What do you tell yourself AFTER a break up?



  • xHelloQuincyx
    xHelloQuincyx Posts: 884 Member
    You can't find Mr. Right if you're still clinging (in a way) to Mr. Wrong. Let him go - you are worth way more than that. :flowerforyou:

    this is totally what i ment to say in my long rant haha.
  • Bikini27
    Bikini27 Posts: 1,298 Member
    Hey, my ex did the same thing. Should add in we were married. Any way, cut to a year and some change later? I'm happy and in a *much* healthier frame of mind AND body than I was when we broke it off (and yea, I took the blame because I brought it up, so I gotcha there, too!).

    Basically, my advice is to take care of you. Don't dwell on the past, look at YOU and what YOU need in this life to be HAPPY with YOURSELF.

    Yea, that sounds harsh, but most of my girl buddies are in their 40s. And most of them? Wish they had spent more time making themselves happy instead of everyone else, especially the man that took off after a year or two.

    Now, to be fair? This rant goes to men too. Take care of you and your happiness cause NOBODY out there is going to worry about you like you should. Love the person you are with, care for them, share with them, and do the same for you. And guess what? You start to attract people that are healthy and happy and you find healthy and happy relationships.

    I wish the best for you, break ups suck big time, and they make you second guess yourself... don't. Just find your happy, take care of yourself, and love those around you. Sounds hippie-ish, but I have never been so happy in my life and in my skin as I am now.

  • Canbfit4life
    Well I usually tell myself I made the right choice & life moves, and that a few months later it all will be beter each relationship u grow & learn
  • Scorpioangel
    Scorpioangel Posts: 951 Member
    What do you tell yourself AFTER a break up?

    ^This. Life is too short to waste on those who don't appreciate you

  • Bikini27
    Bikini27 Posts: 1,298 Member
    Change can be difficult!

    But he's a loser.

    Hold your head up high and realize that you now have an opportunity to have a loving and caring relationship with another beautiful human being like yourself. Someone that is deserving of your time and energy. Someone that will respect you and love you.

    Don't second guess yourself.

    Don't look back.

    My favorite Mantra is all of this :flowerforyou:
  • kwest_4_fitness
    kwest_4_fitness Posts: 819 Member
    If you feel like you're settling or if the relationship isn't worth your time and effort, I would say it's time to walk away and start over, regardless of how difficult it may be to get out and mingle. I met my husband at work, so there's not always a need to go out and about to meet someone.
  • t3hsandy
    t3hsandy Posts: 54 Member
    If, from the first post, that ex went on a rebound shortly after - then it shows you how much they really cared. They didn't.

    I personally do a cord-breaking meditation after each break-up; makes it all the easier to deal with it. Every person you come in contact with, you form a bond with them; this cord that connects you to that person. When a break-up happens, you still have this cord connected to them and those persons emotions and feelings are shared with you - you feel like crap after and it's harder to let go. After one break-up, I cried for 2 weeks straight (nothing was wrong with the relationship, but he had an addiction he needed to get rid of and deal with). I did this meditation, went to bed and never cried about it again. I felt a bit hurt, but it didn't compare to what I had felt earlier.

    Their actions will always tell you everything you need to know about that person. They could say they love you and all that fun stuff, but if no effort is there to show you they love you. Or to show you you're beautiful to them in every way - they're just another waste of time. I always put mantra's (of sorts) where I can see it. Things like, "You don't need him". I remind myself of the bad things about him (when you're in a break-up, you think about all the good, but none of the bad).
  • Bikini27
    Bikini27 Posts: 1,298 Member
    What do you tell yourself AFTER a break up?

    ^This. Life is too short to waste on those who don't appreciate you


    Rihanna and Nicki Minaj have a great song you need to crank everytime you start feeling lonely....
    "Raining Men"
    It's all the above and then some ;)
  • catcrazy
    catcrazy Posts: 1,740 Member
    Similar situation after 14 years together...after the initial reaction of "POO! (<< I'm a mod cant swear here) have I made a mistake?"

    I soon realised that both of us were worth more than mere "settling" Also a lot of "his loss" for the behaviour that got us in the situation.
  • flatbellybella
    flatbellybella Posts: 303 Member
    people hardly ever answer my threads :grumble:

    Maybe everyone broke up with you. :laugh:

    Lol maybe :wink:
  • shellimus
    shellimus Posts: 158 Member
    Yes, I think it's easier if you are the person who breaks up. You deserve better. You deserve to be extremely happy with the person you love. Trust me, a long time relationship is hard enough with a person you adore, let alone someone who doesn't meet your needs.

    I would go a step farther and make yourself a deal. Promise yourself that you will not initiate contact with the person for an entire year, no matter what. Reward yourself when you make it one year. After that point, you will see him more clearly.

