Over 100 lbs to lose and ready!



  • aukmac76
    I'm new as well and also have a little over 100 I want to lose! :) WE can do it!
  • fluffygoodness
    fluffygoodness Posts: 57 Member
    ADD ME!!! I have about 40lbs to lose to hit my 100 total mark then another 20 for my goal so I think I can still be in this category. Lets go team skinny jeans and stilletos!
  • adeli2010
    Well I have 50 lb to lose in order to join the Navy, add me!!! The more people I know that are trying to do the same thing as me, the more determined I am.
  • nursenikki829
    nursenikki829 Posts: 432 Member
    Feel free to add me... I also have three little ones, they are 4, 3 and 1. Welcome to the site : )
  • gmrib
    gmrib Posts: 1
    I also have over 100lbs to go. Just started on mon haven't weighed myself yet hopefully won't completely screw it all up tonight during the game.
  • TNoire
    TNoire Posts: 642 Member
    I graduated high school 12yrs ago at 135lbs
    I replaced that habit with food and junk
    I gained 195lbs in the process
    March 2009 I got on track and in 19 months I lost 156lbs
    Then we got buying/selling houses
    I gained some back

    This is what I learned over my journey

    females no less than 1200 cals a day
    males no less than 1800 cals a day


    if you eat less your body goes into starvation mode which causes it to store which causes weight gain

    3500 burned cals = loss on 1lb of fat
    3500 cals = 1lb of fat put on

    low carb is key my dietitian says 150 or less per day is a pretty good amount =)

    Don't call it a diet just be wise on what you put into your body and treat yourself when you meet your goals

    lean meats, red meat and taters 3-4 times in a 2 week period, whole grains keep you fuller longer, heavier meals in the morning, sodium no more than 2400mg a day, fresh fruit and veggies, don't drink you calories, 8+ glasses of water a day, stay away from junk food/fast food/processed food, treat it when you meet your goals, don't eat the samethings daily or do the same workouts or your body will plateau

    you can do it! promise!

    As I tell everyone im honest ill check your food diary and ill give advice
    ive lost a few friends on MFP that wanted advice then couldn't take it and deleted me
    if you want a friend that will help keep you motivated and look at your diary or when you ask me to check things for you and give you honest feed back feel free to add me
    ive been there and done that, it can be done
  • bunniehops
    bunniehops Posts: 22 Member
    Hi I started a couple of weeks ago and I have over 80lb's to lose. I bought a digital scale really regreat it as keep juping on and off each day and not getting acurate reading. I'll add you we can do this :)
  • Kattaway
    Hello! My name is Kimberly and I am a new member. I recently decided to lose weight. I am not sure what my starting weight was as I did not weigh until one week of doing low carb. I originally put 350lbs as my starting weight as my heaviest was 347 about 6 months ago. But my first weigh in was 317.8!! Boy was I surprised! A very NICE surprise at that but being that my clothes reallyb didn't feel much different, I couldn't tell I had lost anything. Uniform at work is loose anyway, at home I wear comfy stuff so I guess I just couldn't see it.

    Anyway, I am getting married May 26th and my goal was to lose 50 lbs and be UNDER 300 lbs for my wedding. I have since changed my goal to 275 which is a 45 lb weight loss. I am at 312.2 right now which means I have 37lbs to go. Hopefully that is a realistic goal!!

    I have been following low carb, haven't been recording my foods really. I work nights in the ER and logging foods is just a challenge, but I feel to get an accurate feel for my progress, I need to be logging everything. I would also like to follow other low carber's to see what foods they eat. Believe me, my schedule makes it hard to eat right. I feel like eggs, bacon and cheese are the staples of my diet. I am only getting in veggies on days off when I have time to cook.

    I need as much encouragement as I can get. My roommate started this with me, it was actually HER idea but she cheats and cheats a lot!!! I have not cheated once, but I feel my diet can be better and that is why I am here!!
  • i_am_losing_it
    i_am_losing_it Posts: 310 Member
    Hi my name is Donna, I am in the same boat! I joined the group on here 100 lb + to lose wouldblove to have more weight loss buddies. I have been on mfp for a week on monday.
  • juliekaiser1988
    juliekaiser1988 Posts: 604 Member
    I wouldn't buy a scale if you are tempting to check too often (which is bad news to do). Is there a scale at the place where you do live Zumba?
  • TNoire
    TNoire Posts: 642 Member
    I do Zumba on my wii, I lovvvvvvvve it!
  • amanda3266
    I have over 100lbs to lose too so you are not alone, like you I am fed up with being "the big girl". I love this site and have the app on my phone, The difference with me this time is that I am logging everything I eat - even if I go well over my calorie goal for the day,(we all have days like that sometimes). For some reason this keeps me logging in and starting the next day afresh, I've lost 20lbs in the past 5 weeks and it's all going great so far. I am a bit of a crisp (potato chip) addict but have discovered the ones which are lower in calories and won't cause such a problem if I do overindulge. Motly I am doing fine though .....and so will you. Go for it.
  • kpederslie
    kpederslie Posts: 23 Member
    I too am hoping to lose 100+. I have yet to set a final weight goal.. will probably be doing that with a trainer this upcomming week, but I thought I'd approach my weight loss goals 10% at a time. Ive read all the wonderful health benefits to losing just 10%, and it doesnt seem to have such an intimidating number to stretch for. So, at the time being, I want to lose 35 lbs.. when i reach that goal, I'll want to lose 31... so on and so forth. I dont want to be skinny, i want to be healthy. I dont want to look good in a bikini, I want to look good in clothes. I dont want to be able to shop in the misses department, I want to be able to shop in normal clothing stores. Im hoping that my small and realistic goals will keep me going longer than my past attempts at shedding my extra fluff.

    I dispatch for a living, which requires my bottom to be in a chair 8+ hours a day. Many of my department are over weight, and being smack dab in the middle of a 9 month winter, we decided to have a Biggest Loser competition. Winner was the person who lost the biggest percentage of fat. I should have joined, but I didnt ( for fear of losing ) I did though, unoficially join, offering my support and knowlegde. Today, they recognized me as the person making the most changes, and the biggest inspiration in the group. THAT was a huge boost and makes me want to keep going.

    I dont know what is different in my this time that is keeping me going. It's like a lightswitch in my head was just flipped on. Before i was weak and would cheat all the time. Or binge one day and then call it all off out of feeling guilty. ( You cant cheat unless you have committed ) Yes, I have a little desire to sneak a bite of my daughters weekly treat ( danishes are her favorite ) but something in me took over and for the first time in my 32 years of existance I could honestly tell myself that the one bite was not worth the calories, and I dont want that junk cluttering up my food log.

    I would love any and all friend invites, I do lots of research for inspiration and information, and love more than anything to spread that to others. I belive that as a group, this is completely do able! Im going on the adventure of my lifetime, would like to travel with others!
  • gabadabadoo
    Same - feel free to add me :happy: We can support each other through it!
  • niqua215
    niqua215 Posts: 283 Member
    Thank you all for the support! I'm well on my way to a healthier life.