Wii question

Does anyone use Wii for their exercise/fitness? If so which have you found would help a beginner like myself?
Thanks for any input. Hubby said he would get me a few if you guys could recommend something.
I do have RA and Type 2 if that has any impact on anything?


  • jaabee11
    jaabee11 Posts: 322 Member
    I just use the Fit Plus atm which I love. I'd like to get the zumba and a dance one soon as I keep hearing how great they are.
    There is a Wii Fit group which you might get some ideas from.
  • AvalonsUnicorn
    AvalonsUnicorn Posts: 425 Member
    ea active sports. it's got a small glitch or two on the side lunges that gets annoying but you'll get used to it and learn t work around it. also I like my Wii fit plus game and board. also any of the just dance games!
  • auntied
    auntied Posts: 113 Member
    I use Wii fitness with the board and ExcerBeat I love both! Excerbeat is more fun and you can really burn the calories. good luck!
  • I use Wii fit and really enjoy it
  • Kym1610
    Kym1610 Posts: 328 Member
    yep, I use WII, I use a very different games and change when I get bored. For a beginner I would suggest Wii Fit. I also use Wii Active Personal trainer and I've recently started using Zumba.

    Have fun and good luck
  • JinxRita
    JinxRita Posts: 191 Member
    I've been using the Wii Fit Plus for most of my exercising so far (almost a month in now). I love it! I'm very out of shape, so it's a challenge and the variety of exercises means that it never gets boring for me. Plus, I like to use the balance games as a cool down.
  • I love my Wii.. I have a few great ones that are great calorie burners.. Zumba, Just dance 1,2 and 3. I have a great buy from walmart called your body comes with a webcam and its 9.99 i get a great workout from that one,, I have the wii fit with the board thats also a great workout. andy of the biggest loser wii games are great.. its a great investment I would def reccommend it to u.. have fun!!
  • AvalonsUnicorn
    AvalonsUnicorn Posts: 425 Member
    I love my Wii.. I have a few great ones that are great calorie burners.. Zumba, Just dance 1,2 and 3. I have a great buy from walmart called your body comes with a webcam and its 9.99 i get a great workout from that one,, I have the wii fit with the board thats also a great workout. andy of the biggest loser wii games are great.. its a great investment I would def reccommend it to u.. have fun!!

    I think you mean Your Shape? not body ;)
  • natalieg0307
    natalieg0307 Posts: 237 Member
    I use a wii fit plus. I use it for a little cardio and I love the yoga.
  • beachlady88
    beachlady88 Posts: 2 Member
    I like wii biggest loser - even for a beginner!
  • billiebanyas
    billiebanyas Posts: 7 Member
    I have a wii fit plus and I have Zumba party.
  • I use the Wii Fit game and Jillian Michaels Fitness Ultimatium. I like the Wii Fit game cuz it has lots of different choices. The Jillian Michaels game will kick your butt! :)
  • RazzTjazz
    RazzTjazz Posts: 11 Member
    Fun, Fun, Fun. I use the Wii fit board and the Just Dance 1 and 2. 2 has nice feature of setting goals for the week. The fit does something similar. The only con to the fit board is there is a weight limit. (the kinect probably doesn't have this issue but that does with a diffrent system-not wii)
    I love wii fit plus on the board. It has lots of options.
    I've tried deca sports and winter sports. The games were OK but hard to navigate so I always go back to games that came with the wii or the fit plus. I'm dying to try zumba and I hear it is good too.
    On line, someone did a review of exersizing with video games. She had some other recomendations but I don't remember what they were. Good luck!
  • Thank all of you for your input. We are on our way to wally world to get the wii fit + board to start me out. Ive seen the Zumba...think that will be once I get a little more limber (i am a FB gamer with gaming butt/gut lol) I will start tomorrow with the fit! wish me success. If it doesnt kill me (just kidding) I will check in at the end of the week to see how Ive fared. This site and you guys are the greatest. Cant wait for my next dr appt so she can see reselts I have had so far from just changing diet and keeping track of what goes into me.
  • I love my Wii.. I have a few great ones that are great calorie burners.. Zumba, Just dance 1,2 and 3. I have a great buy from walmart called your body comes with a webcam and its 9.99 i get a great workout from that one,, I have the wii fit with the board thats also a great workout. andy of the biggest loser wii games are great.. its a great investment I would def reccommend it to u.. have fun!!

    I think you mean Your Shape? not body ;)

    yes I do mean Your Shape :-) (blushing)
  • lollienluke
    lollienluke Posts: 36 Member
    i use ea sports active and more sports as well and wii fit. All of which you can go at your own pace and is good to help increase your fitness x
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    I started working out with Wii Fit, then Wii Active - they were both super ways to start. I also used the 10 Minute Solutions DVD's. I'm proud to say I found that 10 minutes as a start and now work out 2-3 hours a day and am race training for several half's and a full marathon. It's a great way to start - and Fun! I just bought Wii Zumba, which was totally a calorie burner.
  • Huffdogg
    Huffdogg Posts: 1,934 Member
    Wii Fit Plus is a great starter. Any of the dance games are tremendously good and fun cardio exercise, too.
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    Good luck! Sure you'll love the wii board with wii fit plus, onve your a bit fitter definitely progress to Zumba. Its crazily good, and really shapes your body. Wear a good sports bra though orelse your boobs shrink with all the jumping about lol x
  • marx4
    marx4 Posts: 236 Member
    Agreed....just dance, fit plus, zumba and ea active sports are great. I do also recommend getting a heart rate monitor to assess your calorie burn. I've compared what Wii says you burn and it's been off by as much as 100 calories and we all want credit for the sweat we create!!