Helppp females!!!

This is my 3rd week on my fitness pal and I lost 5 lbs, but this past week was the time of the month. Although my actual weigh in wasn't til tomorrow I weighed my self the morning and saw I gained it all back. =( very depressing. So I need help eating more healthy, but my problem is im on a low budget considering im a college are there any cheap healthier foods I can eat? An how can I stop going over on my calories (1200) and still be full? Any ideas will be much appreciated. Oh and also Im not used to exercise so I been trying to run on my non electric tread mill at home, but I just cant find the energy to do it with my 18 credit hour semester. I started this weighing 170lbs and I want to get down to 125lbs and Im 19.


  • I wouldn't worry about the weight gain. As long as you are being honest with your calories and logging all of them than there is no way you gained back that weight in fat. Also, while on your period alot of people hold extra water so that's probably what your seeing on the scale. It will go away don't worry about it. Good luck!
  • ladylu11
    ladylu11 Posts: 631 Member
    oatmeal, egg whites, chicken.
    All fairly low in price and in calories

    You can also buy the frozen veggies that you steam in the bag that are around a dollar a bag. Those will fill you up very fast and very, very low in calories. I like the broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, I also like the corn and brown rice but they are higher in calories.
  • whiterice83
    whiterice83 Posts: 54 Member
    To be honest, it was hard for me the first couple weeks to stay under the 1200 and feel full. I've tried to replace crap snacks with real snacks- almonds, dried cranberries, fruit, salad, plain baked potatoes. Also I'm in the habit of working out [almost] every day so it allows me more of a cushion to eat a higher caloric amount.
    Anyway, I started January 8th-- with logging everything I eat, exercise, etc. My appetite has gone down dramatically. I think it's just a pattern you have to find and stick with it. Once you do it will all become easier.
  • zundel93
    zundel93 Posts: 13 Member
    Thanks I usually have oat meal and blueberries for breakfast.
  • tinacc1
    tinacc1 Posts: 57 Member
    Also baby carrots as a snack. Eat them raw, and you can burn as may calories as they're worth just digesting them! XD
  • fruit, veggies, oatmeal, eggs...all fairly low in calories (easy to cook in the microwave), and inexpensive....also you can earn more calories from exercise....make sure you add everything (walking around campus will add up!)
  • freedomlady
    freedomlady Posts: 28 Member
    Read the book "the anderson Method" by Bill Anderson. I have lost 28 pounds doing the anderson method. I am 52, not very active, but now I look like a 20 year old in my jeans. OMG I wear size 5. In my whole adult life I was never this small. I love it!!!! Hunger is in the mind. Tell yourself that when you are hungry you are actually burning fat. So this is a feeling to be MUCH DESIRED! Just like you feel sore after a good workout, or you are tired after sex. When you are hungry you are burning actual fatty tissue. It is such a good thing. You can do it, really. If I can, you can. I am sure of it!
  • newCourtney
    newCourtney Posts: 168 Member
    Women usually have one week a month where they either don't lose weight or gain a couple of pounds. It's a hormone thing and usually balances back out. Drink plenty of water and get lots of protein. Eggs are cheap protein sources (just the whites if you are worried about fat and cholesterol). Try buying in bulk when you can; larger portions are cheaper per serving. Protein makes you feel fuller and you can eat more of it for fewer calories than carbs. Healthy fats will also help you feel full. Try peanut butter or nuts.
  • zundel93
    zundel93 Posts: 13 Member
    Thanks at least Im not the only one having a hard time I mean I usually eat 1400 calories a day I wouldnt have thought 200 would be so much of a difference.
  • I am having a similar issue with TOM. Honestly with the amount you are trying to lose setting the goal for 2lbs a week might be a bit too high. consider changing to 1-1.5lbs per week.
    secondly I would say that even though my weight in was today that I know the temporary weight gain was due to TOM and not due to eating habits.
    Check again a few days after TOM and see what happens.
    Remember lots of water goes a long way.
    And if you are having trouble feeling full at the 1200 calories another suggestion you could do is go to the BMR tool and see what your daily calories would be at your goal weight and use that as what you should eat. That way you get used to eating at the maintence level for when you reach your goal weight and you will continue to be eating in a deficet.
  • chelbel89
    chelbel89 Posts: 161 Member
    I have been through the same problems! I am a broke college student, who at one time was taking 21 credit hours per semester. (I am not crazy, I wanted to graduate with my husband who is a year ahead of me.) I finally stopped taking so much because I decided that putting myself through so much stress was not worth the ordeal, afterall remember we are on no one's time schedule but out own. However, what I have also found is that you really can make time. You just have to make a true schedule throughout the day that you can follow. Schedule in your workouts, meals, and study time. Make exercising fun. My college has a gym, I hope yours does too. They have all sorts of fun fitness activities you can participate in throughout the week. As far as feeling full goes, load up on protein and fiber. But do not overdo the bread for fiber; instead look for cheap frozen veggies that you can microwave. My favorite to stay full is a mix of broccoli and carrots. Fresh carrots are fairly cheap and they keep me full with a little bit of peanut butter on them. And I would not worry about "gaining it all back" when aunty flow is in town, its probably just water weight. Oh, thats another thing: drink LOTS of water. I hope this all helps! Let me know if there is anything else i can do! :happy: Friend me if you wish, I would be more than happy to help support and get support in return!
  • are you eating 1200 and not working out?
  • sloew
    sloew Posts: 106 Member
    I've added chia seeds and fresh ground flax seeds to my diet and it seems to help filling me up. Yogurt and apple sauce with chia seeds.. you can't even taste them! Flax seed to oatmeal and I'm not hungry till lunch!

