Just Got a Wii - Wii Fit?

As the title says, I just got a Wii - or rather, I got one for Christmas and have only recently considered getting a game for it that isn't The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword. Specifically, I'm thinking of getting Wii Fit, Wii Fit Plus, or one of the other games like that. Knowing absolutely nothing about it except that three of my friends' parents own the game (and none of them use it) I'm trying to figure out if it's something I'm interested in.

So tell me, what does the game do for you? Do you have/need any specific extra equipment for it? Does it track your progress well, or is it mostly an annoying beat-your-last-record thing? Does it work well for a cardio or strength workout, or is it better for yoga and stretching? What about it annoys you?

Feel free to answer any or all of the above questions, or answer questions I didn't ask. I'd like to know all about it from people who have actually used it - whether you like it or not.


  • swellen
    swellen Posts: 78 Member
    You need to buy the balance board. It's kind of fun but I don't feel like it's an adequate workout. It's more games than anything - you can choose what areas you want to work but all it will do is string a whole lot of activities together to give you a 'workout'. I bought The Biggest Loser disc for Wii and found that more helpful in terms of having properly structured workouts (and you don't need the balance board for it). But really if I'm doing to be working out in front of the TV I'd rather use a structured workout DVD than play on the Wii.
  • littlemegzz
    littlemegzz Posts: 292 Member
    I have had the wii fit since it first came out and loved it. I also have wii fit plus now. However, after having it for many years now, I find I don't really use it regularly. But that also is because I go in and out of doing exercise and not. Overall however, I think it is fantastic. It weighs you and keeps track of your weigh in every day. It is really awesome when you have been using it for some time and can visually see the line displaying your weight loss.

    Even when I'm in one of my moods where I don't want to exercise using the wii fit, I still use it to keep track of my weightloss. It does have the "beat the high score" system, but this makes it fantastic for households and for self motivation.

    Wii fit gives you the options of Yoga, Muscle workouts, Aerobic exercises and Balance games.

    Wii Fit Plus added more games which are really fun. Even though some of them are not as intense as doing the muscle workouts, I like to think that by playing them and having fun, it is keeping me from the boredom which leads me to the pantry.

    Big thing to remember when using it is that it works on BMI. So it may think you are fatter than you actually are because it doesnt take muscle into account.

    I have found Wii fit is great for me personally as well as the households I live in. Only problem is if I want to work out for 30 min and then my little cousins come in and ask for a turn. lol.
  • carrieann1967
    carrieann1967 Posts: 45 Member
    Try the zumba 2 for the wii
  • kaned_ferret
    kaned_ferret Posts: 618 Member
    save the money that a wii fit setup costs, and get My Fitness Coach - way more serious, way more beneficial in the battle against flab! You can icorporate weights, a step bench, a HRM and balance ball into the exercises it gives you, love it!
  • porffor
    porffor Posts: 1,212 Member
    Depends on your abilitiy.. I got our Wii second hand partly to get my girls more active at home. It's worked a treat.
    We got it with a my fitness coach, wii fit, wii active and some other games.
    The wii fit weighs you and you can set goals. you CAN work up a sweat on it, the strength training is good if you haven't done any and need help but the start off times are hard on some things I find - the plank (they call it something diff) starts at 30 seconds which to me is impossible, so makes me feel a bit pants, but having come on here I realise it's not a bad starting point and just to keep practicing. :)

    there are games you can play that don't work a sweat but they're just for fun... and do get you standing and doing something rather than just the sat on a chair game. :)

    I really like boxing - and thats better on the sports active or whatever it's called. :) my arms kill me when I give it loads on there, but then even the sword fighting challenge on the Wii fit has had me with aching arms.. if you give it your all of course. lol

    the running, hula hooping and other bits are good for basic cardio.

    Hope you enjoy it - if you're in the UK look out for 2nd hand games etc, eBay or game shops and even tesco's have them - you'll pick up some good games cheap. :)
  • godricshollow
    godricshollow Posts: 274 Member
    Skip the Wii Fit, if you want a decent workout with the Wii I'd recommend My Fitness Coach, Zumba 2, any of the Just Dance games, and EA Active.
  • sealea4
    I get a better workout doing Zumba for the Wii and Biggest Loser.
    You do them on the Wii,but dont need the balance board. I hot the balance board last year and
    Just find that it gets boring really fast!!
  • lucyford22
    lucyford22 Posts: 198 Member
    I have the Wii Fit Plus. It's okay. I like it for the scale...my bathroom scale had to be tossed out...and I like it for yoga when my muscles are sore from working out other programs. I will say it has helped me with my balance. Some of the games get the heart rate up but honestly it's become more of a way to burn calories when I'm too lazy to actually work out.

    I do have EA Sports Active 2 for the wii. Got it for $8 on amazon. (Wii fit plus was $100) That game is amazing and I get GREAT workouts. I like that it comes with motion sensors and a heart rate monitor. You barely use the remote at all.

    I have tried zumba for the wii and hated it. Not for me.
  • Kirkajuice
    Kirkajuice Posts: 311 Member
    Get Just Dance! So so so fun! And really energertic as well, I love it so much :love:

    Edit: Well, Just dance 2 is my favourite, but I have all three. The third is the most energetic.
  • Angelhurt
    i have wii fit but am looking to upgrade to +...i don't really use it anymore as its quite basic nex t to EA Games more active workouts which is amazing!!!! and only cost £5 in tesco! its shows your calories burned...there is aerobics and a mixture of cardio and stretches. you can do it with or without the balance board, but i would get it. there are fun games like water skiing and you can buy a stretch band for the stretches. you can also do a '6week challenge' and record your food..and you can also make your own excercise regime up.

    i also got wii zumba for christmas...which is brilliant! such a good workout and split into 5 min blocks so the time goes so quickly.

    i got wii fitness coach but didn't really get into it so sold it...i would quite like it back now..oops! as it is more serious a workout for stretching and things....im more of a cardio person as i have my kettlebells for strength.

    good luck and just search for new things. amazon is always good :)
  • KineticPearl
    KineticPearl Posts: 29 Member
    Wii Fit and Wii Fit Plus are really a good tool for a warmup. You need one of the other ones (i.e. not starting with Wii) to get a decent workout.

    The same is true of the X-Box Kinect. Kinect Sports is a warmup for something else.