    Hope that helps!
  • flatbellybella
    flatbellybella Posts: 303 Member
    Thank you everyone for the awesome replies. Needed to hear all of this
  • katrin25
    ok I don't know why any woman would want to be in a relationship with a man like that. I'm glad you broke up with him. Tell yourself you are the most incredible person on this earth that you know. Tell yourself how beautiful and desirable you are. Even a single strand of your hair deserves a ton of love and attention, let alone you. Look at yourself in the mirror (I mean lovingly); like really pay attention and focus. Look at your face, your eyes, your lashes, your eyebrows, nose, lips, every single pore on your skin, etc, every part of your body is precious. Just realize how wonderful and lovable you are. The guy who deserves to be with you is out there. Believe it! I was in the same exact relationship like the one you have described here. I know that type. Thank God I broke up with him, (after I found out about his "other gal pals"). I'm glad you dumped him. Just Love yourself. Respect yourself. And if the man infront of you doesn't make you happy, keep your options open. There are so many good guys out there. Start dating again. Not just one, but a few good, potential-future-partner type of men. I'm not saying be promiscuous, just date good quality people. Don't commit unless they give you everything that you deserve: love, complements, attention, their time, sex, etc, whatever is important to you. But one thing we all have to do is to love ourselves first. I pormise you, just by focusing on yourself, the right guy will come along, the way it happened to me.:heart:

    good luck sweetie,
    love, peace, happiness, and abundance to you :)
  • Hsnopi
    Hsnopi Posts: 22 Member
    Honestly, sometimes things just don't work out. It;'s not like you did something wrong or they did. Your personalities just didn't match. That's it. You are a good person. You just need to believe it.
  • ellenjoy25
    I just tell and ask myself if there's something wrong with me about our relationship. Well, people are all different, me, I handle break-ups as one of the trials in life. If we broke up then there's something that God may give me or just trying to test me on how can I handle such situation. there is also this article that I have read on How to get over a break up. Spend some of your spare time and you'll also learn from it like I did. :)

  • Sabineslims
    How about, ' I DESERVE MUCH BETTER'.Plain and simple.
  • paisley2288
    paisley2288 Posts: 913 Member
    I'm actually talking to an ex now. But he was a jerk in the beginning so I am telling myself to stop. But he texts/calls now after I stopped being the one to show him all the attention. Now I let him text or call me and I don't do it ever. Make him suffer! lol If it's meant to be HE will start showing YOU attention and not the other way around. Otherwise, move on and don't linger on the past.
  • amiles21693
    I tell myself "Well, i would hate to be him because he just lost the BEST thing that ever happened to him!"
    So boom.
  • committomittxoxo
    committomittxoxo Posts: 339 Member

    Let's say you were the one to call it quits
    Let's say this person was an ex (you were trying to see if it could work) Problem #1
    Let's say you had nothing in common with this person and they were unwilling to compromise
    Let's say this person saw you after you dropped weight and didn't say anything
    Let's say this person has those type of "female friends"
    Let's say this person went on the 'rebound' (20 mins after) to those female friends and started flirtying/begging for attention
    and communication... which pretty much proves you were right about the true nature of their "friendship" :sick:
    Let's say you went out of your way to look nice and this person never complimented you
    Let's say most of your female friends are in relationships or engaged and it's not that easy to go out and "mingle"
    Let's say despite the person's bad qualities they did have good ones......
    but let's say at the end of the day you felt like you were settling.

    Holy mother of pearl.. I would post this on the wall and read it every day.. and say "Oh yea, I forgot, he's a *kitten*." You are gorgeous... and I bet that guys "thing" was little anyway.... :smokin:
  • flatbellybella
    flatbellybella Posts: 303 Member

    Let's say you were the one to call it quits
    Let's say this person was an ex (you were trying to see if it could work) Problem #1
    Let's say you had nothing in common with this person and they were unwilling to compromise
    Let's say this person saw you after you dropped weight and didn't say anything
    Let's say this person has those type of "female friends"
    Let's say this person went on the 'rebound' (20 mins after) to those female friends and started flirtying/begging for attention
    and communication... which pretty much proves you were right about the true nature of their "friendship" :sick:
    Let's say you went out of your way to look nice and this person never complimented you
    Let's say most of your female friends are in relationships or engaged and it's not that easy to go out and "mingle"
    Let's say despite the person's bad qualities they did have good ones......
    but let's say at the end of the day you felt like you were settling.

    Holy mother of pearl.. I would post this on the wall and read it every day.. and say "Oh yea, I forgot, he's a *kitten*." You are gorgeous... and I bet that guys "thing" was little anyway.... :smokin:

    hilarious and too true!
    Thank you lol