issue, but I'm doing what I can!


    Be proud of yourself for not quitting!!! The main goal is a healthy lifestyle! YOU GO GIRL!!!
  • kdenny1
    kdenny1 Posts: 134
    I have been able to complete all the challenges so far except for the walking and the burpees are a work in progress but since I am over on my calories today and I have to work out until I am back under I may try to finish them tonight. Hows everyone else doing?
  • dino1147
    dino1147 Posts: 178 Member
    Lots of running equals a sucky diet today, but I got my workout in first thing this morning!! Yay!
  • sboo
    sboo Posts: 170 Member
    Hello, all. Just checking in. All caught up today feels good.

    Didn't quiet meet all water intake on Thursday, but I did well Friday and today. Didn't rest on Friday I had to make up for Thursdays workout.
    I have 40 (20 Friday and 20 today) burpees down and 60 to go.

    Thurs. Feb. 2nd: 3 sets of 15 wood chops, 3 sets of 15 swimmers presses & 3.1 mile walk "Walk away the pounds tape". Done - Friday.
    No rest on Friday, but did do something nice for myself.
    Sat. Feb. 4th: 1 min. bear walk, 20 leg lifts and 100 jumping jacks

    And FYI I'm adding bear walk to my dis-like list.
  • AttyMomOf3
    AttyMomOf3 Posts: 145 Member
    Wow! I made myself do it. I finished today's challenge! I spent the day with the kids at the amusement park and I was exhausted when I got home. But this challenge has been so motivating to me. I didn't want to miss a challenge day. I also just got a FitBit and wanted to get my "stairs badge" so I also walked my stairs 10x so I could get that today too. So I hope I make the cut and get to keep playing next round!! Also, Friday I didn't totally rest, but I did a very light workout (just enough to meet my FitBit goals), but I did do something nice for myself! I went out for a nice lunch and made good choices!! That is new for me, usually I have very little willpower when looking at a delicious menu, but I am doing better!! This challenge is also making me account for my water, another very good development for me!

    I hope everyone is having a great weekend!!
  • AttyMomOf3
    AttyMomOf3 Posts: 145 Member
    2/5 challenge DONE! Still drinking my last water...
  • dino1147
    dino1147 Posts: 178 Member
    I meet my water every day, but the challenges are hard, the daily challenges I'm getting in but don't think I'll make the extra burpees. However, this is the most dedicated I've been, so I'm good with that :)
  • rockinryan
    I didn't get this until today....let me know if your doing it in March as well !!! I'm in for sure !!!!
  • mamaof4boyz
    I would be interested in joining if your doing it in March !!! Let me know. I was late seeing this for this month !!! Thank you
  • AttyMomOf3
    AttyMomOf3 Posts: 145 Member
    2/6 challenge exercises are done and I have 85 of the 100 burpees, but I am not doing well with my water today. I will try to get in more before bed, but I will probably be a little short.

    I hope everyone is off to a good start this week!!
  • SgtCyd
    SgtCyd Posts: 25
    0530 hrs - 15 Burpees; 45 Tricep Presses; 45 Deltoid Raises; 30 Bicep Curls; 30 wrist rolls; Ann Jillian's 30 Day Shred; Namaste Yoga. So far, too cold out for the walk (-15 C) hopefully after work.
    Thank goodness I did the majority of my workout this morning. Just got home at 7pm so no walk today but, I did extra so hopefully that counts. I am up on water, down on calories... so far so good.

    Won't be able to check in for a few days. Thank goodness the rest of the daily challenges don't require special equipment. I just have to be sure not to jump too hard and wake up the neighbors in the hotel!!!! LOL
    I'm off to Manitoba, back late on Friday so, hopefully will wake up early enough to do my measurements and weight on time for the deadline.
    Keep up the great work everyone!
  • spgabby86
    spgabby86 Posts: 323 Member
    Well it's a new week and what better time then now to get it moving...so let's go!

    Check in - Mon. Feb. 6th: 3 sets of 10 triceps & 3.1 mile walk, run or bike


    Also completed this weeks challenge 150 crunches...
  • AttyMomOf3
    AttyMomOf3 Posts: 145 Member
    Hi everyone,

    2/7 challenge done, plus I finally completed my 100 burpees. I logged 6.8 miles today too, but I haven't been counting the other stuff I do besides the challenge stuff. I will start adding it if it counts. I am having another bad water day, so I doubt I will get all the way to 8 today. Very excited to reach the first check-in and see how much I lose, either in weight or inches!!
  • sboo
    sboo Posts: 170 Member

    Exercise Minutes: 60 mins Circuit Training
    Daily Challenges Completed: 50 Jumping Jacks, and 20 Globe jumps (wow) done
    Bonus Challenge Completed: Finished Burpees
    Water done, under calorie goal...

    jump, jump, jump......
  • AttyMomOf3
    AttyMomOf3 Posts: 145 Member
    2/8/12 = challenge done. Feeling really tired today! Also, logged 3.5 miles and did 100 sidebends and 100 punch twists (figured I would work all the core muscles while I was at it).

    I hope all of the challengers are excited for the first check in!
  • spgabby86
    spgabby86 Posts: 323 Member
    Well ladies it's been a long night...I have a big test tomorrow at work so I'm going to bed now...just wanted to report


    Now G'nite!
  • dino1147
    dino1147 Posts: 178 Member
    My biggest revelation? I CAN do 100 jumping jacks! Real ones! I used to do the "modified" one from Cardio Max, but I didn't want to skimp out on this challenge! I may not do them 100 at a time, but I can do 20 at a time, rest for 10 seconds and then 20 more! Woooooohooooo!
  • AttyMomOf3
    AttyMomOf3 Posts: 145 Member
    Challenge done for 2/9, except for water again. I don't know why that has been so hard for me. I also logged 5.9 miles today and 25 minutes of circuit training. I am going to try to get my measurements and weight in tomorrow because I will be out of the house early on Saturday with the kids for basketball. This challenge has been really helpful to keep me motivated. I hope everyone else feels the same way!
  • LuizH
    LuizH Posts: 211 Member
    Hi all. I've had a virus most of the week, so not been able to do a great deal of exercise. My calories have been below target every day, but I've not been so good at tracking my water consumption, and I've missed most of the daily challenges. Probably not suprisingly, my weight's not changed much this week

    My week 1 check in:
    Current Weight: 166
    Current waist inches: 33.5 :happy:
    Current hips inches: 43
    Current wrist inches: 6
    Current forearm inches: 9.5
    Exercise Minutes: 433
    Daily Challenges Completed: 2
    Bonus Challenge Completed: 0 :frown:

    Hopefully the snow will clear after this weekend and I can get back out on my bike
  • AttyMomOf3
    AttyMomOf3 Posts: 145 Member
    Female age 40
    Current Weight: 171
    Height: 5'6"
    Current waist inches: 35"
    Current hips inches: 42"
    Current wrist inches: 6"
    Current forearm inches: 10.5"
    Current bust: 41.5" (w/ bra on)
    Current neck: 13"
    Current thigh: 25.25"
    Current calf: 16.5"

    This is the best I have ever done in this period of time. I am so excited! I hope everyone has a good check-in!