    I hope that helps!
  • zundel93
    zundel93 Posts: 13 Member
    I usually only get to work out 3 times a week for about 20 mins do to college and this snow isnt helping much...and the gym at my college cost about 75 dollars a month and I just cant swing the extra costs right now.
  • rpantusa
    rpantusa Posts: 267 Member
    weigh again after your time of th month is over, you are probly holding water weight. and oatmeal is a great "cheap" food when your on a budget, and apples, and cabbage. eat protien to help you stay full longer, and if you do go over your calories, do a little exercise to bring you back under. Good Luck and do not give up, it will happen! :flowerforyou:
  • I was having the same issues. My problems was that I was not getting enough caloires and my body went into "famine" mode. It was thinking there was a huge reduction in food so it held on to all of the weight I'd been trying to lose for the last two weeks. I changed my exercise habits and was able to consume more calories. I also was not getting enough proteins. I did that for the last 7 days along with walking on the treadmill. Even after work feeling like I just wanted to sit on the couch and watch my DVR'd shows. I did it for 30 minutes twice last week, increased my caloric intake and I was able to lose my 1.5lbs for the weeks. It felt wonderful to get on the scale and see that accomplishment. I did almost give up too. Glad I didn't.
  • HBinOC
    HBinOC Posts: 78 Member
    I would not weigh yourself this week-
    Apples are fairly cheap- they last - put some cinnamon on them to add some flavor - cabbage, carrots - you can steam - they fill you up. I buy frozen chicken breasts ( Schwan's) but Sams or BJs has them and you can defrost- 1-2 pieces verses wasting a " fresh pack" . Buy Yogurt on sale and start eating for breakfast - and cucumbers with a little flavored vinegar is filling lunch for me.
    And for PMS chocolate attacks- Hot chocolate - with 2 jumbo marshmallows!!!
  • ready2beme
    ready2beme Posts: 151 Member
    Drink lots of water and avoid added salt.

    I also agree about trying to eat the calories to maintain your goal weight. 1200 calories is hard to maintain for a lot of people I think (not everyone...)

    For exercise, turn on some music in your room and dance around or try getting a few exercise dvds at the library or looking some up online.

    For food on a budget, buy whole chickens! Roast them with lots of veggies. Then use the leftovers (or freeze them!) in salads, sandwiches and soups. Boil the bones to make stock for your cooking and soup. You'll get a lot out of just one chicken!
    Check out marked down fruits and veggies that you can chop up and freeze for soups and stews and smoothies (the fruit of course ;) )

    Feel free to message me if you have any questions or just want to chat :)
  • maddmaddie
    maddmaddie Posts: 160 Member
    I'm also a college student, but I'm only taking 13 credits and working 33 hours a week. I'm doing Live Fit 12 week program which includes nutritional and exercise plan (have to have a gym membership). So far I'm on week 3 and I haven't cooked so much in my life! All the recipes provided are awesome, and I've been able to eat 5-6 meals a day and keep my calories around 1200. AMAZING!

    Here is the website (check out the recipes at least)
  • chelbel89
    chelbel89 Posts: 161 Member
    I usually only get to work out 3 times a week for about 20 mins do to college and this snow isnt helping much...and the gym at my college cost about 75 dollars a month and I just cant swing the extra costs right now.

    Holy cow! Our gym cost is included in our fees! I cant believe they are charging that much! Sorry girl!!! Have you though about getting a step for aerobics? They dont cost much and you can youtube the workouts.